Brooks: Swing in VA Gov. Race ‘They can only be issues of culture, issues of the school council’

Brooks: Swing in VA Gov.  Race ‘They can only be issues of culture, issues of the school council’

Friday’s “PBS NewsHour” New York Times columnist David Brooks said the cause of last week’s swing in the gubernatorial race in Virginia “could only be issues of culture, issues of the school council.”

Brooks said: “I think it’s close because the economy has suffered because of the Delta version and because of cultural issues. I think the swing in the last week can only be issues of culture, issues of the school council. There is a case – more complicated than it seems to Republicans, but a sexual assault in the bathroom of a girl with an alleged perpetrator of the variable sex. And so that suddenly turned into a big deal. And so the question is … do people from outside or a particular teacher or education school impose values ​​that we don’t agree with and impose them on our children? And that made a lot of people angry. And I think this issue has really attracted people over the last week. “

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