Florida maintains its status with the lowest coronavirus cases per capita in the United States

Sunshine State maintains its status as the lowest average daily coronavirus case per capita in the United States – a feat achieved without intrusive mandates.

According to the New York Times’ daily tracking of the coronavirus and the number of cases of the latter updated On Saturday, Florida has the lowest number of daily cases per 100,000 in the state – eight. Hawaii, Florida bound as of this week, it maintains its average at nine and draws with Louisiana and Connecticut. The daily average of cases in Florida on Friday was 1,736, down 35 percent from the past two weeks.

Meanwhile, the blue states, many of which have passed strict lock orders and mandates during the pandemic, are not thriving as well as Sunshine State.

Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D) Michigan, for example, reports 40 cases per capita, with a daily average of 4006 Pennsylvania, led by Governor Tom Wolf (D), who earned the nickname “Commie Tommy” during the pandemic and extended shutdowns last year reported an average of 30 cases per capita, while the daily average of cases was 3879. Similarly, New York, once the epicenter of the virus in the U.S. under former Governor Andrew Cuom (D), reports 19 cases per capita – an average of 3,744 per day.

California, which has had the authority to reuse masks in major cities like San Francisco, is currently experiencing an increase and reports 17 cases per capita, with a daily average of 6,878. This reflects a 25% increase in the number of cases in the last 14 days.

“Without mandates or prisons, COVID-19 cases in Florida have dropped by 90 percent since August,” said Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R). he said in a statement this week celebrating that Florida had reached the lowest case rate in the country.

“Apart from cases, hospitalizations in our country have greatly decreased. This has been achieved by making monoclonal antibody treatments and vaccines widely available throughout our country, while protecting the people of Florida from government exaggeration, ”he added.

General State Surgeon dr. Joseph Ladapo said it was crucial for Florida officials to “continue to focus on data and evidence to make public health decisions and not allow such decisions to be politicized” as they progressed – which DeSantis continued to demonstrate through the whole pandemic. after constant criticism from the establishment media.

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