A retired utility worker from Salisbury bought two tickets at a local Exxon gas station for $ 2,000,000 Richer. He discovered a $ 100 prize on his first ticket. But the second ticket was a huge success and revealed a jackpot of $ 2 million.
The lucky player discovered he had won during the pandemic, but kept the ticket hidden in a safe until a few days before the deadline.
After the first win, the man told officials at the lottery that he intended to spend the money to fund a family vacation and retirement. Now retired, he will dedicate his new winnings to family vacations and home improvements, he said.
Of course, he is well aware of his luck and has even offered some advice to the players.
“Be realistic and make sure that when you play, you don’t just play for the big jackpot. Play for enjoyment and as long as you enjoy what you’re doing, winning or losing, you’ve already won,” he said.
The “$ 2,000,000 Richer” game was unveiled on February 25, 2019 and ends on November 1, 2021.