9-year-old with face unlocks father’s phone to call 911 when carbon monoxide fills her house

Jayline Barbosa Brandão was in bed on October 28 when she heard her father screaming and ran to look for him with her mother, who had lost consciousness.

Her father was also taken by the colorless, odorless gas, so she grabbed his phone and called 911.

The iPhone was locked, but she was able to hold it next to his face to unlock it with face identification.

“So I unlocked it with my father’s face,” Jayline told WFXT.

Her mother, Marcelina Brandão, told CNN that her daughter then took her 7-year-old sister for help from a neighbor.

Brandão said the family was without electricity for about three days after the storm and rented a generator for their home.

She said they placed the generator near the back door in front of their home and started it just minutes before they turned it off because it was noisy.

Then she and her husband disconnected everything from it and brought it to the house to safety.

They thought it was a safe place, but now he realizes it’s too close to the house.

The The National Weather Service says you must have a backup generator of at least 20 feet away from doors, windows and vents and recommends that homes have working carbon monoxide detectors.

Brandão said she had a headache and had dizziness and nausea before fainting, but thought it was a migraine.

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On the way to the hospital, she woke up in an ambulance.

Brockton Fire Chief Brian Nardelli he told CNN that five people were taken from the house to the hospital for treatment.

Rescuers found a generator in the house and detected a carbon monoxide level of 1,000 parts per million (ppm) in the house, Nardelli said in an email.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission warns that persistent concentrations above 150 to 200 ppm can lead to disorientation, unconsciousness and death.

Brandão said she is doing better with her husband and that her mother, Jayline and their youngest daughter were not really affected by the gas.

He says Jayline’s quick action saved the family.

“She was so smart,” Brandão said. “It was very scary. If she hadn’t (yes) called right away, I don’t know what would have happened.”

The Brockton Fire Department responded to about 20 cases of carbon monoxide after the storm, Nardelli said.



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