As Covid-19 cases witness a rise in India, it’s time to start taking action to boost your immunity and stay strong.
India reported more than 27,000 new Covid-19 cases on the first Sunday of the New Year, signaling the urgent need for everyone to step up and adhere to safety protocols. In addition, strengthening the immune system must come first. Practicing yoga can help you maintain your body’s immune system, thus preventing disease and maintaining your health.
Yoga asanas lead to a fit body, a calmer mind; reduces anxiety and relieves stress. This can give you a constant boost immunity, which is also driven by what you eat. But yoga allows you to release toxins and help you enjoy a healthy life.
5 ways to boost immunity:
Early dinner:
Avoid eating anything after 8 p.m. Eat lightly and don’t push it too late in the evening as this doesn’t give your body enough time to go through the digestive process, and can be very stressful for your body.
Enough sleep:
Gathering adequate sleep is essential for good health. Sleep occupies an important part of our lives and helps the body create the energy it needs to function properly. Regular and routine sleep can also improve your digestion, eliminate any stomach or digestive disorders, and boost immunity. Pranayama and meditation can be performed at night to remove toxins from the body and make you feel relaxed.
Exercise to improve immunity:
Practicing even some of the simplest asanas of yoga can change lives. It will not only calm your mind from the stress and anxiety associated with Covid-19, but also boost your immunity.
Vajrasana – Thunder pose
* Get down on your knees and rest your pelvis on your heels
* Heels should be slightly apart
* Place your palms on your knees
* Straighten your backDhanurasana-lok pose
* Lie on your stomach
* Bend your knees and grip your ankles with your palms
* Inhale and lift your legs and balance on your stomachChakrasana – bike pose
* Lie on your back
* Fold your legs and place your palms facing up and against your ears
* Inhale and lift the whole body
* Relax your neckPadahastasana
* Start in Samasthiti
* Exhale and bend forward so that the torso is close to the thighs.
You can bend your knees slightly at first
* Gradually try to straighten your knees and place your palms down at your feetPaschimottanasana
* Sit and stretch your legs in front of you
* Gently reach forward and keep your ankles or toes on
* Hold on as long as you feel comfortable -
Chew food properly:
Studies show that chewing food can be one of the easiest ways to ensure your body absorbs all the nutrients and vitamins. Chewing at least 24 times can help improve digestion and ensure that the body can be enriched with the nutrients present in food. It also helps to improve blood circulation, immunity and improve the functioning of all your organs.
Avoid napping after a meal
Try not sleeps immediately after a meal and you can practice sitting in poses like vajrasana. Vajrasana is considered to be the only pose of asana or yoga that can be done immediately after eating. This is because sitting in this special alignment is very helpful in digestion and boosts strength and immunity. After a meal, you can also walk after about 10 minutes of waiting.