Ukraine crisis: Officials in Russian-backed regions put pressure on older men in their militias


Officials in Russia-backed separatist areas of eastern Ukraine have pressured compatible fighting men under the age of 60 into their militias.

Several close contacts with Sky News report that men are being abducted from cars heading to the border with Russiaon the streets of Lugansk (major city) in broad daylight and in bars in the city of Donetsk late at night.

Armed gunmen visit companies and ask for lists of male employees. They told us that they also ask for details about all the vehicles the companies have.

People from the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, territories controlled by pro-Russian separatist governments in eastern Ukraine

Apparently confused, our contacts, whom we do not name for our own safety, have painted a picture of growing anxiety and distress.

They say they and their friends are actually hiding now.

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“I’m keeping it low, Stuart,” a longtime friend of mine told me during the ongoing exchange.

“They are forcing those who have already been in the army, or those who were having fun in the evening or trying to escape to Russia,” he said.

“Here (Donetsk) it’s still pretty safe to move during the day, although in Luhansk men are caught on the street during the day. Maybe we’ll have the same soon.”

All men over the age of 18 receive “military calls” to attend recruitment stations – others receive “emergency phone calls” that also instruct them to attend.

“It’s officially 18 to 55 years old, and now they’ve extended it to 60,” the resident confirmed.

We were sent a picture of one of these “military subpoenas” that one man received through his mailbox.

All men over the age of 18 receive “military calls” to participate in recruiting stations

The image as posted here has been cropped and some information obscured to protect the identity of our source. Sky News saw and checked the original image.

We were also sent a video allegedly showing the military police, known as the “VAI”, standing in front of a major shopping mall in Donetsk and appearing to stop and interrogate the men before taking them away with papers in hand. Sky News was unable to independently verify the footage.

Read more: Ukrainian crisis – Putin recognizes breakaway regions in Ukraine as independent

Another contact in the city of Donetsk told us: “When they get to the recruiting station, they are transferred to barracks, sometimes without medical examinations.

“That’s why most men hide in their homes, men can’t be seen on the street,” he said.

It comes after Denis Pushilin, leader of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), ordered the mass evacuation of hundreds of thousands of women and children and the elderly to Russia.

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Putin recognizes the breakaway regions of Ukraine

It is generally reported that these buses, full of evacuees, are now stuck in freezing conditions along the border without assistance or medical assistance.

Western analysts believe that this is a coordinated effort to create a pretext for invasion – by creating a humanitarian emergency.

The DPR points this out Ukraine is planning an invasion, but neither Sky News, which reports from the western side of the demarcation line, nor other independent media on the eastern side have noticed any hints of an invasion from Ukraine.

While both sides have increased cross-border fire exchanges in recent days, there is no indication that the static lines separating them have shifted or broken.

Numerous contacts in Russia-backed separatist areas say there is an impending sense of panic among people who now feel trapped by local authorities and fear they will be caught in the war caused by the Russian invasion if will happen.

Some individuals in Donetsk say they are now actually hiding because of growing tensions on the Ukrainian-Russian border

Everyone we know seems to be saying the same thing – my friend summed it up almost all of them.

This is surreal. You understand that you are in the middle of a fake republic and a war that makes no sense to ordinary people, that they feel like cannon fodder for this war, a war that threatens you, your family, your property and your plans. it is a tool in the big political game, “he wrote.

“It’s so scary that they didn’t give us a chance to escape from this place, and the escalation of the fighting will begin soon.”

“I hope it’s just a high-stakes game between Russia and the US and it can end like a flash, but I can finally go out and have a beer with you.”

I told him I was buying.


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