SOS and pillows: tricks for better sleep during pregnancy


The bulge is hard to master as you progress on your maternal path. So what is a good sleeping position during pregnancy?

Sleep is a time when the body resets and repairs itself. Finding a comfortable position can be a challenge due to the growing bulge and not every sleeping position during pregnancy works.

Many women have trouble sleeping during pregnancy. This can be due to many of the changes their bodies experience. Estrogen and progesterone levels increase during pregnancy, which can change sleep patterns.

Weight gain can also cause swelling of the airways, leading to snoring and obstructive sleep apnea.

Comfortable sleeping positions during pregnancy:

The best sleeping position during pregnancy is SOS – sleeps on its side as it provides the best circulation for you and your baby. It also puts the least pressure on blood vessels and internal organs.

Good circulation helps reduce any swelling, varicose veins in the legs and hemorrhoids.

The first trimester
Sleeping in any position is generally fine. Using a pillow between your legs helps alleviate discomfort in your hips and lower body.

Second trimester
As your belly grows, you’ll want to make sure your mattress is firm so your back doesn’t sag. You may also want to look at pillows for pregnant women. They are available in a U or C shape and wrap around the whole body to help sleep on the side.

Position the pillow so that it runs along your back, then hug the front while pushing it between your knees.

Third trimester
Using a maternity pillow provides support. You can put them under your belly and behind your back to keep them from rolling. If you can’t get used to sleeping on your side, try using pillows to support your back. That way you won’t be right on your back.

Maintain a proper sleeping posture during pregnancy. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Sleep on the left or right side during pregnancy

In the second and third trimesters, sleeping on both sides – preferably on the left, if possible, is considered ideal for you and your unborn baby. This position allows maximum flow of blood and nutrients into the placenta (which means less pressure on the vena cava).

This large vein runs parallel to the spine on the right side and carries blood to the heart and then to the baby.

Improves kidney function, which means better excretion of waste products and less swelling in the feet, ankles and hands.

Also read: 5 yoga stretches to help expectant mothers get rid of severe back pain

pillow during pregnancyPillows can be your best friends during pregnancy. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Tips for better sleeping positions during pregnancy:

* Use of many pillows:
Try crossing one leg over the other and put one pillow between them and the other pillow to support your back.

* Get a special pillow:
For extra support, try using a wedge pillow or maternity pillow.

Also read: I stopped using the sleeping pillow. It followed

* Sleeping positions to avoid:

Sleeping on the stomach: Sleeping on your stomach should be avoided in the second and third trimesters. Then your bulge may be slightly larger, making this position less and less desirable.

Sleep back: Sleeping on your back is generally considered safe in the first trimester.

As the abdomen grows, sleeping on your back may not be good. It transfers the weight of the uterus to the spine and back muscles. In the second and third trimesters, lying on your back can constrict the main blood vessel that drains blood to the uterus, making you feel dizzy and may reduce blood flow to the fetus.




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