Stupid sausage! A French astronomer had to apologize for a photo of a ‘planet’ that was a shot of chorizo


A prominent French astronomer had to apologize for a “photograph” he said was from NASAa new space telescope that was actually a piece of chorizo.

Etienne Klein, a renowned physicist, philosopher and director of research at the French Atomic Energy Commission, informed his followers that “no object belonging to Spanish flesh exists anywhere else but on Earth.”

Last Sunday, he posted a tweet claiming to be the latest stunning photo of the star Proxima Centauri from the state-of-the-art James Webb Space Telescope.

The photo is said to show a raging red ball of cosmic energy strewn with glowing solar storms rippling across the surface of a neighboring star.

“A photo of Proxima Centauri, the closest star to the Sun, located 4.2 light years away,” Klein tweeted.

She was kidnapped by JWST. This level of detail… A new world is being discovered day by day.’

Stupid sausage!  A French astronomer had to apologize for a photo of a ‘planet’ that was a shot of chorizo

This is the image that Etienne Klein, renowned physicist, philosopher and director of research at the French Atomic Energy Commission, posted on Twitter and jokingly claimed it was the latest stunning photo of a star taken by the state-of-the-art James Webb Space Telescope. Proxima Centauri

On January 8, 2022, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory took this photo of our sun

On January 8, 2022, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory took this photo of our sun

This Twitter user was excited about the big step forward in space telescopes represented by the JWST

This Twitter user was excited about the big step forward in space telescopes represented by the JWST

This user was more skeptical, but still doubts whether it's a joke or serious

This user was more skeptical, but still doubts whether it’s a joke or serious

However, not everyone was fooled

However, not everyone was fooled

The photo was similar to the famous portraits of the sun taken by the European Space Agency’s Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI), which captures detailed solar storms on the surface of our home star at a distance of 75 million miles.

Proxima Centauri, the closest star to Earth, is 5.9 trillion miles away.

While most Twitter users were able to recognize that the photo posted by the prominent physicist was in fact a photo of a slice of Spanish sausage, others were more gullible.

‘The last photo of Proxima Centauri was this one,’ one user said, posting a photo of the distant star. ‘This is a big step forward.’

“Can’t tell if this is a hoax or really proxima that looks like chorizo,” wrote another.

However, Twitter user Ned Boeuf was not fooled. ‘Fake, it’s a slice of chorizo.’

And then the Twitter backlash began.

“From the director of scientific research, it’s completely inappropriate to share this kind of thing without clarifying in the first tweet that it’s false information, when you know the speed with which false information spreads,” came one outraged response.

The backlash began with users accusing Klein of spreading misinformation

The backlash began with users accusing Klein of spreading misinformation

‘There has actually been a loss of resolution, making the joke more believable and therefore more poisonous!’ written by another.

Klein acknowledged that many users didn’t understand his joke, which he said was intended simply to encourage people to question rather than automatically accept the “eloquent images” of people in positions of authority.

He wrote his apology on Wednesday.

“In light of some of the comments, I feel compelled to clarify that this tweet showing the alleged footage of Proxima Centauri was a form of entertainment,” he tweeted to his 89,200 followers.

‘Let us learn to be careful both against the arguments of authority and against the spontaneous eloquence of certain images…’

“Well, when it’s aperitif time, cognitive biases seem to have a field day…

Elon Musk posted this meme last month, lightly poking fun at JWST astronomical photos

Elon Musk posted this meme last month, lightly poking fun at JWST astronomical photos

“So beware of them. According to modern cosmology, no object belonging to Spanish flesh exists anywhere else but on Earth.’

“I’m here to apologize to those who may have been shocked by my hoax, which contained nothing original,” he said, describing the post as a “scientist’s joke”.

He previously published a James Webb Space Telescope image of the Chariot Wheel galaxy and its companion galaxies (this time ‘REAL’).

“It is located 500 million light-years away and was undoubtedly a spiral in its past, but it took on this unusual appearance after a furious galactic accretion.”

Last month, Elon Musk posted a meme poking fun at JWST, comparing a granite kitchen slab to a visual image of space, in a light-hearted joke aimed at NASA.



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