A single mother who gave birth to a child between the ages of 50 and IVF she says it was ‘the right time’ because now she’s no longer partying – and she can ‘raise her as she sees fit’.
Kelly Clarke, 52, a swimming teacher from Crawley, Sussex, flew to Athens for IVF treatment and claimed the family met with ‘a lot of resistance’.
The swimming teacher’s family were clearly worried at the thought of her being an older mother and using a sperm donor to welcome a child – rather than co-parenting, she says.

Kelly Clarke, 52, from Sussex, pictured with her one-year-old daughter Lyla Rae Clarke – says it was the “right time” to have a baby and flew to Athens in 2020 for infertility treatment.

Kelly is all smiles after giving birth to daughter Lyla Rae Clarke in 2021, who weighs a healthy 7 pounds and 60 ounces.
Despite her age, Kelly knew her dream was to become a mother, and in March 2021 she welcomed Lyla Rae Clarke, weighing 7 pounds, 8 ounces.
The first-time mum said Lyla Rae was “a perfect baby – and she couldn’t have asked for anything more”.
Kelly, from Crawley, Sussex, said she didn’t realize how “deeply in love” she would fall with now 18-month-old Lyla Rae.
Kelly, a former head of the North Terminal at Gatwick Airport, said: “My life is good at the moment being a mummy.

At the age of 50, the mother traveled alone to Athens for treatment at an infertility clinic.

Kelly Clarke is pictured waiting to return to the UK from Athens having just had her embryos implanted, the image shows her uterus after implantation

The swimming teacher and now mother of one documented her pregnancy after successful IVF

Kelly, from Sussex, pregnant in 2021, aged 50, after catching a flight to a fertility clinic in Athens
“Right now, I’m being the best mom I can be to Lyla.
“It was the best experience of my life – she’s so funny, so amazing and I didn’t realize how deeply I would fall in love with her.
“I met a lot of resistance from my family because I decided to become a single mother at the age of 50.
‘They were worried about me and the consequences of using a donor – but at that moment I knew I had made the right decision.’
She added: ‘Now that Lyla is here they are incredibly supportive and they couldn’t be a better family for her. I don’t know what I would do without them.”

Kelly signed a contract with the fertility clinic agreeing to tell her daughter the truth about her conception

The former flight attendant admits that she sometimes worries whether her daughter has an elderly mother

Kelly’s family tried to talk her out of having Lyla Rae because of her age, but Kelly is adamant she made the right decision

Kelly and her daughter Lyla Rae Clarke, who was born last year after her mother flew to Athens for IVF

Despite being a single mother, the swimming teacher is glad she had Lyla in her later years as her lifestyle ‘wasn’t suitable’.
Kelly worked as a flight attendant for 23 years before landing high-profile roles at Gatwick Airport – where she met a host of celebrities including Tom Jones, Kate Moss and Princess Diana.
Despite always wanting a family, Kelly says Lyla Rae’s late years were ‘the right time’ because of her previous life in the sky.
She said: ‘Now I don’t feel the need to travel and party, I just feel the need to watch Lyla Rae grow up every minute.’
Despite the fact that many of her friends had children when they were younger, Kelly doesn’t think she got Lyla Rae too late and feels she is now better equipped to deal with life as a mother.
The former flight attendant said: ‘I’m delighted that new chapters can begin.

The 52-year-old loves her new role as mother Lyla Rae and says her journey to motherhood was the right one for her

Ms. Clarke feels blessed to have life experiences that she can use to guide Lyla Rae better than she would have in her youth.
“But as for me, I feel very blessed that with the life experiences that I have, I can now lead Lyla Rae better than I would have when I was younger.
“I can just focus on her because I’m happy with what I’ve done. I don’t need to rush her youth to get on with mine.
“Everyone is different, that’s how I feel when I started a family.
“There is no right or wrong, this is how my journey into motherhood came about and it was right for me.”
The mum-of-one also says she is ‘glad’ not to co-parent as it allows her to raise Lyla Rae her own way.
She said: “I’m glad I’m not a co-parent because I can raise her as I see fit and I don’t have to disagree with anyone or have a partner who does the opposite of what I do when I’m not there. “
‘I spend all my time with her.
“She’s got two amazing cousins who adore her and she adores them, a fantastic aunt and brilliant grandparents, so she’s very down to earth as far as I’m concerned.
She is 19 months old this month and already sings nursery rhymes, counts to five and says the letter F.
‘He knows his colors and also the traffic lights. So I think we’re doing very well.”

Kindergartener Lyla Rae Clarke (pictured) is now a happy, healthy one-year-old who mom Kelly calls a “perfect baby.”

One-year-old Lyla Rae is doing the research — her mom will be 72 when her daughter turns 22.
After being made redundant during the pandemic, Kelly was forced to use Universal Credit – which she says was “the hardest part”.
Wanting a job that suited her new life as a mum, Kelly decided to retrain and become a swimming instructor.
Kelly signed a contract with the fertility clinic in which she agrees to tell her daughter the truth about her conception and admits that she sometimes thinks about the fact that she is an older mother.
She said: ‘When she is old enough to understand the situation, I will explain it to her. I will be honest, open, and she will know that everything is in its place.
It hit me that in 20 years when she will be 22, I will be 72.
“Things like life insurance and wills are on my mind now that they weren’t before.
“But I don’t have too much money to pay my mortgage and when it’s in place it’ll be hers.
‘One thing is for sure, Lyla will know she is loved and how much I wanted her – she will know the lengths I went to bring her into my world.’