Today we are breaking down how to do a 7 DAY KETO DIET PLAN. This isn’t something that you’re going to want to do long-term. I mean maybe you will but the fact is it’s probably going to be too low-calorie for you to do long-term. This is more so something maybe you want to get swimsuit ready and you want to drop a little bit of extra water weight. Or maybe you just want to do an anti-inflammatory protocol for a little while and see how you feel maybe you want to do a gut reset. There are a lot of different reasons behind this protocol so you’re going to have breakfast, lunch dinner suggestions for different days of the week. It’s very thorough and you’re going to get a lot out of this article. So without further ado let’s go ahead and let’s break it down and let’s have some fun. Ladies and gents we got articles coming out just about every single day and they’re always educational, sometimes their full meal plans. So here’s what you do with your seven-day keto reset. Day one is actually a 24-hour fast so really you don’t even have to eat very simple.
But there’s very solid reason to this and I know this can be difficult. And if 24 hours is going to be difficult for you, you can modify it down to 16 or 18 but I do recommend 24 hours. The reason we’re doing this is studies have shown that while you are fasting, you have an increase in a specific protein known as Gadd 4-5 beta okay. What this Gadd 4 or 5 beta? Does is it transitions the liver to using its own fat as a fuel source essentially. So basically stops the deposition of sugar as fat in the liver. First step is reducing the potential of fatty liver so that the liver can function. Fatty liver disease believe it or not is actually fairly easy to deal with. When you look at the science reduce sugar, you increase the livers ability to process sugar in fat and voila. But the other thing is we want to clear pathogens out of the gut. Other studies have shown that even illnesses and bacteria like salmonella for instance; they get cleared and evacuated out of the intestinal tract significantly faster in people that fast. And sometimes it just takes 12 hours. The point is bad bacteria die faster than good bacteria in the gut. So if we can do a 24-hour fast. We are that much closer to resetting our gut bacteria. But let’s go ahead and let’s progress into what you actually want to do during this seven-day protocol in terms of the food Days. Two through four going to be fun breakfast, we do apple cider vinegar, 2 tablespoons the juice of half of a lemon and a quarter teaspoon of cayenne ok. Apple cider vinegar we’re going to get a blood sugar effect okay. That’s the goal here it’s just going to modulate blood sugar a little bit. So you get into this pattern a little bit easier. The lemon pectin going to help you feel satiated. Also going to help just with the acid content in your gut a bit then the Cayenne is there simply because it has been shown to increase substance P. So basically affects nerve endings so you have less pain but also it has been shown have a very small factor when it comes down to thermogenesis and elevating your core body temperature for a short period of time. They we’ll take anything that we can get right here’s what breakfast looks like. It’s a smoothie okay; it’s a ketose smoothie one whole avocado. It sounds like a lot but trust me we get all the fiber out of it okay. We get a little bit of what’s called polio ethanol Emine which helps out with the activation of what’s called PPA. Our alpha which helps the body increases its uncoupling proteins therefore increasing how much of your calories your body turns into body heat okay. We want calories to turn into heat not to go into storage.
So that believe it or not the avocado helps those two tablespoons of coconut cream. It makes the smoothie taste great be lauric acid okay. We get a gut restorative effect mono Lauren in the gut which comes from coconut oil. Coconut cream things like that does kill off that bacteria. It’s been shown in studies as it supports good bacteria and kills bad bacteria. So this is all about gut resetting here okay, two tablespoons of cacao okay. We get all the little benefits that we get in terms of the epinephrine shot. Also get the different endorphin rush that we get from it okay. So we get certain things that like and Emine that actually help us feel better literally, an endo cannabinoid that helps us out there. Wait so what that’s going to do is also provide us with nitric oxide okay. It helps support nitric oxide production in the body increasing blood flow, increasing nutrient delivery flavored collagen. The big reason there is A we need some protein but B the glycine that is in the collagen. The primary constituent, the primary amino acid 33% of the amino acids are glycine in collagen is going to help support bile production. You’re going to be increasing your fats a little bit on this seven day Aikido journey. So you might as well have something that’s going to help you support those fats bile breaks down fats helps emulsify it. So you digest it lastly a little bit of ice. You can do it to make it how thick you want. And monk fruit to sweeten it and voila you’ve got a perfect little smoothie. You’ve got a Coco avocado smoothie. It’s actually really dang good lunch. We move into some more fun stuff. Don’t hate me for this first suggestion okay. The ideal protein would this would be 3 ounces of shrimp and scallops or scallops okay. The reason that I say this is simply because the lack of connective tissue that is in shrimp and scallops makes it significantly easier on your gut. You absorb more of the protein from shellfish. Because you don’t have that connective tissue because they have an exoskeleton right so they don’t need. That makes it much better if you can’t do that I recommend subbing white fish or chicken. Go with the easier, digesting proteins two cups of spinach okay. We want that iron and we want that potassium. But more importantly we want the coenzyme q-10 that’s going to help the electron transport chain help keep our energy high as we get through these first few days that might be a little bit difficult okay. And then additionally I met Fresa mention the mineral content of these types of shellfish are significantly higher okay. Half of a lemon again, we’re using the juice there.
All we want is a little bit of a digestive benefit there celery mainly because of the phenolic acids that are in celery that have been linked to cyclooxygenase enzyme to lessen. So basically what that means is it has a similar effect to a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory. It can help modulate inflammation in your body helping you feel a little bit better. Then I recommend you’re making kind of a salad with this sprinkle about 2 tablespoons of flax seeds on there. So you get the soluble fiber which again carries out toxins out of the gut and it helps clear your digestive system. You see what we’re going for here. Not to mention high alpha linoleic acid Omega 3 is very good compound to have in there. Then we’re going to move on to dinner here and before I get into dinner let me say because I almost forgot to mention a lot of the foods that are going to be using in this particular seven-day plan. You can get some of them at keto market so I did put a link down below so I’ve done a lot of different things. I’ve created specific keto grocery bundles, I’ve created specific fasting grocery bundles hormone optimization bundles. They are an online membership based ebook store that makes it a heck of a lot easier to get your groceries. So they’re super cool, they’ve partnered up with me on this article to help provide some of the things that you need but also if you’re just looking to change your lifestyle and do a different kind of diet. And you want to know hey what Thomas de Lauer recommends, what kind of foods he would recommend if I were to go grocery shopping with Thomas. What would he have me get so I have these specific boxes with foods that I recommend and custom keto diet just makes it super accessible. So it can show up at your doorstep really easily. So I did put a link down below special access. You guys can check it out I think you’re really going to like it so link down below. But make sure you read the rest of this article so you know what to get first okay. Alright so with dinner here’s what you want- three to four ounces of sockeye, salmon sockeye salmon because it is a deeper red, the reason it is red is because it is high in something known as astaxanthin. Xanthan is a very powerful antioxidant that has the power to cross through the blood-brain barrier okay. Because it crosses through the blood-brain barrier, it protects the brain from inflammatory systems right. It’s much more protective for the brain. Well it just turns out that salmon itself being high in omega-3s is good for the brain. So it is tremendous to get you through those first couple days broccoli sprouts higher degree of sulfuric Ain.
We are in sort of a I hate to use the word detox. But we’re inside of a reset mode here right and so fear of fame is required for glutathione because glutathione is created from sulfur compound. So without sulfuric Ain, we can’t create our own inherent ability to detox right. We can’t create glutathione that’s so important in order to just neutralize free radicals within the body. So that’s why we have a concentrated form there I’d say just a handful of broccoli sprouts, cabbage or sauerkraut for a simple probiotic effect you’ve reset your gut. You’re taking all the measures here and now you’re trying to help support and put good bacteria back in. I highly recommend going the sauerkraut route if you can โ potato, spoons of coconut oil. Melt your salmon sockeye; salmon is actually pretty lean. So I want more fats because this is Quito. We need to produce ketones. I don’t want you starving so we get a couple calories from that right o that’s perfect and also of course the lauric acid effect then take some chlorella. Just get some inexpensive chlorella the drive market has it ok. Like I put in the description you can also get it on custom keto diet. You just take a normal serving of chlorella mainly because it has chelation effects. I don’t want you having excess toxins things like that that are in the gut chlorella is one of the only compounds that’s actually on the planet that has been researched backed to help get rid of heavy metals okay. So please do not skip that step okay then chia pudding. I put that as a little treat here’s what I recommend. Take 2 to 3 tablespoons of chia seeds okay. Again create soluble fiber mix that up with a little bit of almond milk. Also you need is maybe a half a cup of almond milk and then put that into a mason jar and maybe put even a scoop of protein powder. Or 2 tablespoons of cacao and then put it into like a mason jar or a cup with one of those little whisk balls. You know that you would normally have in like a shaker cup. And then mix it up real well and then put it in the fridge. You don’t even have to go that far and shake it up, you can just stir it chia pudding and that’s your dessert okay. And you get 150 calories or so with a tremendous soluble fiber that’s going to again help you remove some of these things you don’t want in your body. Now let’s move over to days 5 to 7 ok. We’re getting deep into this thing as we’re almost done. And things get a little bit more aggressive. For these few days you’re going to be implementing almost an intermittent fasting style diet okay.
No breakfast, yes that’s going to be tough but these few days of intermittent fasting are going to be so effective for you. And they’re going to help your body produce more of those fat utilizing ketones in your body ok. So no breakfast but you still do the ACV, the lemon juice and the cayenne of course mixed up in water. Lunch time, you’re having brunch for lunch okay. You’re doing two eggs pasture-raised okay, really good quality eggs. Mainly I want the choline here. I want the choline because it’s a precursor to acetylcholine which is what creates energy in your brain and helps your brain communicate with your muscles. We’re rebooting you from the bottom up where you reset you and we rebuild your gut. Now we’re rebuilding the nervous system. I you say that with a grain of salt. Obviously I’m not making some crazy outlandish claim. I’m just giving you the minerals and the nutrients that I think are going to help you with this kind of stuff. Half of an avocado with your eggs is still a good amount of avocado. Good news is that you don’t need to go organic on the avocado. Less than 1% of avocados that are non-organic have pesticide residue and there’s still a hard shell to protect as you save the money. We want the oleic acid once again but we also want the fiber okay. Same reason we got that olio ethanol mine there that we’re trying to get that that benefit of the body up regulating its body temperature and then one cup of deep leafy greens. Do I really need to say much more? We’re trying to get the chlorella effect and deep greens simple, very easy lunch. If you feel like you need more calories feel free to drizzle 2 to 3 tablespoons of avocado or olive oil on that lunch? And if you are probably over 150 pounds to 180 pounds, I recommend you add that oil ok.
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