South Africa’s alcohol addiction and the generation of newborns paying the price

South Africa’s alcohol addiction and the generation of newborns paying the price

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE In a culture where alcohol is readily available, drinking also becomes a way of coping.  “Many of these women find themselves in a hopeless situation,” said Dr Olivier. “They tell us that to cope with the day, they have to drink because that … Read more

Churches burned and children ‘seized’ as militants target Christians in Mozambique

Churches burned and children ‘seized’ as militants target Christians in Mozambique

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The attack was the security forces’ heaviest loss of life since the March 2021 attack on Palma. There have been other attacks in Chiure, where several churches were burned, as well as in Macomia, Meluco and Quissanga. Islamic State supporters have hailed the … Read more

The ‘spiritual Ponzi schemes’ bringing exponential wealth to African prophets

The ‘spiritual Ponzi schemes’ bringing exponential wealth to African prophets

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE According to a pastor who was a longstanding colleague of Prophet Magaya, their success is built on creating powerful personality cults with a dictatorial hierarchy. He recalls how the catalyst for Magaya’s transformation was a visit to Nigeria to meet with TB Joshua, … Read more

How South Africa’s ‘pit toilets’ became a damning symbol of the nation’s inequality

How South Africa’s ‘pit toilets’ became a damning symbol of the nation’s inequality


Famine ‘wonder pill’ could turn the tide against childhood malnutrition and stunting

Famine ‘wonder pill’ could turn the tide against childhood malnutrition and stunting

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Throughout pregnancy, women need up to 50 per cent more nutrients than normal to lower the risk of stunting. But research has found that women just aren’t receiving the care and nutrition they desperately need.  The number of pregnant and breastfeeding women along … Read more

Children at the centre of a dangerous mpox outbreak ‘accelerating’ in DRC

Children at the centre of a dangerous mpox outbreak ‘accelerating’ in DRC

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Limited response The response to mpox has been hampered by a lack of resources.  The DRC does not have any rapid tests available to diagnose the clade one virus and there are only two laboratories nationwide for handling samples taken from suspected cases, … Read more

Cameroon launches world’s first routine malaria vaccine programme

Cameroon launches world’s first routine malaria vaccine programme

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE In 2022, there were an estimated 249 million malaria cases and 608,000 deaths in 85 countries, according to WHO figures. Africa bears the brunt of the disease, accounting for 95 of all global infections. Disruptions linked to the Covid-19 pandemic, rising insecticide resistance, … Read more

Sudan’s military ‘arms child soldiers’ as country inches towards civil war

Sudan’s military ‘arms child soldiers’ as country inches towards civil war

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE On one side are the militiamen of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), a paramilitary whose violence has haunting echoes of Sudan’s genocide that began almost 20 years ago, and on the other is the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF). Currently, the RSF, believed to … Read more

Cape Verde becomes third African country declared free of malaria

Cape Verde becomes third African country declared free of malaria

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Cape Verde has become the third country in Africa to be declared free of malaria. The archipelago nation, located off the western coast of Africa, was awarded the status by the World Health Organization (WHO) after no cases of local transmission were reported … Read more

Sexual violence in Sudan conflict becomes as commonplace as the fighting

Sexual violence in Sudan conflict becomes as commonplace as the fighting

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The United Nations has reported the widespread use of rape by the RSF, which has occupied civilian neighbourhoods in Khartoum and Omdurman as it battles Sudan’s army for control. Now women are trying to take back what little control they can themselves.  They … Read more

Inside the ‘zombie’ drug epidemic sweeping West Africa

Inside the ‘zombie’ drug epidemic sweeping West Africa

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The Teaching Hospital provides isolation treatment, which lasts between three to six weeks, and antipsychotic drugs to help wean patients off their addiction. But it is the only facility of its kind offering active care to kush patients in Sierra Leone. Indeed, there … Read more

Scientists spooked by ‘unusual’ surge in anthrax cases across Africa

Scientists spooked by ‘unusual’ surge in anthrax cases across Africa

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE He also highlighted the importance of educating livestock workers and teaching them not to handle or eat wild animals suspected to be ill. Although infected animals die quickly from an anthrax infection, their carcasses show little sign of disease, making it easier for … Read more

West Africa grapples with a wave of diphtheria as vaccine coverage slips

West Africa grapples with a wave of diphtheria as vaccine coverage slips

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Across Africa there is a pool of some 10 million children who have never had the vaccination. Public health officials say, globally, this group of unvaccinated children has grown over the last three years because the Covid-19 pandemic and ensuing lockdowns diverted resources … Read more

Africa must take control of its vaccine manufacturing to protect against a new pandemic

Africa must take control of its vaccine manufacturing to protect against a new pandemic

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Much has been written about lessons learned from the Covid-19 pandemic. Although debate remains about the global response, on one issue there is clear consensus: the need for vaccine manufacturing capacity in every global region as an insurance policy against the type of … Read more

Anthrax confirmed as ‘mystery’ disease behind deaths in Uganda

Anthrax confirmed as ‘mystery’ disease behind deaths in Uganda

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE A mystery disease which has killed up to 17 people in Uganda has been confirmed as anthrax, health officials said. The outbreak striking Kyotera district has seen infected patients suffer rashes and swollen limbs before dying. As many as 40 are thought to … Read more

Fears grow over mystery illness that has killed at least 14 people in Uganda

Fears grow over mystery illness that has killed at least 14 people in Uganda

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE African health experts are urgently investigating a mystery disease outbreak in Uganda which has killed at least 14 people and seen some 40 fall ill. The mystery disease is being probed by the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) and … Read more

‘Super mosquito’ driving malaria surge in Africa, study confirms

‘Super mosquito’ driving malaria surge in Africa, study confirms

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE They also analysed which malaria parasites the insects were carrying, and found they were the same as the strains causing disease in people. “We found a strong geographical and clinical interlink between An. stephensi and the [malaria parasite],” Dr Sedda, a co-author of … Read more

Horrors of forgotten Sudan war ‘verging on pure evil’

Horrors of forgotten Sudan war ‘verging on pure evil’

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE More than 10,400 people have been killed so far, according to one conservative estimate by the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data project. With hospitals largely not working and many dead being buried uncounted at home, the true toll is thought to be … Read more

Kenya’s transition to sustainable farming could transform fortunes – and alleviate hunger

Kenya’s transition to sustainable farming could transform fortunes – and alleviate hunger

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE On top of this, the war between Russia and Ukraine thwarted fertiliser supplies. It also prompted countries to impose food export controls. Energy price volatility has also created problems for farmers globally.  In this choppy geopolitical context, some agribusinesses in Kenya are buffering … Read more

Lockdown returns to Zimbabwe as health experts try to bring cholera outbreak under control

Lockdown returns to Zimbabwe as health experts try to bring cholera outbreak under control

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE In southern Africa, Zimbabwe, Malawi, South Africa and Mozambique have all had recent cholera outbreaks.  The World Health Organization previously warned that the risk of large-scale outbreaks is increasing due to climate change, which has made tropical storms that limit access to clean … Read more

Hope for the world’s hungry as Ukraine breaks Russian shipping blockade

Hope for the world’s hungry as Ukraine breaks Russian shipping blockade

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE In the months immediately after the invasion, Ukraine’s exports fell by 90 per cent, prompting global wheat prices to spike to record levels in March 2022. Prices have since fallen back significantly but aid agencies say the blockade is still worsening the global food … Read more

Inside South Africa’s hijacked buildings

Inside South Africa’s hijacked buildings

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Walking past the old Presbyterian church in downtown Johannesburg is an assault on the senses. Damp sewage spills out onto the pavement near the building’s wooden doors, which are permanently bolted. Many of its windows are broken, with clothes left to dry within … Read more

At least 2,000 feared dead as ‘entire neighbourhoods swept into sea’ in Libya floods

At least 2,000 feared dead as ‘entire neighbourhoods swept into sea’ in Libya floods

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Authorities in eastern Libya said at least 2,000 people were killed and thousands more were missing after a massive flood ripped through the city of Derna following a heavy storm and rain. The head of the Red Crescent aid group in the region … Read more

Is this bacteria the mysterious culprit behind ‘water on the brain’ in Ugandan babies?

Is this bacteria the mysterious culprit  behind ‘water on the brain’ in Ugandan babies?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The causes of the condition have been poorly understood – a result of limited technology and high costs – making it impossible to prevent. But this could all change following a crucial discovery. In June, the Lancet Microbe published the results of Dr … Read more

Hundreds of white farmers return to Zimbabwe in boost for agriculture

Hundreds of white farmers return to Zimbabwe in boost for agriculture

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Much of the farmland in this corner of Zimbabwe has been fallow ever since, but between the abandoned fields, other farms are coming back to life. Driving along the road now, large new irrigation systems are visible, watering huge fields of wheat. Tobacco … Read more

At least 52 dead in Johannesburg apartment block fire

At least 52 dead in Johannesburg apartment block fire

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE At least 52 people died when a fire ripped through a multi-story building in Johannesburg, South Africa’s biggest city. Emergency Services spokesman Robert Mulaudzi said another 43 people were injured in the blaze that broke out in the pre-dawn hours. He said the … Read more

At least 63 dead in Johannesburg apartment block fire

At least 63 dead in Johannesburg apartment block fire

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Authorities said the fire had been largely extinguished, but smoke still seeped out of windows of the blackened building. Strings of sheets and other materials also hung out of some of the windows. It was not clear if people had used those to … Read more

Gabon military officers announce coup on TV after disputed election

Gabon military officers announce coup on TV after disputed election

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Last month, the military snatched power in Niger, sending shockwaves across the Sahel and sucking in global powers with strategic interests at stake. Tensions were running high in Gabon amid fears of unrest after Saturday’s presidential, parliamentary, and legislative vote, which saw Mr … Read more

Air pollution is knocking up to eight years off life expectancy in these countries

Air pollution is knocking up to eight years off life expectancy in these countries

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE People living in just six countries in Asia and Africa are bearing the brunt of global air pollution, knocking up to eight years off their lives, according to a new report. Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, China, Indonesia and Nigeria account for 75 per cent … Read more

Zimbabwe’s health system hangs in the balance as voters go the polls

Zimbabwe’s health system hangs in the balance as voters go the polls

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE UK Government figures earlier this year showed Britain issued more than 17,000 health and care-worker visas to Zimbabweans in the 12 months to the end of March. That figure was six times higher than the previous 12 months. Large numbers of visas were … Read more

‘The outlook could hardly be bleaker’: Zimbabwe on edge as voters prepare to go to the polls

‘The outlook could hardly be bleaker’: Zimbabwe on edge as voters prepare to go to the polls

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE One money changer in the Highfield township of the capital, Harare, who also declined to give his name, says: “The ruling party activists use intimidation and they say: ‘If you vote for the opposition we can tell.’ I don’t believe it, but some … Read more

In Rwanda, women with disabilities raped as part of a get rich quick myth

In Rwanda, women with disabilities raped as part of a get rich quick myth

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Hope’s experience is not unique, say local charities. ‘Get-rich’ myths are helping fuel sexual violence against disabled women across Rwanda and beyond. Ariane Dusenge, country coordinator of the Make Way project at the National Union of Disabilities Organisations in Rwanda, estimates 50 per … Read more

Climate change is happening – Africa must adapt to it to survive

Climate change is happening – Africa must adapt to it to survive

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE In preparation for next month’s Africa Climate Week and the global climate summit (COP28) in November, government leaders can rally behind a common priority: adaptation to safeguard food systems that feed more than a billion people on the continent.  Cassava, for example, and … Read more

Baby among at least two killed as migrant boat sinks off Tunisia

Baby among at least two killed as migrant boat sinks off Tunisia

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE At least two Tunisians including a baby died when their boat sank soon after leaving the country’s shores on Saturday, the coastguard said. Tunisia is a major gateway for migrants attempting perilous voyages across the Mediterranean in often rickety boats in hope of … Read more

Thousands of decomposing corpses on Khartoum’s streets lead to outbreak fears

Thousands of decomposing corpses on Khartoum’s streets lead to outbreak fears

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE An earlier Reuters story reported that in one local morgue, holding 450 bodies, blood began to seep into the floor after it was unable to keep its refrigeration system working. The main risk from decomposing bodies is if fluids contaminate water supplies, which … Read more

Niger’s military coup casts doubt on EU migration scheme, warn analysts

Niger’s military coup casts doubt on EU migration scheme, warn analysts

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Karim Manuel, Middle East and Africa analyst at the Economist Intelligence Unit, said: “Niger is the West’s most important security partner in the Sahel region and Europe relies on this strong relationship to keep migration routes through Niger closed since 2015. “The coup … Read more

Niger unrest is the latest democratic domino to fall in a growing ‘coup belt’ of African nations

Niger unrest is the latest democratic domino to fall in a growing ‘coup belt’ of African nations

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Niger unrest is the latest democratic domino to fall in a growing ‘coup belt’ of African nations . MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE

Thousands of pro-Russia protesters march through Niger capital in support of coup

Thousands of pro-Russia protesters march through Niger capital in support of coup

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE In the third coup to fell a leader in Africa’s the Sahel in as many years, Mohamed Bazoum, Niger’s elected president, has been held by the military since Wednesday. General Abdourahamane Tchiani, the head of the powerful presidential guard, has declared himself leader. … Read more

Fake British cough syrup linked to Cameroon child deaths was made in India, officials say

Fake British cough syrup linked to Cameroon child deaths was made in India, officials say

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The revelations come at a time of great scrutiny for India’s pharmaceutical sector. Last month, the country recalled its typhoid vaccine from global markets due to concerns over quality. Before that, the deaths of nearly 70 children in the Gambia were linked to … Read more

The drug smugglers keeping HIV patients alive in South Africa

The drug smugglers keeping HIV patients alive in South Africa

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE It’s estimated there were at least 2.9 million immigrants residing in South Africa in 2020, but rising unemployment challenges and the impacts of natural disasters across the continent have likely further increased this number. The Malawi High Commission in South Africa estimates there … Read more

Dozens of children have been killed in 100 days of war in Sudan

Dozens of children have been killed in 100 days of war in Sudan

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE According to the UN, more than 400 children have been killed in Sudan during the fierce civil conflict that has been raging for 100 days. The conflict erupted on April 15 between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces, a paramilitary group … Read more

What if a trip to Africa was directed by David Lynch?

What if a trip to Africa was directed by David Lynch?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Maya Binyam debut novelas even its narrator complains, it speaks of “an indefinite journey that seemingly [has] without end”. Hangman begins with a phone call that instructs a man to fly from America back to the African country where he was born. At … Read more

Fake British company caught selling toxic cough syrup in Cameroon

Fake British company caught selling toxic cough syrup in Cameroon

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE A company pretending to be British has been caught selling a toxic cough syrup in Cameroon, and officials are now racing to identify the product’s real makers. In the latest in a series of warnings about deadly contaminated medicines, the World Health Organization … Read more

History threatens to repeat itself as the horrors of the Darfur genocide resurface in Sudan

History threatens to repeat itself as the horrors of the Darfur genocide resurface in Sudan

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE For many of those now fleeing to Chad, history is repeating itself and it is not the first time that war has uprooted their lives. Many have lived in Sudanese camps for years after being forced to flee their homes two decades ago. … Read more

Is this medieval disease making an unwelcome return to Zimbabwe?

Is this medieval disease making an unwelcome return to Zimbabwe?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The disease was technically eliminated as a public health threat three decades ago, meaning its prevalence in this southern African country was considered less than one case per 10,000 people. But in 2020, about 15 cases were suddenly discovered, most of which were … Read more

A ‘game-changing’ vaccine that could wipe out meningitis across Africa

A ‘game-changing’ vaccine that could wipe out meningitis across Africa

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE A UK-funded game-changing vaccine aimed at eradicating deadly meningitis infections across parts of Africa has been judged safe and effective by the World Health Organization. A new, cheaper MenFive vaccine is expected to save thousands of lives each year and help end deadly … Read more

Women and children among the dead in a mass grave in Sudan

Women and children among the dead in a mass grave in Sudan

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Dozens of bodies of people believed to have been killed by a Sudanese paramilitary group have been found in the largest mass grave discovered since the country was engulfed in war. The United Nations human rights office said it had “credible information” that … Read more

Will Kenya follow Uganda with strict anti-gay laws?

Will Kenya follow Uganda with strict anti-gay laws?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Mombasa held the event last week as Kenya’s gay community recently won a court victory but is still being persecuted and threatened by new anti-gay legislation. After Uganda passed strict anti-gay legislation, similar moves are being made in Kenya, Tanzania and South Sudan … Read more

A new HIV drug is coming to Africa – it could be a game changer

A new HIV drug is coming to Africa – it could be a game changer

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE A large-scale rollout was supposed to begin in Uganda, but that has been called into question new anti-gay law which introduced 20 years in prison for promoting same-sex activity and the death penalty for certain same-sex acts. CAB-LA is available in the United … Read more

Fifty million people in East Africa do not have enough food – how did we allow this to happen?

Fifty million people in East Africa do not have enough food – how did we allow this to happen?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Climate change has altered weather patterns and extreme weather events are expected to become more frequent and severe, and their impact on vulnerable communities will be exacerbated by high food prices and conflict in some areas. As a result, countries in the greater … Read more

Why hunger is driving thousands of people to give up the drugs that keep them alive

Why hunger is driving thousands of people to give up the drugs that keep them alive

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE It is a similar story with tuberculosis, which also requires an intensive drug program for treatment. Some patients are prescribed medication daily and weekly for up to six months, but several papers have shown that food insecurity can affect treatment consistency. In a … Read more

First electricity, now water – South Africa’s infrastructure is crumbling

First electricity, now water – South Africa’s infrastructure is crumbling

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Meanwhile, in 2021, nearly a third of households reported losing water for at least two days at a time. Water experts say South Africa’s power curtailment, or load shedding, has worsened the situation. But the water system has also suffered from years of … Read more

Cuckoos are running out of time as climate change desynchronizes the seasonal clocks

Cuckoos are running out of time as climate change desynchronizes the seasonal clocks

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Cuckoos are in danger because they cannot adjust their clock to keep up climate changenew research has shown. The birds are among the many species that migrate from sub-Saharan Africa to European breeding grounds in the spring. As spring conditions have started to … Read more

Girls as young as 12 raped in Sudan conflict as UN warns of rise in sexual violence

Girls as young as 12 raped in Sudan conflict as UN warns of rise in sexual violence

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Officials have warned that dozens of women and girls, some as young as 12, have been sexually abused in the two months since civil conflict broke out in Sudan. The United Nations said on Monday it had received reports of sexual violence against … Read more

Two children die every hour from pneumonia in this country – but vaccines are a year away

Two children die every hour from pneumonia in this country – but vaccines are a year away

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Despite the determination of health professionals worldwide, pneumonia remains the leading cause of infectious death in children worldwide. Pneumonia kills more children than any other infectious disease, claiming the lives of more than 700,000 children under the age of five in 2020, or … Read more

A study finds that hornless rhinos feel vulnerable and become less social

A study finds that hornless rhinos feel vulnerable and become less social

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The scientists taped a GPS to the top of a sawed-off horn stump, which provided a continuous stream of data for months without disturbing the animals. “Side effects of dehorning include a reduction in the size of black rhino home ranges and social … Read more

The name of a British woman who died in a fire on a ship in Egypt

The name of a British woman who died in a fire on a ship in Egypt

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Charles Hackett, Chair of St Luke’s Trustees, said: “Christina was incredibly passionate about St Luke’s and its place at the heart of the community it serves and we are devastated to have lost her warmth, wisdom and leadership. “With her bubbly and engaging … Read more

Three British tourists missing after dive boat catches fire off Egypt

Three British tourists missing after dive boat catches fire off Egypt

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Three British tourists are missing after their diving boat caught fire in the Red Sea. The Hurricane left the Egyptian port of Marsa Alam on Tuesday with 27 passengers and crew on board. It was due to return to port on Sunday morning … Read more

A tiger shark kills a swimmer in front of horrified beachgoers

A tiger shark kills a swimmer in front of horrified beachgoers

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE A video of the incident has been circulated on social media in Egypt, showing a person struggling to escape from the shark. Egypt’s environment ministry said the team captured the shark “to examine it”, saying it had “behaved abnormally…which caused the incident”. It … Read more

Uganda faces huge rise in HIV infections and AIDS deaths as anti-LGBT laws drive patients underground

Uganda faces huge rise in HIV infections and AIDS deaths as anti-LGBT laws drive patients underground

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Patients became fearful of being identified and arrested at the clinics, while others were expelled and forced to leave their local treatment centers. The Telegraph spoke to two NGOs that together treat nearly 100,000 HIV/AIDS patients across Uganda. Identifying information has been removed … Read more

Flaring gas could help solve Europe’s energy crisis – instead it’s causing a health emergency

Flaring gas could help solve Europe’s energy crisis – instead it’s causing a health emergency

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Inhalation of contaminated large particles can irritate the eyes, nose and throat. Smaller particles, called PM2.5, are more dangerous because they can get into deep parts of the lungs – or even into the blood – and cause long-term breathing problems. Bieye Briggs, … Read more

‘They are stealing what should be ours’: Chinese trawlers are emptying West African fishing grounds

‘They are stealing what should be ours’: Chinese trawlers are emptying West African fishing grounds

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE A google search of one of the trawlers, the Zhong Lu Yu 1003, leads to Zhonglu Ocean Fisheries. Its website lists the trawler as part of the Chinese company’s fleet, but according to Ghanaian fisheries authorities, the vessel is owned by a company … Read more

Why two babies die every day in this orphanage in Sudan

Why two babies die every day in this orphanage in Sudan

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Children started out dying at a rate of one or two a day, but the rate has increased, she said. He estimates that at least 50 have now died. A senior official at the orphanage confirmed the figures, while a surgeon at the … Read more

How climate change is deadly accelerating the world’s worst diseases

How climate change is deadly accelerating the world’s worst diseases

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE “If you look at the climate change debate, the world has not yet dealt with the health impact,” says Peter Sands, executive director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. “Communicable diseases are likely to be one of the strongest, … Read more

Giving aid to poorer countries helps prevent migration to the UK, says minister

Giving aid to poorer countries helps prevent migration to the UK, says minister

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Spending British aid is in the national interest as stabilizing countries abroad helps prevent migration to the UK, a government minister has said. Andrew Mitchell, the international development minister, said the Tories had so far failed to make a national security case for … Read more

No woman should lose her life to cervical cancer if we have the tools to prevent it

No woman should lose her life to cervical cancer if we have the tools to prevent it

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE First, vaccination. Cervical cancer is one of the few cancers that can be prevented by a vaccine. Evidence that one dose of the HPV vaccine is as effective as two will make it easier and cheaper to get these vaccines to everyone who … Read more

Aid cuts make a mockery of “global Britain” and undermine our desire to be a force for good

Aid cuts make a mockery of “global Britain” and undermine our desire to be a force for good

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE This is an injustice because those bearing the brunt of the crisis, the people whose crops and livestock have been decimated by five consecutive failed rainy seasons, or in the case of South Sudan saw their homes submerged in floodsare the least responsible … Read more

Hunger is expected to kill one person every 28 seconds as East Africa’s food crisis reaches new peak

Hunger is expected to kill one person every 28 seconds as East Africa’s food crisis reaches new peak

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Still, the WFP said it had recently been forced to cut food rations in Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Palestine, with even bigger cuts expected in Somalia and Chad. Conflicts, climate shocks and resulting displacement remain the main causes of world hunger. Rising food prices … Read more

Sudanese refugees face hunger and hostility in neighboring countries

Sudanese refugees face hunger and hostility in neighboring countries

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Battles between the Sudanese army and paramilitary rapid support units have now engulfed large parts of the country, killing more than 600 people, injuring at least 5,000 and triggering a humanitarian disaster. Intercommunal violence has erupted again in Darfur, western Sudan, forcing 30,000 … Read more

Sexual violence on a ‘catastrophic scale’: 48 victims a day report attacks in DR Congo

Sexual violence on a ‘catastrophic scale’: 48 victims a day report attacks in DR Congo

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The first-hand accounts of the violence are chilling. “When we got here, one of my children started showing signs of malnutrition,” one woman in the Rusayo camp told doctors. “I couldn’t stand by and do nothing. I decided to go to the forest … Read more

In Africa’s “first drug country”, rehabilitation for addicts can be torture

In Africa’s “first drug country”, rehabilitation for addicts can be torture

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The United Nations human rights office, citing evidence gathered by The Telegraph, said it had alerted Guinea-Bissau’s government to the centre. “We find the actions captured in the images and video very disturbing and believe they could amount to torture. We call on … Read more

Mothers ‘give away’ babies, poison their children to survive devastating drought in Somalia

Mothers ‘give away’ babies, poison their children to survive devastating drought in Somalia

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Mothers ‘poison’ children Some mothers deliberately make their children sick so they can take them to government health centers in the city where they can get free therapeutic food. They usually force-feed their children water mixed with detergent or salt. “I have six … Read more

How Africa could protect the world from new pathogens

How Africa could protect the world from new pathogens

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE However, this research is not new for Africa, which has been at the forefront of genomic control for years, says Prof. de Oliveira. His new lab and others across the continent will mean African nations stay at the top, he believes. Indeed, the … Read more

Inside the Kenyan starvation cult suspected of sending 100 people to their deaths

Inside the Kenyan starvation cult suspected of sending 100 people to their deaths

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Mr. Mackenzie’s church established itself in an underdeveloped strip of the Kenyan coast known for low literacy, poor health and poverty. The nearby tourist towns did not bring prosperity, but increased problems with prostitution and drug addiction. Ms Riziki and other former followers … Read more

Britain to end evacuation flights from Sudan

Britain to end evacuation flights from Sudan

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The UK will end evacuation flights from Sudan by 6pm on Saturday, the government said. Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden said the operations would end after a “significant decline” in the number of British nationals seeking to flee the war-torn country. Downing Street … Read more

The Sudanese war threatens the stocks of Coca-Cola and Pepsi

The Sudanese war threatens the stocks of Coca-Cola and Pepsi

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Coca-Cola and Pepsi stocks are at risk after access to a key ingredient was called into question as Sudan is torn apart by fierce fighting. Gum arabic is mostly grown in Sudan, and up to 70 percent of the world’s supply is transported … Read more

Everything you need to know about the conflict in Sudan

Everything you need to know about the conflict in Sudan

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Al-Bashir later formalized the militia into the RSF under the leadership of Hemedti. They were given tasks including border control and sent troops to fight in Yemen alongside Saudi and Emirati troops. Meanwhile, Hemedti built a business empire. The military leadership watched his … Read more

Wagner mercenary group “played a role in destabilizing Sudan” as MPs call for terrorist classification

Wagner mercenary group “played a role in destabilizing Sudan” as MPs call for terrorist classification

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE MP Lyn Brown warned that Wagner’s role should not be overestimated and that the two generals are responsible for the current escalation of violence. However, she added: “However, I understand that the weapons being used in Sudan today are new and shiny. We … Read more

Watch: Hitchhiker caught in Sudan movies escapes Khartoum

Watch: Hitchhiker caught in Sudan movies escapes Khartoum

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Egyptian hitchhiker Khadija Mansour had to flee the Sudanese capital Khartoum after heavy fighting engulfed the capital. Mansour, whose trip from Egypt to South Africa was interrupted by the conflict, spoke of the state of war and the chaos on the roads leading … Read more

‘Major biohazard’ as Sudanese fighters seize disease lab

‘Major biohazard’ as Sudanese fighters seize disease lab

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The lab’s website says its partners are countries including China, the United Arab Emirates, South Korea and international agencies including the World Health Organization, the World Food Program and the World Bank. Staff at the lab also warned that the lack of working … Read more

‘Men without mercy’: the grim history of Sudan’s Rapid Support Force

‘Men without mercy’: the grim history of Sudan’s Rapid Support Force

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE How did the genocide take place? The genocide – known as the first of the 21st century – took place in Darfur, a region in western Sudan. In 2003, farm workers rose up against what they felt was unfair treatment by the government. … Read more

Sudan crisis: Full evacuation of UK nationals on military flights begins today

Sudan crisis: Full evacuation of UK nationals on military flights begins today

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Britain is starting a “large” evacuations UK nationals on military flights from Sudan following an agreed three-day ceasefire. James Cleverly, the foreign secretary, announced on Tuesday morning that the operation would begin after ministers came under pressure to help at least 2,000 citizens … Read more

The Sudanese conflict explained in five minutes

Everything you need to know about the conflict in Sudan

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The fighting in Sudan is a power struggle between two men. One is Abdel Fattah al-Burhan; a general who has led the Sudanese armed forces for the past few years and acts as the de facto head of state. Burhan seems to want … Read more

How sudden power outages brought Cape Town – and South Africa – to its knees

How sudden power outages brought Cape Town – and South Africa – to its knees

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE As the Telegraph’s foreign correspondent, I’ve lived in countries with intermittent power outages such as Afghanistan and Pakistan, but nowhere near as bad as South Africa right now. Power outages are not limited to Cape Town and the situation is even worse in … Read more

Escalating violence in Sudan threatens 219,000 pregnant women

Escalating violence in Sudan threatens 219,000 pregnant women

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Sudan is the third largest African country and has international importance, with Russia, the United States and Saudi Arabia competing for influence. The country’s military leadership has said at least 400 people have been killed in the current outbreak of violence, while the … Read more

Africa must build climate-resilient health systems to counter the growing threat of environmental disasters

Africa must build climate-resilient health systems to counter the growing threat of environmental disasters

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Entire villages were buried or swept away. Here in Malawi, as elsewhere in Africa, drought alternates with increased rainfall, leading to the paradox of landslides even as harvests fail due to lack of water. Equally critical, especially for Malawi’s long-term recovery, Freddy destroyed … Read more

UK security firm G4S ‘set to lose prison contract’ over escape of convicted rapist and murderer

UK security firm G4S ‘set to lose prison contract’ over escape of convicted rapist and murderer

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE UK-based security giant G4S is set to lose its contract to run a private prison in South Africa after a convicted rapist and murderer faked his own death and escaped with the help of guards, MPs have said. Thabo Bester escaped from his … Read more

Ghana becomes first country to approve Oxford malaria vaccine, ‘significant milestone’

Ghana becomes first country to approve Oxford malaria vaccine, ‘significant milestone’

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE “The first priority is to protect children who are dying in huge numbers,” he added. “We also know that in principle and hopefully also in practice, we will be able to eradicate malaria, but it cannot do this with current tools. “Having this … Read more

A rare form of polio is threatening the DR Congo – that’s why it’s important in the UK

A rare form of polio is threatening the DR Congo – that’s why it’s important in the UK

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Although the risk of an outbreak was considered low, as the majority of the UK population is vaccinated against polio from early childhood, it highlighted the importance of vaccination and the need to maintain high levels of immunity worldwide. The discovery of VDPV … Read more

A South African murderer who faked his death to escape prison has been caught

A South African murderer who faked his death to escape prison has been caught

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Authorities have now begun the process of extraditing the fugitives back to South Africa, where they are expected to face more charges. Announcing Bester’s arrest, Justice Minister Ronald Lamola said: “An official delegation from South Africa, comprising senior officials from the police and … Read more

An injection developed for the military could stop tens of thousands of women dying in childbirth

An injection developed for the military could stop tens of thousands of women dying in childbirth

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE TXA works as a clot stabilizer, which means it prevents the body from breaking down clots when someone is bleeding profusely. I was developed for the treatment of trauma patientsand an injectable version has been used by paramedics in the UK since 2020 … Read more

The Marburg outbreak could match the 2014 Ebola epidemic, researchers warn

The Marburg outbreak could match the 2014 Ebola epidemic, researchers warn

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Equatorial Guinea’s neighbors are on high alert. Health officials in Cameroon said they tested 15 suspected cases between March 6 and 19, but said they had not confirmed any during that period. Meanwhile, Tanzania, 2,000 miles away, he predicted an outbreak of his … Read more

TikTok wizards deserve crappy healthcare

TikTok wizards deserve crappy healthcare

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The 40-year-old, whose real name is Cheikh Diop, has more than 220,000 followers on TikTok alone, and is also active on YouTube and Instagram. His skillful use of platforms helped him earn a fortune, allowing him to live in a three-story house with … Read more

An outbreak of Marburg in Equatorial Guinea has spread from rural areas to major ports

An outbreak of Marburg in Equatorial Guinea has spread from rural areas to major ports

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Outbreak the deadly Marburg virus in Equatorial Guinea has spread from rural areas to the African country’s main port, increasing the risk of further transmission when the disease reaches densely populated areas and transport hubs. At least four cases have now been detected … Read more

Widespread condemnation as Uganda proposes death penalty for ‘aggravated homosexuality’

Widespread condemnation as Uganda proposes death penalty for ‘aggravated homosexuality’

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE “We would have to look at whether there might be consequences that we would have to take, perhaps in an economic way, if this bill were actually passed and enacted,” National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters. He said implementation of the … Read more

The WHO warns that the number of Marburg cases in Equatorial Guinea is increasing

The WHO warns that the number of Marburg cases in Equatorial Guinea is increasing

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE An outbreak of the deadly Marburg virus in Equatorial Guinea has grown significantly and health officials may not be fully tracking its spread, the World Health Organization (WHO) said. The first update in the weeks following the outbreak in West Africa reported nine … Read more

The deadly Marburg virus was first discovered in Tanzania

The deadly Marburg virus was first discovered in Tanzania

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Tanzania has confirmed its first cases of the Marburg virus, an often deadly viral hemorrhagic fever closely related to Ebola. Eight people developed symptoms including fever, vomiting, bleeding and kidney failure. Five of them died, the World Health Organization said. The outbreak is … Read more

A mouse apocalypse on the horizon for an island of rare seabirds

A mouse apocalypse on the horizon for an island of rare seabirds

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Keith Springer, operations manager for the Mouse-Free Marion Project, said, “The need is urgent and clear for Marion Island’s globally important seabirds, which include the iconic wandering albatross, other albatrosses, petrels and prions. “Without immediate action, their continued existence on the island will … Read more

‘The floods took my child from my hands – then they took my husband and son’

‘The floods took my child from my hands – then they took my husband and son’

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE “When we were coming out of the house, we were trapped by a strong flood, which eventually took the baby from my arms. “I saw him go but there was nothing I could do to save him,” she said. She too was soon … Read more

‘Cecil did not die in vain’: Emotions run high as trophy hunting bill passes

‘Cecil did not die in vain’: Emotions run high as trophy hunting bill passes

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The Minister of the Environment stated that “Cecil the lion he did not die in vain,” when proposals to ban trophy hunting imports were approved by the Commons. Trudy Harrison said the milestone marked an “emotional day” for “very many reasons”, attributing the … Read more

Burundi declares public health emergency over first cases of polio in 30 years

Burundi declares public health emergency over first cases of polio in 30 years

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Burundi has declared a polio outbreak after discovering its first cases in three decades. The African country of 13 million people has confirmed three cases in children and also detected the crippling virus in five samples of wastewater. The polio outbreak is the … Read more

The UK’s ban on big games smacks of colonialism

The UK’s ban on big games smacks of colonialism

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Grassroots African conservation groups have accused the government of modern colonialism for trying to ban the import of hunting trophies into the UK. A government-backed bill to stop British hunters from importing trophies will slash funding for local conservation efforts and remove incentives … Read more

The country with the highest rate of cervical cancer in the world – and why its women are dying needlessly

The country with the highest rate of cervical cancer in the world – and why its women are dying needlessly

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE “That’s the nature of the problem,” explains Dr. Sam Meja after her examination. “People are not screened early enough. “We miss a lot of screening opportunities. When we pick them up, they already have symptoms. We should have picked them up much, much … Read more

Nigeria’s ‘Obidients’ are hoping for a rare third challenger in the election

Nigeria’s ‘Obidients’ are hoping for a rare third challenger in the election

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE “I think Obi is a departure from the norm,” explained Agwu Ojowu, Obi’s advocate in Abuja. “There is basically only one political party in Nigeria; always the same guys with the same problems. This is something else,” he told the Telegraph. “The average … Read more

‘Three soldiers took turns raping me in front of the children’

‘Three soldiers took turns raping me in front of the children’

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Many of the women interviewed have left their homes and rely on the support of friends and churches. “They haven’t received proper medical care, they still don’t have shelter or clothes,” said Mr. Senga, who conducted interviews with the survivors. “They barely got … Read more

Marburg disease: suspected Ebola-like virus in another country

Marburg disease: suspected Ebola-like virus in another country

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE “Marburg is always very serious and we are very worried. The fact that it is close to international borders is worrying,” said Prof. Jimmy Whitworth, an infectious disease specialist at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Equatorial Guinea, home to just … Read more

What is the deadly Marburg virus? Symptoms, causes and vaccines

What is the deadly Marburg virus?  Symptoms, causes and vaccines

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE What are the symptoms of Marburg? The incubation period (time from infection to onset of symptoms) ranges from two days to three weeks. Initial symptoms include high fever, severe headache and fatigue. Muscle pain, diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting are common. The … Read more

Equatorial Guinea confirms Marburg outbreak – nine dead, 4,000 in quarantine

Equatorial Guinea confirms Marburg outbreak – nine dead, 4,000 in quarantine

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The Marburg virus was first recognized in 1967, when outbreaks of hemorrhagic fever occurred simultaneously in laboratories in Marburg and Frankfurt, Germany, and in Belgrade, Yugoslavia (now Serbia). The infections were traced to three laboratories that received a joint shipment of infected African … Read more

Cameroon restricts movement after ‘several unexplained deaths’ in Equatorial Guinea

Cameroon restricts movement after ‘several unexplained deaths’ in Equatorial Guinea

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Cameroon has restricted movement along its border with Equatorial Guinea after “several unexplained deaths” from hemorrhagic fever, the government said on Friday. Cameroon has announced that around 20 deaths have been recorded in a short period of time in Kie-Ntem province in Equatorial … Read more

Extinct early hominids may have made tools before humans

Extinct early hominids may have made tools before humans

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The creating sophisticated stone tools it was considered a uniquely human trait that required planning and skill that no other species possessed. But a new find in Kenya has turned the theory on its head. A toolkit of hammers, cores and cutting flakes … Read more

Africa is set to face its worst cholera fight in a decade as the number of cases rises exponentially

Africa is set to face its worst cholera fight in a decade as the number of cases rises exponentially

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Burundi, Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Nigeria have also reported cases. A severe diarrheal infection is caused by food or water contaminated with the bacterium Vibrio cholerae and often thrives after humanitarian disasters where there are no clean sanitary conditions … Read more

Shell faces thousands of new High Court claims over repeated oil spills

Shell faces thousands of new High Court claims over repeated oil spills

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Crude oil is flowing from local residents’ kitchen taps, while farmland and lakes remain covered in black oil – despite promises from Shell and Nigerian authorities to oversee a thorough cleanup of the region known as Ogoniland. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) … Read more

Four years of flooding in South Sudan could mean “permanent change” in climate

Four years of flooding in South Sudan could mean “permanent change” in climate

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The dry season will not come in South Sudan. For the fourth year in a row, the country has been dealing with historic floods that have affected a million citizens and submerged entire villages. Although floods are not uncommon in this East African … Read more

British taxpayers are funding a Kenyan hospital accused of locking up patients

British taxpayers are funding a Kenyan hospital accused of locking up patients

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE British taxpayers’ money is being invested in private overseas hospitals which kept patients on hold for months due to unpaid medical bills and charged impoverished women more than £1,300 to give birth, it has emerged. Every year, hundreds of millions of pounds are … Read more

‘When I was three years old, my mouth started to smell bad. Then I lost part of my face’

‘When I was three years old, my mouth started to smell bad.  Then I lost part of my face’


The global cholera situation is “deteriorating”, warns the UK’s Health Safety Agency

The global cholera situation is “deteriorating”, warns the UK’s Health Safety Agency

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE In the period between January and October 2022, 29 countries reported cases of cholera, compared to 23 countries the year before. Cholera is known as a “disease of chaos” and the WHO has blamed conflicts, mass displacement and extreme weather such as floods … Read more

Where are the safest places to travel in 2023? Depends on how you define ‘safe’

Where are the safest places to travel in 2023?  Depends on how you define ‘safe’

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE From the infection with covid-19 to to be caught in a snowstorm, traveling can be a risky business these days. How risky, however, often depends on the goal – and how you define the risks. Safest places: people’s perceptions A report published by UK-based insurance company … Read more

‘Some found dead in their own communities’: A cholera outbreak that should never have happened

‘Some found dead in their own communities’: A cholera outbreak that should never have happened

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE “It started around nine in the evening on Saturday,” he says. “The youngest started defecating several times, followed by vomiting. I prepared porridge for him, but his condition was getting worse and worse. “I brought him here and they immediately put him on … Read more

Uganda’s Ebola outbreak ‘ended’ after doctors report no new cases for six weeks

Uganda’s Ebola outbreak ‘ended’ after doctors report no new cases for six weeks

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Uganda has declared the end of its latest Ebola outbreak after the deadly virus killed 55 people. Doctors have not recorded any new cases for the past six weeks, which means the wave of infections is officially over. The East African country initially … Read more

Religious schools make millions by begging children

Religious schools make millions by begging children

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Across Senegal, approximately 10,000 children live in daaras that practice strict Islamic teachings. Most guys known as talibésthey are sent to school by their parents who cannot afford to take care of them and hope that they will get a good education. But … Read more

“I came out of a British prison stronger,” Boris Becker revealed in his New Year message

“I came out of a British prison stronger,” Boris Becker revealed in his New Year message

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Boris Becker said in a New Year’s message that jail had made him “stronger” amid reports he was trying to launch defamation proceedings against a German star who said he had been let off too easily. In a video shot on a beach … Read more

Last man standing: why the malaria parasite may be stronger all the time

Last man standing: why the malaria parasite may be stronger all the time

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Findings published in Lancet Infectious Diseases, highlight the unintended consequences that changes in malaria policies in one country can have elsewhere. In this case, the use of a new combination of antimalarials wiped out one strain but gave room for another to spread. … Read more

Gambian government says drug company is prosecuting over 70 child deaths over ‘cough syrup’

Gambian government says drug company is prosecuting over 70 child deaths over ‘cough syrup’

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE A parliamentary committee in The Gambia has said an Indian cough syrup maker should be prosecuted for causing the deaths of at least 70 children. The small West African country saw an increase in the number of children under the age of five … Read more

Cyril Ramaphosa survived the scandal and was re-elected as leader of South Africa’s ruling ANC party

Cyril Ramaphosa survived the scandal and was re-elected as leader of South Africa’s ruling ANC party

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE South African President Cyril Ramaphosa appeared to survive the “Farmgate” he was re-elected leader of the ruling ANC party. Mr Ramaphosa polled 2,476 votes for the party presidency against 1,897 for former health minister Zweli Mkhize, African National Congress elections chief Kgalema … Read more

‘A collection of jokes and a model of what not to do’: How Britain became a ‘used car salesman’ in Africa

‘A collection of jokes and a model of what not to do’: How Britain became a ‘used car salesman’ in Africa

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE He added that he wants to strengthen ties with the continent and become a “reliable” investment partner of African governments. But it’s hard to see how that will happen. Britain’s position is confused at best; Blaise in the worst case. Many African embassies … Read more

‘Strong evidence’ thousands of severe cases of malaria are misdiagnosed

‘Strong evidence’ thousands of severe cases of malaria are misdiagnosed

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Sir Nick added: “The problem is because malaria is so commonand because we have a test and because we don’t have a test for most of the other things that give you a fever, we’ve overdiagnosed malaria.” Currently, the World Health Organization recommends … Read more

A hungry hippo swallows a toddler – then spits it out alive

A hungry hippo swallows a toddler – then spits it out alive

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE In an African twist on the biblical legend of Jonah and the whale, a toddler in Uganda miraculously survived after being swallowed and then regurgitated by a hippopotamus. The two-year-old boy, named as Paul Iga, was playing near his home, about 800 meters … Read more

Bought and Trapped: The Housekeeper Deception That Enslaves Modern Women

Bought and Trapped: The Housekeeper Deception That Enslaves Modern Women

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE At this point, Shirley realized that she had been tricked and that she would be working in a private home. The shock was even worse a few days later when she arrived at the house to find that she would be working 15 … Read more

UK Foreign Secretary criticized for silence on Rwandan rebels behind massacre

UK Foreign Secretary criticized for silence on Rwandan rebels behind massacre

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The UK has been accused of refusing to name and shame Rwanda over its alleged support for the rebel army behind the recent execution of more than 130 people in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In an interview with To the Telegraph on … Read more

Nigerian Army ‘forced abortion on 10,000 women and girls fleeing Boko Haram’

Nigerian Army ‘forced abortion on 10,000 women and girls fleeing Boko Haram’

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE One of the victims, called Fati, now in her early 20s, said she was captured by jihadists and repeatedly raped over a year. She was four months pregnant when Nigerian soldiers finally rescued her. “I felt the happiest of my life,” she said. … Read more

New sleeping sickness drug could cure ‘nightmare disease’

New sleeping sickness drug could cure ‘nightmare disease’

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Then came the breakthrough. in 2019, a medicine called fexinidazole – a pill that can be taken once a day for 10 days to treat the most common form of the disease – has been introduced in the DR Congo. But acosiborole, which … Read more

Somalia is reeling from one disaster to another – we barely have time to catch our breath

Somalia is reeling from one disaster to another – we barely have time to catch our breath

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE But after arriving at the hospital so late, both of them developed serious medical complications. The child died two days after admission. Her mother died just one day later. I have seen this story too many times. In Baidoa, most of the children … Read more

British troops may go to Ghana as change to counter-terrorism strategy

British troops may go to Ghana as change to counter-terrorism strategy

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Others say the original deployment was a naïve “romance,” a rehash of daring British exploits during World War II. The UK base in northern Mali was even named after Brigadier Ralph Bagnold, founder of the Long Range Desert Group, which supported the first … Read more

A possible case of Ebola is being investigated in the UK

A possible case of Ebola is being investigated in the UK

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Colchester Hospital said in a statement that one clinical area had been temporarily closed “due to an infection control issue”, but the center was already open from 7am. “Thank you to all our patients and staff for their support yesterday afternoon when we … Read more

‘I was sold at six’: how climate change is driving modern slavery

‘I was sold at six’: how climate change is driving modern slavery

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The impact of rising temperatures on trade has been overlooked, but its effects are devastating. Rural communities are now facing greater challenges than ever before, for example in northern Ghana, which experienced only one rainy season this year, followed by a long dry … Read more

Experimental Ebola vaccines are being sent to contain a rapid outbreak in Uganda

Experimental Ebola vaccines are being sent to contain a rapid outbreak in Uganda

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Experimental Ebola vaccines are expected to arrive in Uganda next week, the World Health Organization said, as the deadly outbreak continues to spread. They hope the injections will play a key role in containing the epidemic, which has infected 163 people and killed … Read more

Struggle for survival in villages without men

Struggle for survival in villages without men

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE In three months, the villages in northern Kenya experienced a seismic shift: the men almost left. “In August, the men moved in and took their little one [remaining] livestock,” said Yusuf Abdi, the program’s local coordinator for action assistance. “Now there are only … Read more

Ebola death 150 miles from epicenter in Uganda sparks fears of spread

Ebola death 150 miles from epicenter in Uganda sparks fears of spread

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE A man has died of Ebola about 150 miles from the epicenter of the outbreak in Uganda, underscoring how quickly cases are spreading. A 45-year-old man died in Jinja district in eastern Uganda near the source of the Nile, the country’s health minister, … Read more

Why Pi is the next version of Covid all scientists know

Why Pi is the next version of Covid all scientists know

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE These were the conundrums that preoccupied some of the world’s leading virologists, epidemiologists, immunologists and public health experts as they gathered at an eco lodge on South Africa’s east coast last week. Hosted by Durban’s Africa Health Research Institute (AHRI), the meeting attracted … Read more

The Ebola outbreak is expected to kill 500 people as the response repeats the mistakes of Wuhan

The Ebola outbreak is expected to kill 500 people as the response repeats the mistakes of Wuhan

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The disease has already hit healthcare workers hard, infecting 18 workers and killing seven of them. “We absolutely must protect and care for first responders,” warned Dr. Charlie Weller, infectious disease specialist at Wellcome. “Without their presence, everything breaks down.” There are also … Read more

Italy prevents 35 men from disembarking migrant ship under controversial new laws

Italy prevents 35 men from disembarking migrant ship under controversial new laws

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Humanity1 is just one of four ships carrying more than 1,000 migrants, all at sea just off Catania, hoping to land and disembark. Her captain refused orders to leave port last night. Petra Krischok, spokeswoman for SOS Humanity, told reporters in Catania that … Read more

At least 100 killed in double car bomb blast in Somalia

At least 100 killed in double car bomb blast in Somalia

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Al-Shabaab does not usually claim responsibility when large numbers of civilians are killed, as in the 2017 blast, but it has been angered by the government’s high-profile new offensive, which also aims to shut down its financial network. The group said it was … Read more

Cleaner air in big cities would save at least 125,000 lives

Cleaner air in big cities would save at least 125,000 lives

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE A new report finds that growing African cities could save tens of thousands of lives and billions of pounds if they cleaned up their polluted air. Air pollution is the second biggest killer in Africa after HIV/AIDS, causing an estimated 1.1 million deaths … Read more

Nigeria was already facing a food crisis – then it was hit by floods

Nigeria was already facing a food crisis – then it was hit by floods

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Nigeria ranks 103 out of 121 countries on the 2022 World Hunger Index, which measures the impact of malnutrition in countries. This was before the floods and agricultural disruptions, which probably only made the situation worse. Koffy Kouacou, head of the West Africa … Read more

Ebola is spreading in the Ugandan capital with 14 infected

Ebola is spreading in the Ugandan capital with 14 infected

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The Telegraph learned earlier this month that the Uganda Institute of Virus Research, a leading government institution with serious expertise on Ebola outbreaks, was excluded from the response earlier this month due to a dispute with central government. Vaccines have played a key … Read more

“Narrow window to prevent genocide in Tigray,” WHO chief warns

“Narrow window to prevent genocide in Tigray,” WHO chief warns

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Development Minister Vicky Ford, who is currently in Ethiopia, called on the country’s deputy prime minister to end hostilities, join African Union-led peace talks and allow humanitarian access. Ms Ford also said Eritrean troops should withdraw. The UK’s words are unlikely to have … Read more

US donates experimental drugs to ‘chaotic’ Ebola outbreak in Uganda

US donates experimental drugs to ‘chaotic’ Ebola outbreak in Uganda

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The US has sent experimental drugs to Uganda to fight an outbreak of a strain of the Ebola virus, for which there is no known vaccine and which appears to be rapidly spiraling out of control. Remdesivir, an antiviral drug that was widely … Read more

Furious backlash against plans to make taxpayers pay for minister’s water and electricity bills

Furious backlash against plans to make taxpayers pay for minister’s water and electricity bills

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Photos sent to the media showed clogged toilets and bloodied operating rooms that could not be cleaned. At one point, staff were reportedly told to bring water so the toilets could be flushed. “Hygiene is terrible without water, as you can imagine, and … Read more

After weeks of heavy rain, floods kill at least 600 people

After weeks of heavy rain, floods kill at least 600 people

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Nigeria experiences annual floods especially in coastal areas, but this year’s floods are the worst in more than a decade. Late last week, NASA released satellite images of the state of the disaster, where standing water is widespread and the Niger River has … Read more

A small group of countries where the pound is strong and prices are low

A small group of countries where the pound is strong and prices are low

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The pick of the bunch is Turkey, where £1 is used to buy 21.07 lira – up from 12.51 a year ago. This means that for every £1,000 exchanged, Britons will receive £408 more spending money. With temperatures currently hovering around 25C, a … Read more

Ebola outbreak reignites debate over international traveller’s checks in UK and US

Ebola outbreak reignites debate over international traveller’s checks in UK and US

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Professor Sridhar added that it was unlikely that anyone with visible symptoms would board a plane as they “definitely wouldn’t be well enough”, but you may be within the 21-day incubation period, meaning you could still developed symptoms over time. In addition to … Read more

Frontline sex trade fish ‘spinning out of control’

Frontline sex trade fish ‘spinning out of control’

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Chipojola claims that most fishermen who have unprotected sex do not get tested for HIV because they want to avoid a positive diagnosis. Nor are they worried about silently spreading the virus to spouses or other sexual partners. But health workers fear it … Read more

Emergency meeting on HIV held in South Africa

Emergency meeting on HIV held in South Africa

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Experts from around the world gathered for an emergency meeting on HIV amid warnings that the world is now losing the battle against the virus. More than 1.5 million new infections were reported worldwide last year – three times the global target. Health … Read more

Kampala on high alert as Ebola reaches Ugandan capital

Kampala on high alert as Ebola reaches Ugandan capital

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Uganda is expected to announce a further four cases of Ebola in its hard-hit capital Kampala in the coming hours, the Telegraph reports. It follows the first death in the city reported on Tuesday. The Ministry of Health has confirmed a total of … Read more

The mystery of the murdered whistleblower who exposed hospital corruption

The mystery of the murdered whistleblower who exposed hospital corruption

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The alleged fraud was so inept that the hospital’s spending immediately stood out compared to other hospitals in Johannesburg. After the payments were blocked, Ms Deokaran called on her superiors to launch an in-depth forensic investigation into the hospital’s spending, but admitted she … Read more

Cough syrups linked to deaths of 66 children in Gambia

Cough syrups linked to deaths of 66 children in Gambia

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE India’s health ministry has started testing the samples, it said in a statement, adding that Maiden Pharmaceuticals does not have permission to distribute the four products in India. The company did not respond to requests for comment. The deaths in Gambia are a … Read more

“Our patients come here and need urgent treatment – we can only watch them die”

“Our patients come here and need urgent treatment – we can only watch them die”

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The doctors said Telegraph that there are almost no reagents left to perform even basic tests, that most basic medicines have run out, and that the vaccination rate of children has fallen by about 90 percent. Worse, they said, maternal mortality was spiraling … Read more

He paid more than $170,000 to climb the Seven Summits – despite being ‘afraid of heights’

He paid more than 0,000 to climb the Seven Summits – despite being ‘afraid of heights’

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE Vivian James Rigney is no casual traveler. The executive coach and speaker has visited more than 80 countries and lived on three continents. He also climbed the highest mountains of all seven continents, the so-called Seven Summits. It’s a feat that took him 14 years – … Read more

NHS warns to be ‘vigilant’ about Ebola as America introduces security checks at airports

NHS warns to be ‘vigilant’ about Ebola as America introduces security checks at airports

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Michael Head, senior research fellow in global health at the University of Southampton, said such screening measures were a “blunt tool” but could be useful. “Ebola is a very serious infection and the UK may get to the point where airport screening is … Read more

Bird flu kills nearly 30 endangered penguins as cases rise worldwide

Bird flu kills nearly 30 endangered penguins as cases rise worldwide

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE African penguins are already on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List, meaning they are at high risk of extinction. Dr Roberts said: “They are facing other types of stress, from food shortages to habitat destruction and ocean ecosystem collapse … … Read more

‘The pandemic is far from over – but this is how it ends’

‘The pandemic is far from over – but this is how it ends’

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE As long as the virus exists and large parts of the population are infected, it’s hard to predict what will happen, he said. Each new variant has to defeat the ones that are still hanging around, so if one emerges it will have … Read more

Oxford’s experimental Ebola jab could be tested in an outbreak in Uganda

Oxford’s experimental Ebola jab could be tested in an outbreak in Uganda

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE A third shot, developed by Johnson & Johnson, is less likely to be studied. It was approved by the European Commission in July 2020 to fight the Zaire Ebola virus and may also work against the Sudanese strain. However, it requires two vaccines … Read more

How the new ‘Great African War’ is raging under the guise of a media blackout

How the new ‘Great African War’ is raging under the guise of a media blackout

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE But there was almost no coverage of the conflict after the Ethiopian government cut phone and internet links to the region and almost completely shut down media access to cover up the scale of the fighting. Most communication with the outside world must … Read more

Burkina Faso’s president was ousted in a second coup this year

Burkina Faso’s president was ousted in a second coup this year

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE More than a dozen armed to the teeth soldiers wearing masks and skeleton masks seized Burkina Faso’s state television late Friday to announce the country’s second coup this year. A spokesman for the group said Captain Ibrahim Traore, a 34-year-old army officer, is … Read more

International alarm over spread of vaccine-resistant Ebola in Uganda

International alarm over spread of vaccine-resistant Ebola in Uganda

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE When the outbreak was declared last Tuesday near the town of Mubende in central Uganda, there were seven suspected infections spread across several villages. According to the Ugandan Ministry of Health, there are now at least 36 cases and 23 confirmed or probable … Read more

Rapid outbreak of Ebola raises security alarms at Uganda’s borders

Rapid outbreak of Ebola raises security alarms at Uganda’s borders

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE It is a relatively rare form of the disease known as the Sudanese strain.While there is a tried and tested vaccine for the standard Zaire strain that has been instrumental in stopping several outbreaks in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, no vaccine … Read more

Mothers vaccinate children “at night and in secret” as measles spreads in anti-vaccination sect

Mothers vaccinate children “at night and in secret” as measles spreads in anti-vaccination sect

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The Zimbabwean government has not released new data on the outbreak’s victims for a fortnight. However, the speed of the spread and the unusually high proportion of those infected who die have worried international health officials. Officials reported that 37 children died on … Read more

Doctors are scrambling to contain another Ebola outbreak as the virus spreads

Doctors are scrambling to contain another Ebola outbreak as the virus spreads

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Officials are also concerned because there are gold mines in the area that attract people from across the country and region. A “serious” threat Ebola has a dormant period of up to 21 days before symptoms such as high fever, diarrhea and abdominal … Read more

Tigray accuses Eritrea of ​​launching ‘all-out offensive’ on border

Tigray accuses Eritrea of ​​launching ‘all-out offensive’ on border

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Rebels in northern Ethiopia have warned that Eritrea has launched a large-scale offensive against them, a sharp escalation of the bloody two-year conflict. In a post on Twitter, a spokesman for the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) said there was heavy fighting at … Read more

An Ebola outbreak was declared after a rare strain killed a 24-year-old man

An Ebola outbreak was declared after a rare strain killed a 24-year-old man

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE While there is a tested vaccine for the Zaire standard strain of deadly hemorrhagic fever, called Ervebo, it was not approved to fight the Sudanese strain. Another vaccine produced by Johnson and Johnson may be effective against the Sudanese strain, but has not … Read more

This man wants to give $1,000 to every poor person on earth – but would his plan really work?

This man wants to give ,000 to every poor person on earth – but would his plan really work?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE GiveDirectly’s pitch is as radical as it is simple. They claim that if you give each family in an impoverished community an unconditional one-off payment of $1,000 (£865) – about four days’ wages for a typical UN staff member – you can change … Read more

The UK’s response to the looming famine in Somalia has been painfully slow

The UK’s response to the looming famine in Somalia has been painfully slow

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE This week, after two years of devastating drought and plummeting food prices, the UN warned that Somalia could face famine in the next few weeks without action. With half a million children at risk of death, we urge the new UK Prime Minister … Read more