Anxiety can cause numbness or tingling! Read 3 reasons why

Anxiety can cause numbness or tingling!  Read 3 reasons why

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE If you’ve ever had tingling or numbness in your body and are also prone to anxiety in general, you should know that the two are connected. Usually, when we talk about the signs and symptoms of anxiety, we mean a mental state in which a person … Read more

World Mental Health Day: Do you think anxiety and depression are the same?

World Mental Health Day: Do you think anxiety and depression are the same?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE Most people use the terms “feelings” and “emotions” interchangeably, but they are not interchangeable. Although there is a similarity, there is a distinct difference between the two. Emotions are not conscious and can only be felt through the emotional experiences that cause them. They manifest in … Read more

Two years of Covid-19 brought me a big FOMO and here’s how I coped with it

Two years of Covid-19 brought me a big FOMO and here’s how I coped with it

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE Being in a dilemma, at least for me, doesn’t seem like much. But because of those two years of Covid-19, I became aware of the anxiety within myself; he also showed me how capable I am of dealing with him. I clearly remember the day two … Read more

Have you become infected with Covid-19 again? It writes about your immunity

Have you become infected with Covid-19 again?  It writes about your immunity

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE During these two years of the Covid-19 pandemic, if you’ve been infected over and over again, it says a lot about your weakened immunity and insensitive behavior. Raise your hand if Covid-19 has hit you quite a few times? There seem to be many of them. … Read more

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