Pfizer will raise a $31 billion debt offering to finance its purchase of Seagen, SEC filings show

Pfizer will raise a  billion debt offering to finance its purchase of Seagen, SEC filings show

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE The logo for Pfizer is displayed on a monitor on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, July 29, 2019. Brendan McDermid | Reuters Pfizer plans to raise $31 billion through a debt offering to finance your proposed acquisition manufacturer of anti-cancer drugs Seagenfor which … Read more

Large employers face severe barriers to providing abortion benefits if Roe repeals

Large employers face severe barriers to providing abortion benefits if Roe repeals

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE Kim Nguyen felt proud last fall when her bosses at Alloy pledged to pay travel expenses to workers in Texas if they needed access to abortion services after the state adopted new restrictions. These types of things, especially in terms of equality, diversity, inclusion, access to … Read more

Covida’s Chinese policy is locking up a city three times the size of New York City

Covida’s Chinese policy is locking up a city three times the size of New York City

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE The Huangpu River divides the Chinese city of Shanghai between an older settlement in the west and a newer financial center in the east. Johannes Eisele Afp | Getty Images The last Chinese wave of restrictions on Covid has forced millions of people – about three … Read more

Supreme Court ruling on vaccination mandate will not prevent companies from requesting Covid vaccination for workers – Biden promises to push for it

Supreme Court ruling on vaccination mandate will not prevent companies from requesting Covid vaccination for workers – Biden promises to push for it

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE A healthcare professional prepares a syringe with the Modern COVID-19 vaccine at a vaccination site operated by SOMOS Community Care during the COVID-19 pandemic in Manhattan, New York, January 29, 2021. Mike Segar Reuters Supreme Court ruling banning Biden administration’s mandate to vaccinate against Covid for … Read more

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