ALEX BRUMMER: Rachel Reeves’ speech on the economy was plausible… almost. But giving unions more power and driving away wealth creators won’t ignite growth

ALEX BRUMMER: Rachel Reeves’ speech on the economy was plausible… almost. But giving unions more power and driving away wealth creators won’t ignite growth

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE So the Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves has evoked the Thatcher era of renewal in 1979 and vowed to ‘hardwire’ economic expansion into future policy-making. Delivering the annual Mais Lecture in the City – an honour accorded in the past to former chancellors, governors … Read more

Is 2024 the new 1979? Or is the Hon lady talking parsnips? QUENTIN LETTS watches Rachel Reeves’ key speech on the economy

Is 2024 the new 1979? Or is the Hon lady talking parsnips? QUENTIN LETTS watches Rachel Reeves’ key speech on the economy

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Rachel Reeves, her comedic gifts having possibly been under-reported, claimed in a City lecture last night that we were back to 1979. She presented herself as the new Sir Geoffrey Howe, who was shadow chancellor this time 45 years ago. Beside gluey Ms … Read more

QUENTIN LETTS: Mayday! Rishi’s cabin staff are pressing all the buttons in the manual, but the jet’s nosedive is getting worse

QUENTIN LETTS: Mayday! Rishi’s cabin staff are pressing all the buttons in the manual, but the jet’s nosedive is getting worse

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Mondays are odd. After the weekend’s domestic harmony we are wrenched back to politics, where all is ‘fury’ and ‘disaster’ and dullards are cooked like screaming piglets on a medieval roasting jack. Rishi Sunak had sent himself to Coventry. Who could blame him? Poor … Read more

They’re not that great! Louis Walsh’s A to Z of the over-rated (as told by CRAIG BROWN)

They’re not that great! Louis Walsh’s A to Z of the over-rated (as told by CRAIG BROWN)

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Arnold Schwarzenegger: Off camera he’s this skinny little thing, a proper weakling, speaks like Julian Clary. Couldn’t lift a 5lb bag of potatoes. Buckingham Palace: People say it’s big but it’s not. Poky, more like. I always felt sorry for the Queen, having … Read more

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: How can a council boss get a £4.6m pay-off when they can’t be bothered to empty the dustbins?

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: How can a council boss get a £4.6m pay-off when they can’t be bothered to empty the dustbins?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Rachel Wright-Turner is £4.6million richer today. Did she win the Lottery? Well, yes, but not in the conventional sense. She didn’t buy a ticket, pick the right numbers on Thunderball or get lucky in the EuroMillions draw. Her £4.6 million jackpot is courtesy … Read more

NADINE DORRIES: The moment I saw an aborted foetus gasping for breath scarred me for life. Extending ‘pills by post’ abortion right up to birth would be a terrible mistake

NADINE DORRIES: The moment I saw an aborted foetus gasping for breath scarred me for life. Extending ‘pills by post’ abortion right up to birth would be a terrible mistake

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE When I was a young nurse of 18, I experienced something that changed me profoundly. My months on the gynaecological ward had been the happiest and most rewarding of my short career — until one day, when I was asked to help during … Read more

DOMINIC LAWSON: We export stags’ heads, so why should our hypocritical MPs try to ban hunting trophies imported from Africa?

DOMINIC LAWSON: We export stags’ heads, so why should our hypocritical MPs try to ban hunting trophies imported from Africa?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The English, as a people, have an international reputation for hypocrisy. Whether unfair or not, it is foolish for Parliament to confirm such a prejudice, especially among our former British colonies still members of the Commonwealth. Yet that is what MPs seem set … Read more

IAN BIRRELL: We’re still stunningly complacent about the grave threat tyrant Putin presents to our way of life and democratic values

IAN BIRRELL: We’re still stunningly complacent about the grave threat tyrant Putin presents to our way of life and democratic values

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Thirteen years ago, Vladimir Putin went to watch a martial arts tournament and, as he congratulated the winner of one heavyweight bout, the unthinkable happened: a large section of the crowd began booing and jeering their shocked leader. It was the start of … Read more

SARAH VINE: When the choices are this depressing I truly worry that people won’t vote at the next election

SARAH VINE: When the choices are this depressing I truly worry that people won’t vote at the next election

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Royal dramas aside, it’s been an interesting week in politics. Keir Starmer may not quite cut it as the heir to Blair, but Angela ‘Two Homes’ Rayner is fast becoming the successor to John ‘Two Jags’ Prescott. The irony of a woman who … Read more

PETER HITCHENS: We’ve dehumanised the unborn. Now it’s the turn of the elderly and the ill

PETER HITCHENS: We’ve dehumanised the unborn. Now it’s the turn of the elderly and the ill

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Supporters of assisted dying need to grasp that they will almost certainly get more than they say that they want. You will have to judge whether they really are as moderate as they claim, or whether they reckon – with good reason – … Read more

THE MAIL ON SUNDAY COMMENT: A Tory mother-of-three – and a debate on family values the nation needs

THE MAIL ON SUNDAY COMMENT: A Tory mother-of-three – and a debate on family values the nation needs

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Mail on Sunday Comment Published: 00:24 GMT, 17 March 2024 | Updated: 01:14 GMT, 17 March 2024 It is astonishing that the position of women, and especially that of mothers, is so little discussed in our politics.  The past 60 years have … Read more

SUE REID: After the NHS outlawed their use private clinics must also be banned from prescribing puberty blockers before more young lives are destroyed

SUE REID: After the NHS outlawed their use private clinics must also be banned from prescribing puberty blockers before more young lives are destroyed

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Common sense at last. British children convinced they have been ‘born in the wrong body’ will no longer be pumped with puberty blockers by our state medical service. Like the Netherlands (which pioneered these powerful drugs), Sweden, France and Finland, Britain has finally … Read more

JAN MOIR: The ugly feeding frenzy over Kate in the U.S. proves the royals MUST be more transparent

JAN MOIR: The ugly feeding frenzy over Kate in the U.S. proves the royals MUST be more transparent

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE This might come as a shock, but here in the UK newspapers and broadcast media still treat the Royal Family with a significant degree of respect. A blue ribbon of deference and restraint, a cushion of comfort afforded to few others, colours all … Read more

My warm, effervescent friend Diane does not deserve this bigoted, brainless badmouthing

My warm, effervescent friend Diane does not deserve this bigoted, brainless badmouthing

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Whatever you may think of Diane Abbott, she does not deserve the bigoted, brainless badmouthing she is said to have received from the £10million Conservative Party donor Frank Hester. Yet demonising Diane is nothing new. She has been targeted by trolls and hate-mailers … Read more

The Tory Party lies smashed like Humpty Dumpty at the foot of the Red Wall because too many MPs don’t understand how normal people think and feel

The Tory Party lies smashed like Humpty Dumpty at the foot of the Red Wall because too many MPs don’t understand how normal people think and feel

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The Conservative Party is in a death spiral. Its MPs are divided and lost. Its activists are demoralised. Its voters are utterly bewildered. What started, in 2019, as a masterclass in how to reinvent a political party has turned into a masterclass in … Read more

QUENTIN LETTS: A whistleblowing vicar to make Justin Welby clench his fists so hard, any communion wafer would be milled to a powder

QUENTIN LETTS: A whistleblowing vicar to make Justin Welby clench his fists so hard, any communion wafer would be milled to a powder

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Quentin Letts for the Daily Mail Published: 22:37 GMT, 12 March 2024 | Updated: 23:00 GMT, 12 March 2024 Raymond Chandler wrote of ‘a blonde to make a bishop kick a hole in a stained-glass window’. Here we had a whistleblowing vicar … Read more

SARAH VINE: Kate’s on the mend, so what a pity this image is fuelling yet more rumours

SARAH VINE: Kate’s on the mend, so what a pity this image is fuelling yet more rumours

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Sarah Vine for the Daily Mail Published: 12:36 GMT, 10 March 2024 | Updated: 22:57 GMT, 10 March 2024 Finally. After weeks of growing speculation about the health of the Princess of Wales, a sign that she is, if not quite ready … Read more

PETER HITCHENS: If we turn our backs on these fierce old heroes we will lose our liberty

PETER HITCHENS: If we turn our backs on these fierce old heroes we will lose our liberty

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE A private school in Devon says it is removing the names of Sir Francis Drake and Sir Walter Raleigh from its buildings. Exeter School is having an inclusivity drive, and says these two men no longer represent the ‘values and inclusive nature’ of … Read more

SARAH VINE: Charles Spencer deserves our admiration for speaking out. Let us hope it finally brings him some peace

SARAH VINE: Charles Spencer deserves our admiration for speaking out. Let us hope it finally brings him some peace

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE When one thinks of Charles Spencer, 9th Earl Spencer, heir to the Althorp estate (pronounced ‘Altrop’, apparently) in Northamptonshire, godson to the late Queen Elizabeth II, uncle to the future King and, of course, brother to the late Princess Diana, one tends to … Read more

With Charles, Kate and Harry absent, we can’t ignore the gaps in the royal ranks. How much luck does the monarchy have left?, asks PATRICK JEPHSON

With Charles, Kate and Harry absent, we can’t ignore the gaps in the royal ranks. How much luck does the monarchy have left?, asks PATRICK JEPHSON

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The King is known to love poetry and I’m sure he is familiar with the opening lines of William Wordsworth’s Ode To Intimations Of Immortality. There was a time when meadow, grove, and stream, The earth, and every common sight, To me did … Read more

NILE GARDINER: My mission to unlock the truth about Harry’s visa isn’t personal… it’s America’s right to know

NILE GARDINER: My mission to unlock the truth about Harry’s visa isn’t personal… it’s America’s right to know

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Whatever you think of Prince Harry – and I know he has both well-wishers and detractors – there are some things upon which we can all agree. He is a wealthy man from a remarkably privileged background boasting nearly universal fame. I object … Read more

DAN HODGES: Levelling Up was meant to revamp the Red Wall – not bail out bankers

DAN HODGES: Levelling Up was meant to revamp the Red Wall – not bail out bankers

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE In Birmingham the lights are going out. Literally. On Wednesday, the council announced it would be dimming its lampposts as it attempts to come to terms with a £300 million budget shortfall that has driven the city into bankruptcy. Along with cuts to … Read more

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Nothing ministers do matters more than our defence

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Nothing ministers do matters more than our defence

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Daily Mail Comment Published: 00:57 GMT, 9 March 2024 | Updated: 06:39 GMT, 9 March 2024 SELDOM do prime ministers speak of our fighting forces without a lump in their throats. As Rishi Sunak gushed in his Christmas message to Britain’s troops: … Read more

QUENTIN LETTS: Up against Penny, Powell looked like a goat trotting into a minefield

QUENTIN LETTS: Up against Penny, Powell looked like a goat trotting into a minefield

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE At the risk of cultural appropriation, happy International Women’s Day. To mark this vital event, we will ignore fluffy little men and focus on what the ladies said in Parliament yesterday. They spouted plenty of nonsense to fill a column. Rachel Reeves, Shadow … Read more

NANA AKUA: I failed The North Face’s nonsense diversity test…and I’m getting tired of this divisive corporate virtue signalling

NANA AKUA: I failed The North Face’s nonsense diversity test…and I’m getting tired of this divisive corporate virtue signalling

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE ‘How many people of colour do you see on the slopes, on the hills or on the trails?’ ‘What makes someone feel safe and welcome in the outdoors?’ These are questions I had never considered before, but ones I was recently asked to … Read more

Jeremy Hunt has a challenge ahead of him, but here are four ways he could put a smile on our faces, writes ALEX BRUMMER

Jeremy Hunt has a challenge ahead of him, but here are four ways he could put a smile on our faces, writes ALEX BRUMMER

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Alex Brummer for the Daily Mail Published: 22:22 GMT, 5 March 2024 | Updated: 08:28 GMT, 6 March 2024 Today’s Spring Budget has been the most leaked and briefed of all time. The boldest measure – likely to be a further cut … Read more

ALISON BOSHOFF: Why does the father of Red Bull’s star driver loathe Geri’s husband so much? Is it because of Jos Verstappen’s friendship with the woman at the heart of the sex text scandal engulfing Christian Horner?

ALISON BOSHOFF: Why does the father of Red Bull’s star driver loathe Geri’s husband so much? Is it because of Jos Verstappen’s friendship with the woman at the heart of the sex text scandal engulfing Christian Horner?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The good people in the Red Bull F1 press office continue to insist all is well. Move along, they say, nothing to see. ‘There are no issues here. The team are united and we are focused on racing,’ says a spokesman. But it … Read more

ANDREW PIERCE: Tory MPs are handed the profile of ‘Candidate X’ who could save the party from electoral catastrophe

ANDREW PIERCE: Tory MPs are handed the profile of ‘Candidate X’ who could save the party from electoral catastrophe

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE A secretive meeting took place in Parliament last week in which Tory MPs were handed the profile of a person — named only as ‘Candidate X’ — who could save the party from catastrophe at the next election. Adding to the mystery, they … Read more

Rishi has proved he’s the grown-up politician we really need – with an unapologetic vision of what Britain stands for, writes SARAH VINE

Rishi has proved he’s the grown-up politician we really need – with an unapologetic vision of what Britain stands for, writes SARAH VINE

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Perhaps it’s this incessant rain, perhaps it’s the bout of Covid I had last week, but I am finding it unusually hard to shake off an all-pervasive feeling of bleakness. It’s not just infuriating things like the fact that Royal Mail is putting … Read more

PETER HITCHENS: Call something a ‘phobia’ and you stifle all debate… that’s why the Left loves it

PETER HITCHENS: Call something a ‘phobia’ and you stifle all debate… that’s why the Left loves it

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Peter Hitchens for The Mail on Sunday Published: 02:33 GMT, 3 March 2024 | Updated: 02:33 GMT, 3 March 2024 Why can you have a phobia about some things, but not about others? Why is ‘Islamophobia’ a word and an idea, in … Read more

Starmer’s ban on zero-hours contracts will destroy jobs, bolster the union barons – and leave us ALL picking up the bill, writes ALEX BRUMMER

Starmer’s ban on zero-hours contracts will destroy jobs, bolster the union barons – and leave us ALL picking up the bill, writes ALEX BRUMMER

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Takeaway delivery drivers are one of the more familiar sights on our roads today, often on a wobbly moped with L plates bringing hot meals to our doors. They are part of an army of more than one million people on flexible zero-hours … Read more

Trump has been called racist – so why are growing numbers of black and Latino voters now backing him?

Trump has been called racist – so why are growing numbers of black and Latino voters now backing him?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE There is a certain predictability about Donald Trump‘s rallies. A sea of red ‘Make America Great Again’ hats, tons of stars and stripes flags and an enthusiastic crowd of predominantly white, working-class fans who make up his loyal base. But in recent months … Read more

ANDREW NEIL: There is a growing sense that we are a country in decline and our political masters don’t know what to do about it. I fear what might be to come…

ANDREW NEIL: There is a growing sense that we are a country in decline and our political masters don’t know what to do about it. I fear what might be to come…

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE During a coffee break on Tuesday morning I pondered on the state of the nation (as you do) and let loose this verdict on X (the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, the name I still prefer to use) where I have … Read more

In confronting the ‘poison’ of Islamist and far-Right extremism, Rishi Sunak delivered the speech Britain needed to hear, writes QUENTIN LETTS

In confronting the ‘poison’ of Islamist and far-Right extremism, Rishi Sunak delivered the speech Britain needed to hear, writes QUENTIN LETTS

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE To the authentically British backdrop of drizzle, a distant heckler and the piccolo patter of a Downing Street tree sparrow, Rishi Sunak confronted the ‘poison’ of Islamist and far-Right extremism. It needed saying and it needed saying well. Our Prime Minister did that. … Read more

George Galloway’s resounding victory in the Rochdale by-election is nothing less than a humiliation for Keir Starmer, writes JASON GROVES

George Galloway’s resounding victory in the Rochdale by-election is nothing less than a humiliation for Keir Starmer, writes JASON GROVES

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Jason Groves Political Editor Published: 23:39 GMT, 1 March 2024 | Updated: 23:43 GMT, 1 March 2024 George Galloway’s stunning victory in the Rochdale by-election is nothing less than a humiliation for Sir Keir Starmer. Despite riding high in the opinion polls … Read more

LORD DANNATT: The world has become a dangerous place, and I fear Britain is now in the last-chance saloon

LORD DANNATT: The world has become a dangerous place, and I fear Britain is now in the last-chance saloon

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE During the Cold War years, the defence budget of the United Kingdom was around 5 per cent of GDP. This bought us a Royal Navy with three aircraft carriers, a surface fleet of around 50 frigates and destroyers and an effective submarine fleet. … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: For BBC presenters to omit the fact of transgender killer Scarlet Blake’s real sex is an insult to the victim – and makes our national broadcaster complicit in a distortion that portrays women as more violent than they really are

STEPHEN GLOVER: For BBC presenters to omit the fact of transgender killer Scarlet Blake’s real sex is an insult to the victim – and makes our national broadcaster complicit in a distortion that portrays women as more violent than they really are

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE We don’t have many murders in Oxford, my home town. Inspector Morse is a diverting fantasy that is far from reality.  So I was intrigued to read a week or so ago about the case of Scarlet Blake, described as a ‘woman’. She … Read more

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Democracy is under threat as long as the police and politicians cower before the mob

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Democracy is under threat as long as the police and politicians cower before the mob

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE They are two of the most famous structures on Earth, beacons of British identity. Tower Bridge and the Houses of Parliament are instantly recognisable around the World, glorious symbols of a stable, welcoming democracy. Yet over the past few days, these historic landmarks … Read more

NADINE DORRIES: Margaret Thatcher made both Angela Rayner and me who we are today. Now the Labour deputy leader’s hypocrisy has been exposed

NADINE DORRIES: Margaret Thatcher made both Angela Rayner and me who we are today. Now the Labour deputy leader’s hypocrisy has been exposed

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Over the years I’ve become accustomed to the question: ‘You come from a council estate in Liverpool, so why aren’t you a Labour MP?’ My reply is always the same. I am a Tory MP because of Margaret Thatcher. In 1980, in what … Read more

ALEX BRUMMER: It is unforgivable if the builders’ dark arts have stopped young Britons getting on the housing ladder

ALEX BRUMMER: It is unforgivable if the builders’ dark arts have stopped young Britons getting on the housing ladder

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Alex Brummer for the Daily Mail Published: 00:31 GMT, 27 February 2024 | Updated: 02:07 GMT, 27 February 2024 Allegations of profiteering have dogged Britain’s major house builders for decades. But it is still shocking to learn that the nation’s eight biggest … Read more

SARAH VINE: Politics has always been a blood sport… but now MPs are the quarry

SARAH VINE: Politics has always been a blood sport… but now MPs are the quarry

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Before Islamic State sympathiser Ali Harbi Ali killed David Amess MP at his Essex constituency surgery, he first gave serious time and consideration to murdering my ex-husband, Michael Gove. Police had tracked Ali outside our London home – where we were living as … Read more

DOMINIC LAWSON: The former Post Office boss has lost her CBE, but a perjurer, a fraudster and a sex criminal are still Lords. Isn’t it time we stripped them of THEIR titles?

DOMINIC LAWSON: The former Post Office boss has lost her CBE, but a perjurer, a fraudster and a sex criminal are still Lords. Isn’t it time we stripped them of THEIR titles?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE One of the greatest of honours is the CBE: Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. Three days ago, it was announced that the King, on the advice of the Honours Forfeiture Committee, had stripped Paula Vennells, the former chief … Read more

PETER HITCHENS: Who began this filthy war? Why didn’t we side with democracy against the Kiev mob?

PETER HITCHENS: Who began this filthy war? Why didn’t we side with democracy against the Kiev mob?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE It is ten years, not two years, since the war in Ukraine began. And once you have grasped that, you can begin to think clearly about it. What is Britain’s interest in this conflict? Why do so many in politics and the media … Read more

ANDREW NEIL: A tsunami of cheap goods from China is about to slash inflation. It’s a chance to supercharge our economy – if only our ruling elite had the wit to see it

ANDREW NEIL: A tsunami of cheap goods from China is about to slash inflation. It’s a chance to supercharge our economy – if only our ruling elite had the wit to see it

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE A giant Chinese cargo ship, Explorer No 1, ploughed through the English Channel this week and on Wednesday ended its five-week voyage from Shenzhen, just north of Hong Kong, at a Dutch port, where it unloaded 7,000 made-in-China electric vehicles (EVs) destined for … Read more

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: The most poignant sign yet that King Charles has left the public stage as Queen Camilla stands in for him at Windsor Castle service

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: The most poignant sign yet that King Charles has left the public stage as Queen Camilla stands in for him at Windsor Castle service

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Ephraim Hardcastle for the Daily Mail Published: 23:24 GMT, 22 February 2024 | Updated: 07:06 GMT, 23 February 2024 The most poignant sign yet that the King has left the public stage will come on Tuesday. Queen Camilla will lead the royal … Read more

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: A self-defeating, dark day for democracy

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: A self-defeating, dark day for democracy

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Rarely can Britain’s MPs have looked more preposterous and self-important than over Wednesday’s vote on the war in Gaza. Most people will have been bemused by the chaotic, unedifying scenes in the Commons and the resultant fallout. Our puffed-up politicians have few enough … Read more

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Jon Sopel mocks Rishi Sunak’s Farmer’s Union speech after the PM uses a quote that are the first words to appear on BrainyQuote’s list of farming phrases

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Jon Sopel mocks Rishi Sunak’s Farmer’s Union speech after the PM uses a quote that are the first words to appear on BrainyQuote’s list of farming phrases

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Ephraim Hardcastle for the Daily Mail Published: 22:02 GMT, 21 February 2024 | Updated: 22:24 GMT, 21 February 2024 Ex-BBC correspondent Jon Sopel mocks PM Rishi Sunak‘s speech to the National Farmers’ Union – in particular his decision to quote President Eisenhower’s … Read more

NANA AKUA: We live in a world where a six-foot tall woman with a beard can play basketball against schoolgirls… so will a new scientific study help society wake up from the gender-fluid illusion?

NANA AKUA: We live in a world where a six-foot tall woman with a beard can play basketball against schoolgirls… so will a new scientific study help society wake up from the gender-fluid illusion?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Nana Akua Published: 18:05 GMT, 21 February 2024 | Updated: 18:05 GMT, 21 February 2024 So, men and women are different after all. In other news, the Pope is still Catholic and the Earth still orbits around the sun. New research, published … Read more

RICHARD KAY: I’m told Prince William wants to move away from mere platitudes. If so, we’re heading for dangerous, uncharted waters…

RICHARD KAY: I’m told Prince William wants to move away from mere platitudes. If so, we’re heading for dangerous, uncharted waters…

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Prince William is by some distance the most popular member of the Royal Family. And when his stylish wife Catherine is at his side, these approval ratings soar even higher. This popularity is fused by two inherited — and diametrically opposed — characteristics: … Read more

DAVID BARRETT: Is the arrival of unchecked ‘high-risk’ flights to the UK happening all over the country?

DAVID BARRETT: Is the arrival of unchecked ‘high-risk’ flights to the UK happening all over the country?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By David Barrett Home Affairs Editor Published: 22:19 GMT, 19 February 2024 | Updated: 02:53 GMT, 20 February 2024 James Cleverly will not be happy to wake up to yet another immigration crisis this morning. Already tasked with resolving two huge issues – … Read more

KEMI BADENOCH: Whatever Michael Sheen says, the truth is we’re pouring millions in to SAVE steel jobs in Britain

KEMI BADENOCH: Whatever Michael Sheen says, the truth is we’re pouring millions in to SAVE steel jobs in Britain

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Kemi Badenoch Published: 23:20 GMT, 18 February 2024 | Updated: 23:50 GMT, 18 February 2024 Promoting his new drama The Way, Michael Sheen has said that ‘the people of Port Talbot have been let down’ regarding redundancies at its steel plant. But … Read more

DOMINIC LAWSON: You can virtually hear big firms sucking up to Labour, but if they win it’ll be the sound of jobs gurgling down the plughole…

DOMINIC LAWSON: You can virtually hear big firms sucking up to Labour, but if they win it’ll be the sound of jobs gurgling down the plughole…

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE That sound you can hear, like water as it gurgles down the plughole, is of big business sucking up to Labour. Most glutinously, at a £1,000-a-head event at the Oval cricket ground the other week (sold out in four hours) at which executives … Read more

PETER HITCHENS: At the coming General Election, vote for ‘None of The Below’. It’s the only way to get the parties we deserve

PETER HITCHENS: At the coming General Election, vote for ‘None of The Below’. It’s the only way to get the parties we deserve

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE At the coming Election, nobody will get what they vote for, even if their party wins. Tory voters will not get a conservative government, or even a Conservative one. They will get the usual bunch of propeller-headed hedge-fund free-market fanatics, flanked by sexual … Read more

ESTHER MCVEY: Endless muzak is not good enough… This telephone queue hell is a malaise that needs shaking off

ESTHER MCVEY: Endless muzak is not good enough… This telephone queue hell is a malaise that needs shaking off

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Esther Mcvey Published: 01:56 GMT, 18 February 2024 | Updated: 02:03 GMT, 18 February 2024 Any organisation that serves the public needs to put the public first.  Unfortunately, key customer service measures in the public sector, such as speed of service, regularly … Read more

We may not want war, but war is on our doorstep. A terrifying new world order has emerged from the conflict in Ukraine. If the West runs now, we’ll pay a high price, writes DAVID PATRIKARAKOS

We may not want war, but war is on our doorstep. A terrifying new world order has emerged from the conflict in Ukraine. If the West runs now, we’ll pay a high price, writes DAVID PATRIKARAKOS

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE A new age was born in Ukraine. I saw its first beginnings in 2014, shortly after Vladimir Putin invaded Crimea, and then its full emergence as the Kremlin’s forces rumbled across the borders on February 24, 2022. Putin’s act of savage imperialism unveiled … Read more

ANDREW NEIL: In the wake of the shattering by-election results, the Tories have only one option: go for growth

ANDREW NEIL: In the wake of the shattering by-election results, the Tories have only one option: go for growth

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The week started rather well for Rishi Sunak and the Conservatives: not a sentence anybody has been able to write for quite some time. Keir Starmer was being roundly bashed for executing yet another U-turn — this time ditching Labour’s pledge to invest … Read more

MARK ALMOND: Netanyahu is being drawn into a Hamas trap that could trigger a catastrophic new war. This is how he can avoid it…

MARK ALMOND: Netanyahu is being drawn into a Hamas trap that could trigger a catastrophic new war. This is how he can avoid it…

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The city of Rafah, at the southern end of the Gaza Strip, might be the most densely populated place on Earth right now. Five months ago, before the bloody atrocities committed by Hamas terrorists on October 7 and Israel‘s enraged response, the city … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: How many Labour MPs feel a greater loyalty to the Palestinian cause than to Keir Starmer?

STEPHEN GLOVER: How many Labour MPs feel a greater loyalty to the Palestinian cause than to Keir Starmer?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The term ‘Fifth Column’ originated in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). It refers to a clandestine group of people who attempt to undermine a nation’s solidarity from within, on behalf of another nation or enemy. During the Cold War there was a small … Read more

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Will King Charles remove Harry and Meghan’s titles following their website launch?

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Will King Charles remove Harry and Meghan’s titles following their website launch?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Harry and Meghan continue to toy with royal rules as they launch another website, but will the King remove their titles?  ‘Not likely, that would involve Parliament and might easily misfire,’ says my reliable royal source.  Many of Charles’s subjects – particularly those … Read more

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Boris Johnson is urged to come to the rescue of Rishi Sunak ahead of the election – but the PM ‘will have to ask him personally’

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Boris Johnson is urged to come to the rescue of Rishi Sunak ahead of the election – but the PM ‘will have to ask him personally’

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Ephraim Hardcastle for the Daily Mail Published: 22:09 GMT, 13 February 2024 | Updated: 23:32 GMT, 13 February 2024 Boris Johnson is urged to come to the electoral rescue of Rishi Sunak – but the PM will have to ask him personally, we … Read more

Why Joe Biden may be clinging to power so he can install Michelle Obama as his replacement: Democrats are panicking over the increasingly doddery 81-year-old President. But he could have one last desperate trick up his sleeve… writes TOM LEONARD

Why Joe Biden may be clinging to power so he can install Michelle Obama as his replacement: Democrats are panicking over the increasingly doddery 81-year-old President. But he could have one last desperate trick up his sleeve… writes TOM LEONARD

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE There was something missing from last night’s SuperBowl Sunday that not even the appearance of Taylor Swift cheering on her football-star boyfriend could make up for. Joe Biden skipped the traditional pre-game presidential interview, a 15-year-old White House tradition. Given that it’s a … Read more

DOMINIC LAWSON: Biden is completely past it but Trump’s grip on reality is no better. What a choice at a time of war

DOMINIC LAWSON: Biden is completely past it but Trump’s grip on reality is no better. What a choice at a time of war

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Shock news: the President of the United States, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr, is ‘a well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory’. In fact, everyone knew that. But because this was the reason given in a legal report for not prosecuting the President for … Read more

AMANDA PLATELL: William must never forgive his shameless, fly-in, fly-out brother Harry

AMANDA PLATELL: William must never forgive his shameless, fly-in, fly-out brother Harry

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Opinion was divided over Prince Harry’s mercy dash from LA to be by his father’s side after news broke of the King’s cancer. He was seen by some as a loving son desperate to be with his stricken Pa. Others viewed it differently. … Read more

ANDREW NEIL: At over £50bn a year, Britain is the world’s 6th biggest defence spender. So why are our forces so badly equipped and humiliatingly hollowed out? The answer is that MoD bureaucrats are guilty of incompetence, stupidity and reckless squandering

ANDREW NEIL: At over £50bn a year, Britain is the world’s 6th biggest defence spender. So why are our forces so badly equipped and humiliatingly hollowed out? The answer is that MoD bureaucrats are guilty of incompetence, stupidity and reckless squandering

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Britain will this year spend more than £50billion on its military, making us the sixth-largest defence spender on the planet and the biggest in Europe.  It’s still not enough in these increasingly dangerous times, with wars, hostile dictatorships and security threats on all … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: As the shadow of war grows, Rishi might win more respect – and votes – by putting defence ahead of tax cuts

STEPHEN GLOVER: As the shadow of war grows, Rishi might win more respect – and votes – by putting defence ahead of tax cuts

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Has any recent Budget been so eagerly awaited as the one Jeremy Hunt will unveil in less than four weeks’ time? It will be the last of this Parliament, and very possibly the last that a Tory Chancellor will deliver for many years. … Read more

Could Geri Halliwell’s lady of the manor life with Christian Horner be about to crash?  ALISON BOSHOFF reveals how friends think he is a ‘snob’ and admit ‘she wouldn’t be travelling by private jet if it wasn’t for him’

Could Geri Halliwell’s lady of the manor life with Christian Horner be about to crash?  ALISON BOSHOFF reveals how friends think he is a ‘snob’ and admit ‘she wouldn’t be travelling by private jet if it wasn’t for him’

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Visitors to Geri Halliwell-Horner’s house can be in no doubt of the fervour of her admiration for husband Christian, the boss of Red Bull’s Formula 1 team. Scatter cushions are adorned with phrases such as: ‘Mr & Mrs Horner, est 2015’, and strikingly, … Read more

It’s right the Church cares about asylum seekers… but it should not facilitate sham conversions to help them stay here

It’s right the Church cares about asylum seekers… but it should not facilitate sham conversions to help them stay here

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE As a devout Hindu, Rishi Sunak may sometimes wonder whether the Church of England has got it in for him. The Archbishop of Canterbury has emerged as one of the ringleaders in the House of Lords who want to emasculate the Government’s Bill … Read more

Charles waited so long to be King… now THIS: The King’s biographer ROBERT HARDMAN captures the profound sympathy over a health crisis so soon after monarch assumed his mother’s mantle

Charles waited so long to be King… now THIS: The King’s biographer ROBERT HARDMAN captures the profound sympathy over a health crisis so soon after monarch assumed his mother’s mantle

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Charles III never had some grand masterplan sitting in a drawer. He never (contrary to the plotline of soap operas like The Crown), agitated to occupy his throne a day before it was ordained from on high. Nor, though, has he regarded himself … Read more

Charles waited so long to be King… now THIS: The King’s biographer ROBERT HARDMAN captures the profound sympathy over a health crisis so soon after monarch assumed his mother’s mantle

Charles waited so long to be King… now THIS: The King’s biographer ROBERT HARDMAN captures the profound sympathy over a health crisis so soon after monarch assumed his mother’s mantle

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Charles III never had some grand masterplan sitting in a drawer. He never (contrary to the plotline of soap operas like The Crown), agitated to occupy his throne a day before it was ordained from on high. Nor, though, has he regarded himself … Read more

Harry’s arrival will test William’s resolve. So will their father’s illness lead to a rapprochement between brothers?

Harry’s arrival will test William’s resolve. So will their father’s illness lead to a rapprochement between brothers?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE It is not hard to imagine the confusion of emotions that will be flooding through Prince William’s mind today: sadness and anxiety at his father’s illness but also bewilderment at the enormity of the challenge now facing him and the inevitable sacrifices he … Read more

NADINE DORRIES: I salute Brianna Ghey’s brave mother… but a ban on children owning smartphones would be unenforceable. Big Tech must shield them from the web’s darkest corners

NADINE DORRIES: I salute Brianna Ghey’s brave mother… but a ban on children owning smartphones would be unenforceable. Big Tech must shield them from the web’s darkest corners

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE I am not sure how Esther Ghey, mother of murdered teenager Brianna, gets out of bed each morning, or if she will ever smile again. But what I do know is that she is a selfless and forgiving hero despite living the nightmare … Read more

MARK ALMOND: The lessons of Rorke’s Drift that America its allies are failing to heed…

MARK ALMOND: The lessons of Rorke’s Drift that America its allies are failing to heed…

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Colonial history is no longer taught to young British officers at Sandhurst. And most American military planners might never have heard of the desperate battle to save an outpost called Rorke’s Drift in the Zulu Empire. But that Victorian battle in 1879, and … Read more

STEPHEN POLLARD: Any dog owner whose pet takes a human life should face murder charges – and I say that as someone whose mother was maimed by our family’s Jack Russell

STEPHEN POLLARD: Any dog owner whose pet takes a human life should face murder charges – and I say that as someone whose mother was maimed by our family’s Jack Russell

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Stephen Pollard For The Daily Mail Published: 17:15 GMT, 4 February 2024 | Updated: 19:09 GMT, 4 February 2024 How many more people need to die before proper action is taken against the owners of dangerous dogs? On Saturday, 68-year-old Esther Martin, … Read more

DOMINIC LAWSON: If it’s wrong to overturn the courts on Rwanda, then it’s wrong to overturn the Post Office convictions. The blockers in the Lords can’t have it both ways

DOMINIC LAWSON: If it’s wrong to overturn the courts on Rwanda, then it’s wrong to overturn the Post Office convictions. The blockers in the Lords can’t have it both ways

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Let no one doubt the passion and sincerity with which the Archbishop of Canterbury is fighting the Government’s plans to send to Rwanda those ‘boat people’ risking their lives to escape the horrors of… northern France.  He has described the policy as ‘ungodly’, … Read more

SARAH VINE: Their normality made me think… what if that evil had been germinating in my own house?

SARAH VINE: Their normality made me think… what if that evil had been germinating in my own house?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE What could be worse than burying your own child? It must surely be a lifelong sentence of sadness, a nightmare from which you can never wake. But to suffer such a tragedy through an act of wanton violence is unthinkable. I cannot imagine … Read more

PETER HITCHENS: Ignorance and anger drive the debate on Israel and Russia

PETER HITCHENS: Ignorance and anger drive the debate on Israel and Russia

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Why is politics like football? I have no idea. But it is. If you take one political position, you are automatically assumed to have joined a side, and so to have chosen all the other views that often go with that one.  You … Read more

PLATELL’S PEOPLE: I’ve suffered the same anger and agony as Kyle Walker’s betrayed wife Annie Kilner

PLATELL’S PEOPLE: I’ve suffered the same anger and agony as Kyle Walker’s betrayed wife Annie Kilner

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Still seared in my memory all these decades later is the moment my husband told me he’d been having an affair with a colleague. The moment he pleaded, sobbing, that she ‘meant nothing’ to him, that he only loved me. Before adding that … Read more

QUENTIN LETTS: Florid, banal psycho-babble reeking of opportunism – Harry and Meghan are riding other people’s grief like trams

QUENTIN LETTS: Florid, banal psycho-babble reeking of opportunism – Harry and Meghan are riding other people’s grief like trams

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Veteran Sussex watchers were ­yesterday in their power-showers, trying to scrub clean after the latest hosing of treacle from Meghan and Harry. The couple had issued another of their press statements, this time about child safety on the internet. Such announcements have become … Read more

JAN MOIR: How insulting that Alan Bates is still treated as a grubby villain on the make

JAN MOIR: How insulting that Alan Bates is still treated as a grubby villain on the make

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE There has been a 20-year campaign. There has been endless coverage in newspapers, including this one. There was even a TV drama, watched by millions, which put the Post Office scandal back in the headlines. Mr Bates vs The Post Office (ITV) had … Read more

TOM UTLEY: At 70, when nature calls she shrieks, but the joys of a discreet alfresco pee ought to be enjoyed by ALL!

TOM UTLEY: At 70, when nature calls she shrieks, but the joys of a discreet alfresco pee ought to be enjoyed by ALL!

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Don’t tell Mrs U, but I ­often steal out into the darkness of the garden ­after she’s gone to bed, and relieve myself behind her lovingly tended shrubs in a corner where nobody can see me. Well, it doesn’t seem to do her … Read more

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Titter ye not, missus. Rolling your eyes is racist

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Titter ye not, missus. Rolling your eyes is racist

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE No, missus. Titter ye not. How long before every re-run of a Frankie Howerd show has to come with a ­trigger warning? I’m not joking, missus. Rolling your eyes is now officially considered to be racist. Yes, no, really. I said, Francis. Fran-cis, … Read more

QUENTIN LETTS: Half-starved Rishi, fresh from his latest 36-hour fast, pounced on This Morning’s mid-week milanese like a seagull

QUENTIN LETTS: Half-starved Rishi, fresh from his latest 36-hour fast, pounced on This Morning’s mid-week milanese like a seagull

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Quentin Letts for the Daily Mail Published: 16:57 GMT, 30 January 2024 | Updated: 21:34 GMT, 30 January 2024 Fresh from his latest 36-hour fast, Rishi Sunak went to ITV’s London studios to be interviewed on the This Morning sofa. The jaunty … Read more

FIORE LONGO: Human rights abuses are often funded with British donations

FIORE LONGO: Human rights abuses are often funded with British donations

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Fiore Longo, Campaign Director Of Survival International Published: 23:39 GMT, 28 January 2024 | Updated: 02:24 GMT, 29 January 2024 The Baka people are trapped in tragedy – one partly funded by Western donors and governments. The forest they cherish and have … Read more

DOMINIC LAWSON: Ministers should listen to drivers – and Toyota’s wise boss – about all the snags with electric cars

DOMINIC LAWSON: Ministers should listen to drivers – and Toyota’s wise boss – about all the snags with electric cars

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE When it comes to realism and logic, whom would you trust more: engineers or politicians? This is an especially pertinent question when all the governments in the Western world are committed to ‘net zero carbon emissions’: but it is the energy providers and … Read more

DAN HODGES: Rishi has to call the bluff of rebels just like John Major did – or else suffer death by a thousand cuts

DAN HODGES: Rishi has to call the bluff of rebels just like John Major did – or else suffer death by a thousand cuts

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Cabinet Ministers are calling it the ‘Rope-A-Dope’ strategy. ‘Remember when Muhammad Ali fought George Foreman,’ one explained to me. ‘He covered up himself and leant against the rope of the boxing ring and simply let Foreman keep punching until he was exhausted. Then … Read more

PETER HITCHENS: If we don’t want death, blackouts, and busybodies in every corner of our lives, end this brainless march to war

PETER HITCHENS: If we don’t want death, blackouts, and busybodies in every corner of our lives, end this brainless march to war

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Are we the baddies? What if the Ukraine war is just as stupid and wrong as the Iraq war, but the state propaganda has been more successful and hardly anybody has realised… yet? Many people to this day still think the damaging and … Read more

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Rolling Stone Bill Wyman blames Second World War rationing for the short stature of himself, bandmate Brian Jones and other stars including Beatle Ringo Starr

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Rolling Stone Bill Wyman blames Second World War rationing for the short stature of himself, bandmate Brian Jones and other stars including Beatle Ringo Starr

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Ephraim Hardcastle for the Daily Mail Published: 21:51 GMT, 25 January 2024 | Updated: 22:32 GMT, 25 January 2024 Bill Wyman blames Second World War rationing for the short stature of himself and fellow Rolling Stone Brian Jones (both 5ft 6in).  Claiming … Read more

PETER HITCHENS: I’ve witnessed two executions and I’ve no problem with Kenneth Smith being put to death in Alabama – although hanging would be swifter and more humane

PETER HITCHENS: I’ve witnessed two executions and I’ve no problem with Kenneth Smith being put to death in Alabama – although hanging would be swifter and more humane

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE In modern Britain your view on the death penalty is a test of whether you are a good person. I am therefore a bad person. Hundreds of right-thinking people, especially at the BBC, regard me as a monster. For I believe that there … Read more

QUENTIN LETTS: Penny Mordaunt delivered a passage of praise for Rishi so purple it could have been a love letter

QUENTIN LETTS: Penny Mordaunt delivered a passage of praise for Rishi so purple it could have been a love letter

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Quentin Letts for the Daily Mail Published: 16:58 GMT, 25 January 2024 | Updated: 17:31 GMT, 25 January 2024 Alarm bells erupted in the Commons, the sort of klaxons you get in James Bond films when the villain’s lair is under attack. … Read more

ROSS CLARK: Rotten management. Poisonous Unions. The Royal Mail proves you can take a firm out of the public sector but you can’t take the public sector out of the firm

ROSS CLARK: Rotten management. Poisonous Unions. The Royal Mail proves you can take a firm out of the public sector but you can’t take the public sector out of the firm

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE How hard it is to imagine the glorious and efficient postal service that, in 1936, inspired W. H. Auden to write his poem Night Mail. It was composed to accompany a short film documentary on the ‘Travelling Post Office’ — on which thousands … Read more

It’s not mad (although it is controversial) to believe Boris alone can save the Tories from catastrophe

It’s not mad (although it is controversial) to believe Boris alone can save the Tories from catastrophe

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Not all problems in life are soluble. This is certainly true of politics. Let’s be realistic. The Tories are in a mess and it’s very doubtful whether they will be able to get out of it before the General Election. It seems not … Read more

MARK ALMOND: The Houthis and Hamas both have a very clear strategy. Do we? These religious death cults cannot be pounded into submission. The surest route to victory is a different approach

MARK ALMOND: The Houthis and Hamas both have a very clear strategy. Do we? These religious death cults cannot be pounded into submission. The surest route to victory is a different approach

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE After his brilliant, unconventional tactics had helped to secure victory for the Allies in the Middle East at the end of the First World War, Lawrence of Arabia was summoned by an Australian general. Colonel T.E. Lawrence, just 30 years old and a … Read more

QUENTIN LETTS: Unlike Blair, Rishi doesn’t beat his pigeon chest over military action. Tory MPs may wish he did…

QUENTIN LETTS: Unlike Blair, Rishi doesn’t beat his pigeon chest over military action. Tory MPs may wish he did…

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Quentin Letts for the Daily Mail Published: 16:54 GMT, 23 January 2024 | Updated: 18:00 GMT, 23 January 2024 At Parliament we had the shipping forecast, read by Rishi Sunak. The general synopsis at 0600 hours: Red Sea, rough, occasional missiles, reprisals … Read more

NADINE DORRIES: We should support brave head Katharine Birbalsingh – and ban prayer mats in schools

NADINE DORRIES: We should support brave head Katharine Birbalsingh – and ban prayer mats in schools

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Back in 2006, Jack Straw — the former Home and Foreign Secretary who was then Labour MP for Blackburn — wrote in his local newspaper that he felt uncomfortable talking to women who came to see him at his constituency surgery with a … Read more

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Would Boris Johnson be Rishi Sunak’s ideal Washington ambassador if Donald Trump wins back the White House?

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Would Boris Johnson be Rishi Sunak’s ideal Washington ambassador if Donald Trump wins back the White House?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Ephraim Hardcastle for the Daily Mail Published: 22:20 GMT, 22 January 2024 | Updated: 04:17 GMT, 23 January 2024 Should Rishi Sunak confound the opinion polls and remain in Downing Street while Donald Trump regains the White House, wouldn’t Boris Johnson be the … Read more

Lord Winston’s ‘tache was hopping about like a mink! QUENTIN LETTS watches the House of Lords debate the Rwanda Bill

Lord Winston’s ‘tache was hopping about like a mink! QUENTIN LETTS watches the House of Lords debate the Rwanda Bill

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Opposition to the Rwanda policy was opened in the Lords by the bloke whose shifting legal advice took us into the Iraq war. Lord Goldsmith KC (Lab) was aghast that Rwanda might be ‘unsafe’ for illegal immigrants. Bomber Goldsmith, whose war helped create … Read more

If Trump really is so uniquely appalling, how come tens of millions of perfectly reasonable Americans want him back in the Whitehouse, writes FREDDY GRAY

If Trump really is so uniquely appalling, how come tens of millions of perfectly reasonable Americans want him back in the Whitehouse, writes FREDDY GRAY

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Let the howling and gnashing of teeth begin. Following his thumping victory in Iowa on Monday night and with a commanding lead going into Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary, Donald Trump looks nailed on to secure the Republican Party‘s nomination for the US presidency. … Read more

Why does the gullible Left still lionise Lenin as a benign intellectual and the acceptable face of Communism when he ruthlessly murdered his opponents in their thousands, starved two million Russians to death and wrote the playbook for Stalin?

Why does the gullible Left still lionise Lenin as a benign intellectual and the acceptable face of Communism when he ruthlessly murdered his opponents in their thousands, starved two million Russians to death and wrote the playbook for Stalin?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The British actor Miles Malleson, a far-Left activist and supporter of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, was in the Reading Room of the British Museum in the 1920s and got into conversation with a long-serving librarian. Did the librarian remember a Mr Ulyanov, … Read more

MAIL ON SUNDAY COMMENT: Stonewall’s stealthy erosion of our values must be checked

MAIL ON SUNDAY COMMENT: Stonewall’s stealthy erosion of our values must be checked

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Mail on Sunday Comment Published: 02:50 GMT, 21 January 2024 | Updated: 02:52 GMT, 21 January 2024 Western civilisation often looks the wrong way when it is threatened. After huge events, such as the September 11 outrages in New York, the free … Read more

DAN HODGES: Three wise men rescued Rishi. But nothing will save the Tories if this farce continues

DAN HODGES: Three wise men rescued Rishi. But nothing will save the Tories if this farce continues

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Ultimately it was the three wise men who came to the Prime Minister’s rescue. ‘Jacob Rees-Mogg, IDS [Iain Duncan Smith] and John Redwood were the ones who saved Rishi,’ a rebel MP explained to me about last week’s Rwanda Bill. ‘We had the … Read more

SARAH VINE: I pray for Kate but my non-fatal hospitalisation turned out to be a blessing in disguise

SARAH VINE: I pray for Kate but my non-fatal hospitalisation turned out to be a blessing in disguise

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The news that the Princess of Wales was in hospital recovering from abdominal surgery took me right back to one morning about 15 years ago. I had just finished dropping the kids off at school and was heading out to walk the dog … Read more

BORIS JOHNSON: The global wokerati are trembling so violently you can hear the ice tinkling in their negronis… but a Trump presidency could be just what the world needs

BORIS JOHNSON: The global wokerati are trembling so violently you can hear the ice tinkling in their negronis… but a Trump presidency could be just what the world needs

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE With the shriek of elderly beldames leaping on the piano stool after spying a mouse in their ­petticoats, the Western liberal ­intelligentsia has finally ­spotted the likely result of this November’s U.S. presidential elections. The results from the Iowa Republican caucus have exploded … Read more

ANGELA MOLLARD: If Harry is smart, he’ll jump on a plane. This is the moment he must grow up and be there for his family… or face becoming irrelevant

ANGELA MOLLARD: If Harry is smart, he’ll jump on a plane. This is the moment he must grow up and be there for his family… or face becoming irrelevant

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Angela Mollard Published: 16:58 GMT, 19 January 2024 | Updated: 17:38 GMT, 19 January 2024 More than at any other time in his life, Prince Harry is at crossroads. His 75-year-old father is heading to hospital for surgery, his sister-in-law is in … Read more

TOM UTLEY: If any of our sons installs a camera to spy on Mrs U’s childminding skills (as happened to a friend of ours), they’ll need to find a new babysitter!

TOM UTLEY: If any of our sons installs a camera to spy on Mrs U’s childminding skills (as happened to a friend of ours), they’ll need to find a new babysitter!

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE How firm should we be with the children in our charge? It’s a question I’ve been pondering since a dear friend told me of a shock she received after she’d spent the day at her daughter’s flat, looking after her granddaughters while their … Read more

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Beat the Big Freeze – break out the Bacofoil

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Beat the Big Freeze – break out the Bacofoil

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Today’s headlines from the BBC and Sky News. Last year was the hottest ever as dangerous record temperatures swept the planet because of man-made global warming. In other news, much of Britain shivered under several inches of snow as the Big Freeze continued. … Read more

​EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Is Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie’s apparent lack of support for their father Prince Andrew because he is yet to fulfil his pledge to show his regret for his association with Jeffrey Epstein by fighting sex trafficking?

​EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Is Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie’s apparent lack of support for their father Prince Andrew because he is yet to fulfil his pledge to show his regret for his association with Jeffrey Epstein by fighting sex trafficking?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Princess Eugenie and her sister Beatrice have apparently declined to publicly voice support over their father Andrew’s plight.  Could it be because the duke has yet to fulfil his settlement pledge to Virginia Giuffre that he would ‘demonstrate his regret for his association’ … Read more

EDWARD LUCAS: Britain faces the gravest threat since 1945. Yet our defences are pitiably weak and our leaders are inept, arrogant and naive

EDWARD LUCAS: Britain faces the gravest threat since 1945. Yet our defences are pitiably weak and our leaders are inept, arrogant and naive

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The Third World War is coming, and Britain is likely to be fighting a many-sided conflict against Russia, Iran, China and North Korea within five years. That is not scaremongering. It’s the warning this week from Grant Shapps who, in his first major … Read more

RICHARD KAY: The double blow of King Charles and our future Queen Kate’s medical treatment leaves the nation reeling… it sends a shiver down our spines and shows how threadbare royal resources are

RICHARD KAY: The double blow of King Charles and our future Queen Kate’s medical treatment leaves the nation reeling… it sends a shiver down our spines and shows how threadbare royal resources are

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE To women everywhere, she is as celebrated for her beauty and her poise as she is envied for her smiling, vibrant energy. A youthful mother whose willowy frame and lustrous hair seem the very essence of good health. So the news that the … Read more

Just do what the voters want, you bewigged twazzocks! QUENTIN LETTS watches MPs debate the Rwanda Bill

Just do what the voters want, you bewigged twazzocks! QUENTIN LETTS watches MPs debate the Rwanda Bill

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Lawyers, for hours. Jings, they waffled. Some pinched the air with finger and thumbtip, bouncing on the balls of their feet and rolling their tongues like plum stones.  Others listened with drollery, savouring fellow jurists’ Latin phrases, the cited subclauses, the velvety smarm … Read more

SARAH VINE: Grooming gangs in Rochdale. Hamas rapists in Israel. And savage repression in Iran… A new axis of misogynist evil is sweeping the world – and the Left has nothing to say

SARAH VINE: Grooming gangs in Rochdale. Hamas rapists in Israel. And savage repression in Iran… A new axis of misogynist evil is sweeping the world – and the Left has nothing to say

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Maggie Oliver is the former Greater Manchester Police detective who, along with councillor Sara Rowbotham and ex-Crown Prosecutor Nazir Afzal, exposed the failings of the police and local authorities in the Rochdale child sex-abuse ring. She deserves a gong. They all do. First, … Read more

ANDREW PIERCE: Rishi Sunak played the good cop over his Rwanda bill – then the whips dramatically raised the stakes

ANDREW PIERCE: Rishi Sunak played the good cop over his Rwanda bill – then the whips dramatically raised the stakes

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE On Monday, Rishi Sunak was refusing to discuss the doom-laden YouGov poll splashed in some of that morning’s papers predicting a devastating 1997-style election wipeout for the Conservatives. But yesterday, as Tory MPs were debating the Prime Minister’s flagship Rwanda Bill, he could … Read more

DANIEL HANNAN: The Channel boats make a mockery of Britain’s laws and guarantee an election rout. That’s why every Tory who wants to keep their seat must support this bill

DANIEL HANNAN: The Channel boats make a mockery of Britain’s laws and guarantee an election rout. That’s why every Tory who wants to keep their seat must support this bill

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Conservative MPs are staring down the barrel of a gun. Unless voters get to see illegal migrants being marched off planes in Rwanda before poll-ing day, they face electoral annihilation. Frankly, even if deportations have started by then, the next election will be … Read more

JUSTIN WEBB: Get set for Biden v Trump, round two: It now seems almost impossible for anyone to catch Donald – even if he is imprisoned his supporters say they’ll stick with him

JUSTIN WEBB: Get set for Biden v Trump, round two: It now seems almost impossible for anyone to catch Donald – even if he is imprisoned his supporters say they’ll stick with him

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Justin Webb Published: 09:39 GMT, 16 January 2024 | Updated: 10:40 GMT, 16 January 2024 He was a loser. Now he is back to winning. Donald Trump lost the 2020 election and did his party much damage in the congressional midterm contests … Read more

DOMINIC LAWSON: Ed Davey & Co are endlessly self-righteous, but history shows the Lib Dems are the dirtiest street fighters in politics

DOMINIC LAWSON: Ed Davey & Co are endlessly self-righteous, but history shows the Lib Dems are the dirtiest street fighters in politics

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Few Conservative MPs are more loathed by Labour than Lee Anderson: as a defector from their party, and a former coal miner at that, his interventions are always unwelcome. Except for last week’s Prime Minister’s Questions, when he drew the House’s attention to … Read more

ANDREW PIERCE: Should outgoing moneybags MP Chris Skidmore foot the bill for the by-election he triggered by resigning?

ANDREW PIERCE: Should outgoing moneybags MP Chris Skidmore foot the bill for the by-election he triggered by resigning?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Andrew Pierce for the Daily Mail Published: 22:37 GMT, 14 January 2024 | Updated: 22:41 GMT, 14 January 2024 Tory MP Chris Skidmore was already due to step down at the next General Election, during which his Kingswood constituency in Gloucestershire is … Read more

MAIL ON SUNDAY COMMENT: Alarming proof that these ‘do-gooders’ are simply deluded fools

MAIL ON SUNDAY COMMENT: Alarming proof that these ‘do-gooders’ are simply deluded fools

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Supporters of uncontrolled immigration love to pose as moral superiors. In 2018, self-admiring passengers on a Turkish Airlines plane due to leave Heathrow prevented the deportation of Somali gang rapist Yaqub Ahmed.  They made no effort to find out why he was being … Read more

BORIS JOHNSON: Sir Keir voted to ditch our alliance with the Saudis, which would have allowed Houthi rebels to wreak even more destruction… Starmer needs to tell us why on earth we should trust Labour with our security

BORIS JOHNSON: Sir Keir voted to ditch our alliance with the Saudis, which would have allowed Houthi rebels to wreak even more destruction… Starmer needs to tell us why on earth we should trust Labour with our security

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Well, the Houthis had it coming. We had no choice but to act. Together, the U.S. and the UK have launched retaliatory strikes against more than 60 targets on 16 sites in Yemen. The night sky is filled with the retina-scorching blaze of … Read more

JAN MOIR: That judge was right about snowflakes. We’ve turned into a nation of whiny milksops

JAN MOIR: That judge was right about snowflakes. We’ve turned into a nation of whiny milksops

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE A judge has said children must not be brought up as coddled snowflakes, unable to walk across a street themselves – but is it already too late for all that? Judge Rupert Lowe was speaking out after hearing how a divorced father had … Read more

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Why Paula Vennells returning her CBE is worthless unless Rishi Sunak acts to annul the ex-Post Office boss’s honour

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Why Paula Vennells returning her CBE is worthless unless Rishi Sunak acts to annul the ex-Post Office boss’s honour

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Ephraim Hardcastle for the Daily Mail Published: 22:18 GMT, 10 January 2024 | Updated: 23:31 GMT, 10 January 2024 Rishi Sunak needs to act to ensure Paula Vennells’ CBE is annulled. Simply returning the gong means nothing.  When Carla Lane, creator of … Read more

QUENTIN LETTS: Usually eager for a slot at PMQs, Sir Ed today gave the Commons a swerve – unavoidably detained elsewhere, possibly under a blanket with his fingers in his ears

QUENTIN LETTS: Usually eager for a slot at PMQs, Sir Ed today gave the Commons a swerve – unavoidably detained elsewhere, possibly under a blanket with his fingers in his ears

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Sir Edward Davey was absent. The Lib Dem leader, who as you will know is one of the western world’s leading moralisers, had been offered a slot at PMQs.  He gets one every couple of months and normally gobbles them down like a … Read more

Britain is an island, Grant Shapps, and to defend ourselves we need the Royal Marines. To diminish them would be spectacularly stupid, warns Admiral Lord West

Britain is an island, Grant Shapps, and to defend ourselves we need the Royal Marines. To diminish them would be spectacularly stupid, warns Admiral Lord West

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The Royal Marines are the Navy’s sea soldiers and its instant strike force — among the toughest, most highly trained and effective troops anywhere in the world. Their motto — Per mare, per terram (By sea, by land) — summarises their ability to fight … Read more

Has Sarah Ferguson taken her foot off the pedal in supporting Andrew to avoid damaging her TV work? Writes EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE

Has Sarah Ferguson taken her foot off the pedal in supporting Andrew to avoid damaging her TV work? Writes EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Ephraim Hardcastle for the Daily Mail Published: 22:48 GMT, 9 January 2024 | Updated: 23:55 GMT, 9 January 2024 Has Fergie taken her foot off the pedal of her ‘best man in the world’ support for Andrew?  That’s what she called her … Read more

Has Sarah Ferguson taken her foot off the pedal in supporting Andrew to avoid damaging her TV work? Writes EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE

Has Sarah Ferguson taken her foot off the pedal in supporting Andrew to avoid damaging her TV work? Writes EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Ephraim Hardcastle for the Daily Mail Published: 22:48 GMT, 9 January 2024 | Updated: 23:55 GMT, 9 January 2024 Has Fergie taken her foot off the pedal of her ‘best man in the world’ support for Andrew?  That’s what she called her … Read more

Could King Charles REALLY evict Prince Andrew from the Royal Lodge with latest Jeffrey Epstein disclosures in danger of jeopardising financial agreement between brothers?

Could King Charles REALLY evict Prince Andrew from the Royal Lodge with latest Jeffrey Epstein disclosures in danger of jeopardising financial agreement between brothers?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Ephraim Hardcastle for the Daily Mail Published: 00:10 GMT, 9 January 2024 | Updated: 03:33 GMT, 9 January 2024 With the latest Epstein disclosures in danger of jeopardising the financial agreement between the King and Prince Andrew, can Charles really evict his … Read more

DOMINIC LAWSON: Why Commons Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle’s ‘sent in error email’ starkly exposes his unwise love of the limelight

DOMINIC LAWSON: Why Commons Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle’s ‘sent in error email’ starkly exposes his unwise love of the limelight

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Well, this is all very odd. A few days ago, Members of Parliament received their first communication of the year from the office of the Speaker, Sir Lindsay Hoyle. After declaring that he hoped they had enjoyed a ‘restful recess’, MPs were informed … Read more

Killing Fields journalist John Pilger was truly courageous. But he let his hatred of Britain and America push him into the arms of dictators like Putin and Castro, writes STEPHEN GLOVER

Killing Fields journalist John Pilger was truly courageous. But he let his hatred of Britain and America push him into the arms of dictators like Putin and Castro, writes STEPHEN GLOVER

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE One week ago today a superhero of the Left died at the age of 84. John Pilger had a good claim to being the most influential journalist of his generation. Although there have been obituaries in the Press, some favourable and others hostile, … Read more

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Britain’s proud role in ending the slave trade

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Britain’s proud role in ending the slave trade

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The transatlantic slave trade is one of the darkest and most indelible stains on human history. Over more than two centuries, millions of black Africans were abducted from their homes, transported across the ocean in chains and put to back-breaking work in strange … Read more

ANDREW NEIL: As Labour leader’s big New Year speech turns out to be a work of mind-numbing banality… The man who’s broken more promises and executed more U-turns in opposition than most governments manage in office

ANDREW NEIL: As Labour leader’s big New Year speech turns out to be a work of mind-numbing banality… The man who’s broken more promises and executed more U-turns in opposition than most governments manage in office

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Prime Minister Rishi Sunak revealed the country’s worst kept secret this week: the general election won’t be until the autumn, at the earliest. True, there had been some fevered speculation in the Westminster village, generated by its more easily excited denizens (especially journalists … Read more

RICHARD KAY: King Charles promised the Queen that he would look after Prince Andrew, but is he now regretting last week’s show of unity at Sandringham?

RICHARD KAY: King Charles promised the Queen that he would look after Prince Andrew, but is he now regretting last week’s show of unity at Sandringham?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE With the benefit of hindsight would the King have agreed to include Prince Andrew in the Royal Family‘s Christmas parade at Sandringham? At the time this fraternal decision seemed a typically Christian one from Charles. Ten days later as toxic new revelations about … Read more

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Here’s an idea… maybe the Tories should stand down in favour of Reform UK

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Here’s an idea… maybe the Tories should stand down in favour of Reform UK

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Where is it written that the Conservative Party has a divine right to rule? Or that Tory MPs are entitled to hold on to their seats, simply because the Labour alternative is too horrible to contemplate? Why, too, should Nigel Farage be expected … Read more

AMANDA PLATELL: Labour’s plan for menopausal women in the workplace will make people LESS likely to employ those of a certain age

AMANDA PLATELL: Labour’s plan for menopausal women in the workplace will make people LESS likely to employ those of a certain age

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Amanda Platell for The Daily Mail Published: 00:57 GMT, 4 January 2024 | Updated: 01:56 GMT, 4 January 2024 There can be no doubt Anneliese Dodds’ heart is in the right place, but in demanding greater rights for menopausal women in the … Read more

RICHARD KAY: After charity founder Camila Batmanghelidjh dies at 61… Why WERE so many stars and politicians dazzled by the queen of Kids Company?

RICHARD KAY: After charity founder Camila Batmanghelidjh dies at 61… Why WERE so many stars and politicians dazzled by the queen of Kids Company?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE One thing was sure, she certainly knew how to make an entrance. Festooned in voluminous, multi-coloured robes and beneath a flowery turban, she would arrive waving a hand clad in a bejewelled fingerless glove from which protruded crimson manicured nails. If she was … Read more

ANDREW NEIL: With Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un issuing New Year threats, the West’s woeful leadership crisis means 2024 could become the year of the despots

ANDREW NEIL: With Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un issuing New Year threats, the West’s woeful leadership crisis means 2024 could become the year of the despots

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Welcome to the Year of Elections. About four billion people — roughly half the world’s population — will go to the polls in 2024, from India to Mexico, America to Russia, Pakistan to the European Parliament and many places in between. We’re almost … Read more

SARAH VINE: Who the hell creates an online game in which your avatar can be raped?

SARAH VINE: Who the hell creates an online game in which your avatar can be raped?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE One of the few political triumphs for the Government last year was passing the Online Safety Act. After various baffling attempts to block it on ‘free speech’ grounds, we finally have a framework that can protect children and young people from the worst … Read more

IAN BIRRELL: A strike to shatter the idea medics are deified protectors of the ‘sacred’ NHS

IAN BIRRELL: A strike to shatter the idea medics are deified protectors of the ‘sacred’ NHS

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE A profession that pledges, ‘First, do no harm’ should have ethical qualms about risking patients’ welfare. But last year, the National Health Service was plagued by corrosive industrial actions – and now this selfish six-day walkout by junior doctors demanding a 35 per cent … Read more

CRAIG BROWN: The party poopers are out in force! As the three shepherds head home

CRAIG BROWN: The party poopers are out in force! As the three shepherds head home

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The shepherds made their way home in the New Year, only to find there was yet another party to go to. ‘So how was your Christmas?’ a woman in the doorway asked the first shepherd. ‘Can’t complain,’ he said. ‘Though there was a … Read more

MARK ALMOND: Make no mistake, this escalating crisis in the Red Sea could prove to be America’s Suez

MARK ALMOND: Make no mistake, this escalating crisis in the Red Sea could prove to be America’s Suez

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The attention of the world has been focused on the bloody tragedy unfolding in the Gaza Strip, as well as on the near-two-year calamity in Ukraine. But a perilous new blockage has lodged in the jugular vein of global trade: the Red Sea. … Read more

PROFESSOR PETER SOMMER: I feel sympathy for the victim of the alleged ‘virtual rape’, but is this really a police matter?

PROFESSOR PETER SOMMER: I feel sympathy for the victim of the alleged ‘virtual rape’, but is this really a police matter?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE For anyone who has not experienced the world of virtual-reality gaming, it might seem hard to imagine the ordeal of a child who suffers sexual taunts and attack in one. But many virtual reality (VR) environments, sometimes called the ‘metaverse‘, can feel overwhelmingly … Read more

DAVID DAVIS’s letter to the Tory faithful in full: ‘There’s no enthusiasm for Keir Starmer – so let’s give voters some real reasons to support us’

DAVID DAVIS’s letter to the Tory faithful in full: ‘There’s no enthusiasm for Keir Starmer – so let’s give voters some real reasons to support us’

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE I write to wish you a happy New Year, and I hope that you don’t mind if I offer some unsolicited views on the year ahead. I do so because I was struck during the Rwanda debate by the fatalistic way some of my … Read more

DOMINIC LAWSON: Harry and Meghan on I’m A Celeb and a hedgehog-saving 4mph speed limit… these are my (very cheeky) predictions for 2024

DOMINIC LAWSON: Harry and Meghan on I’m A Celeb and a hedgehog-saving 4mph speed limit… these are my (very cheeky) predictions for 2024

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Happy New Year? It’s hard to be optimistic when there’s war in Europe and the Middle East, British junior doctors are holding their patients as hostages to extract a 35 per cent pay increase — and the England one-day cricket team has turned … Read more

PETER HITCHENS: If David Cameron’s job is to keep us safe, why is he so intent on rattling his sabre again?

PETER HITCHENS: If David Cameron’s job is to keep us safe, why is he so intent on rattling his sabre again?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Why does Lord Slippery of Tripoli like conflict so much? There are many tasks for our Foreign Secretary, whose chief job is surely to keep us safe in this dangerous world. But the former David Cameron seems to be oddly interested in making … Read more

RICHARD KAY: Why it was Fergie’s loyalty to Prince Andrew that convinced King Charles to let her in from the cold

RICHARD KAY: Why it was Fergie’s loyalty to Prince Andrew that convinced King Charles to let her in from the cold

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The thank you letters have already been written and those multiple changes of clothing — so much a part of a Sandringham Christmas — have been packed away for another occasion. And judging by the warm words from old friends, an invitation to … Read more

TOM UTLEY: Self-driving cars on our roads by 2026 is great news… But why won’t we be allowed to sink a few in the pub before being driven home?

TOM UTLEY: Self-driving cars on our roads by 2026 is great news… But why won’t we be allowed to sink a few in the pub before being driven home?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE You know you’re getting on a bit when you start to regard driving less as a fun activity in its own right, and more as simply a reliable means of getting from A to B, without the exhausting business of walking up hills … Read more

JEFF PRESTRIDGE: Jeremy Hunt should take the nuclear option and abolish inheritance tax altogether

JEFF PRESTRIDGE: Jeremy Hunt should take the nuclear option and abolish inheritance tax altogether

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE For months, the Westminster rumour mill has suggested that inheritance tax – that most reviled of taxes – is for the chop. We thought its overdue end would be signalled in the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement last month. But Jeremy Hunt, to many people’s … Read more

JULIE BINDEL: This gender ideology is nothing less than a crime against a generation

JULIE BINDEL: This gender ideology is nothing less than a crime against a generation

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE When I was a child in the 1960s and 70s, I wanted to be a boy. I could see from a very early age that boys were given very much more freedom than girls. They didn’t have to wear uncomfortable tights and dresses, … Read more

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Sarah Ferguson was granted a royal Windsor funeral by the late Queen… But she’ll be interred at Frogmore – a mile away from where Prince Philip rests

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Sarah Ferguson was granted a royal Windsor funeral by the late Queen… But she’ll be interred at Frogmore – a mile away from where Prince Philip rests

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Sarah, Duchess of York, newly restored to the Sandringham festive walkabout after more than 30 years, was honoured by the late Queen just before her death.  HM sanctioned a St George’s Chapel Windsor funeral for Fergie followed by internment at the Royal Family burial ground … Read more

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE’s Boxing Day Quiz on the stars, as quoted by the master columnist in 2023

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE’s Boxing Day Quiz on the stars, as quoted by the master columnist in 2023

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Ephraim Hardcastle for the Daily Mail Published: 01:45 GMT, 26 December 2023 | Updated: 02:27 GMT, 26 December 2023 Post turkey and crackers, relax into that sumptuous armchair, don your festive thinking hat and tackle Ephraim Hardcastle’s Boxing Day Quiz on the … Read more

ROBERT HARDMAN: King Charles’s Christmas broadcast had a green-tinted nod, but royal advisers had removed all the booby traps

ROBERT HARDMAN: King Charles’s Christmas broadcast had a green-tinted nod, but royal advisers had removed all the booby traps

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Robert Hardman for the Daily Mail Published: 21:36 GMT, 25 December 2023 | Updated: 00:42 GMT, 26 December 2023 Coronation revisited – without the crowning. The King centred yesterday’s Christmas broadcast on the events of May 6 but with an emphasis on … Read more

DAN HODGES: Rishi started 2023 by vowing to bring us hope. He ends the year on the brink of a calamitous defeat

DAN HODGES: Rishi started 2023 by vowing to bring us hope. He ends the year on the brink of a calamitous defeat

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE On January 4, Rishi Sunak set out his New Year’s message. ‘New Year should be a time of optimism and excitement,’ he said. ‘Yet I know many of you look ahead to 2023 with apprehension. I want you to know that as your … Read more

IAIN DUNCAN SMITH: We may as well put up a sign saying: ‘City for sale, autocrats welcome’

IAIN DUNCAN SMITH: We may as well put up a sign saying: ‘City for sale, autocrats welcome’

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The revelations about the Lord Mayor’s links to China should be a matter of genuine concern. What is now very clear is that China poses a systemic threat to the United Kingdom and its allies. You only have to look at the charge … Read more

SARAH VINE: Brianna Ghey wasn’t just the victim of two unimaginably cruel teens – she was also betrayed by society’s shameful insistence on turning a blind eye to the human cesspit that is the internet

SARAH VINE: Brianna Ghey wasn’t just the victim of two unimaginably cruel teens – she was also betrayed by society’s shameful insistence on turning a blind eye to the human cesspit that is the internet

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The tragic case of Brianna Ghey, the young trans girl stabbed to death in a frenzied knife attack by two of her ‘friends’, is one that simply defies comprehension. How is it possible that two 15-year-olds — children — could have devised and … Read more

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Welcome to Britain… The theme park FROM HELL

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Welcome to Britain… The theme park FROM HELL

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Universal Studios has bought 480 acres of land near Bedford and is exploring the possibility of opening its first ever theme park in Britain. The company already has successful parks in Hollywood, Orlando, Beijing, Osaka and Singapore and is looking to expand into … Read more

I was sacked after 20 years as a teacher for standing up to gender ideology. The new guidance is welcome – but we must go further, writes KEVIN LISTER

I was sacked after 20 years as a teacher for standing up to gender ideology. The new guidance is welcome – but we must go further, writes KEVIN LISTER

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE It was around 11am one February morning last year that my two decades-long teaching career was unceremoniously terminated by an HR manager at the college where I taught A-level maths. I was told, to my bewilderment, that I was being suspended with immediate … Read more

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Prince Harry’s attempts to get his security detail reinstated are being watched by Prince Andrew, whose daughters Beatrice and Eugenie lost their own full-time officers

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Prince Harry’s attempts to get his security detail reinstated are being watched by Prince Andrew, whose daughters Beatrice and Eugenie lost their own full-time officers

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Ephraim Hardcastle for the Daily Mail Published: 23:46 GMT, 20 December 2023 | Updated: 23:49 GMT, 20 December 2023 Prince Harry‘s attempts to get his security detail reinstated are being closely watched by his uncle, Prince Andrew, who was dismayed when his … Read more

NANA AKUA: I’d rather see a pay rise for frontline doctors than backseat politicians

NANA AKUA: I’d rather see a pay rise for frontline doctors than backseat politicians

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Most of the time, workers can expect a pay rise only after they’ve done a good job. Members of Parliament appear to be an exception. Despite another 12 months in Westminster replete with scandal, sleaze and outright incompetence, MPs are slated to receive … Read more

SARAH VINE: Why I’m backing Esther Rantzen’s call for a debate on assisted dying

SARAH VINE: Why I’m backing Esther Rantzen’s call for a debate on assisted dying

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Since death is an inalienable part of life, it’s remarkable how little time we spend thinking about it. The Grim Reaper is all around us: in the news, on our screens, in films and books and on TV — and yet when it … Read more

KEMI BADENOCH: Some will think the government’s guidance on gender in schools is too strong – but WE don’t duck the hard questions

KEMI BADENOCH: Some will think the government’s guidance on gender in schools is too strong – but WE don’t duck the hard questions

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE In recent years, we have seen a surge in the number of children questioning the way they feel about being a boy or a girl. Children have been led to believe that they can be born in the wrong body and that we … Read more

QUENTIN LETTS: Amateur nudist Sir Bernard Jenkin chaired the liason committee with all the authority of Piglet as Rishi Sunak was questioned

QUENTIN LETTS: Amateur nudist Sir Bernard Jenkin chaired the liason committee with all the authority of Piglet as Rishi Sunak was questioned

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Twenty-one years ago that maniac Tony Blair submitted himself for examination by the Commons liaison committee, the elected house’s windiest grandees. It started a dreadful custom and yesterday Rishi Sunak played ninety minutes of near-pointless political ping-pong with the current liaison committee’s has-beens, … Read more

JANET STREET-PORTER: Sorry ladies, but why do modern women need BIG HAIR to prove they’re feminine? Miss France and – quelle horreur! – her pixie cut shows beauty is more than just a blow-dried mane

JANET STREET-PORTER: Sorry ladies, but why do modern women need BIG HAIR to prove they’re feminine? Miss France and – quelle horreur! – her pixie cut shows beauty is more than just a blow-dried mane

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The most popular hairstyle in 2023 (as worn by our future Queen) is a massive mane of blow-dried waves falling well past your shoulders. It takes hours to achieve, jumbo rollers, backcombing and even includes hidden extensions if you’re a bit lacking in … Read more

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Can the Duke of Beaufort ever forget Prince Harry throwing a girl into the swimming pool of Badminton House as a teenager?

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Can the Duke of Beaufort ever forget Prince Harry throwing a girl into the swimming pool of Badminton House as a teenager?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE By Ephraim Hardcastle for the Daily Mail Published: 00:59 GMT, 19 December 2023 | Updated: 01:13 GMT, 19 December 2023 Can the Duke of Beaufort ever forget Prince Harry‘s teenage attendance at a birthday party at Badminton House, when he randomly hurled a … Read more

ESTHER MCVEY: It’s out with the old political correctness… and in with a blast of common sense

ESTHER MCVEY: It’s out with the old political correctness… and in with a blast of common sense

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE I’ve become known as the ‘Minister for Common Sense’, and it is a moniker I am happy to embrace as I think the public is crying out for more common-sense decisions across the public sector. I am often frustrated at hearing how our … Read more

ANDREW PIERCE: The many merry wives of Lord Archer… Christmas will never be quite as sparkly again

ANDREW PIERCE: The many merry wives of Lord Archer… Christmas will never be quite as sparkly again

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE You know you’ve nailed the party food when Bake Off judge Prue Leith takes pains to congratulate the catering staff on their artistry with the pots and pans. The event? Jeffrey and Mary Archer’s last-ever champagne and shepherd’s pie party. The setting? Their … Read more

PETER HITCHENS: Nigel Farage is NOT our best hope – he is just like all of the others… So do you have to find out for yourselves, or will you listen to me?

PETER HITCHENS: Nigel Farage is NOT our best hope – he is just like all of the others… So do you have to find out for yourselves, or will you listen to me?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Optimism is a cruel deceiver. It led many to think that Al Johnson would be a good and conservative Prime Minister, and then he wasn’t either of those. He never had been, and if you had paid attention to me, you’d have known. … Read more

PLATELL’S PEOPLE: The Sussexes must have felt on top of the world with Spare the fastest-selling non-fiction book ever and a ‘£88million Netflix deal’ in the bag… So why was it this year that their sanctimonious bubble burst?

PLATELL’S PEOPLE: The Sussexes must have felt on top of the world with Spare the fastest-selling non-fiction book ever and a ‘£88million Netflix deal’ in the bag… So why was it this year that their sanctimonious bubble burst?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Can it be really be almost a year since Prince Harry‘s autobiography Spare was published? It became the fastest-selling non-fiction book ever, with more than 3.2 million copies shifted in the first week. At the time, the Sussexes, with a reported £88 million … Read more

JOHN MAIR: Britain must not repeat the mistakes of the Falklands and let my homeland Guyana be invaded by a South American dictator who wants to plunder its oil

JOHN MAIR: Britain must not repeat the mistakes of the Falklands and let my homeland Guyana be invaded by a South American dictator who wants to plunder its oil

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE For half a century, Britain has been fond of trumpeting the shared values of the 50 or so Commonwealth nations and the invisible ties that bind them to the ‘mother country’. But rarely has the strength of those ties been truly tested. All … Read more