Weight Loss: 7 Negative Calorie Foods You Can Add to Your Diet

Weight Loss: 7 Negative Calorie Foods You Can Add to Your Diet

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE They say counting calories is key to losing weight. However, given our hectic lifestyles, this can be a challenge. But your regular calorie consumption is directly related to obesity and fat storage, and can even slow down your metabolism. This can lead to weight gain or … Read more

Switch to these 5 exercises for flat abs and abs

Switch to these 5 exercises for flat abs and abs

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE You’re probably aware of the benefits of sit-ups for a flat stomach, but can they really help you achieve your goals? Let’s clear up the confusion and let you know that sit-ups alone won’t help. You need the exercises listed below for flat abs or stomach. … Read more

5 weight loss myths you need to stop believing to stay healthy and fit

5 weight loss myths you need to stop believing to stay healthy and fit

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE When we ask people about their New Year’s resolutions, we’re pretty sure the one that tops the list is always a promise to lose or gain weight. Yes, you heard that right! Losing weight is just as much a battle as gaining weight. Losing weight is … Read more

Fighting obesity? Try these portion control tips

Fighting obesity?  Try these portion control tips

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE The battle against weight gain may seem like it never ends. Ask those on the battlefield! Obesity has become a growing epidemic, with more and more people falling victim to it. The main culprit for obesity is long-term consumption of high-calorie foods and lack of exercise. … Read more

Excessive exercise and starvation: things to avoid on your weight loss journey

Excessive exercise and starvation: things to avoid on your weight loss journey

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE In the past few years, a sedentary lifestyle has become the root cause of many non-communicable diseases. So when it comes to health and fitness, there is a noticeable jump in people trying to follow and maintain a healthy diet. And because of this sudden surge … Read more

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