Rising council taxes are taking years off life, economists say

Rising council taxes are taking years off life, economists say

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE While families in poorer areas pay higher rates of council tax, inequality in local government funding means they have unequal access to basic services, WPI Economics found. The poorest decile of municipalities saw funding fall by 28 percent, compared to 10 percent in … Read more

The RAF chief was prepared to “test the limits of the law” to improve diversity

The RAF chief was prepared to “test the limits of the law” to improve diversity

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE He was the head of the Royal Air Force willing to embrace diversity initiatives to the “limit of the law,” according to a leaked transcript of an internal meeting. Air Chief Sir Mike Wigston told a virtual meeting of the RAF’s Ethnic Minority … Read more

How Britain’s seaside towns became a property battleground

How Britain’s seaside towns became a property battleground

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Andy Wood of Kingsbridge Estate Agents said: “The challenge for local people is buyers from other parts of the country buying here. they often use cash. “A lot of money has been waved in front of sellers in recent years and you can’t … Read more

Casey report: Five key findings of Met Police review

Casey report: Five key findings of Met Police review

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Baroness Louise Casey has published a report into the toxic culture of the Metropolitan Police. The review highlighted shocking examples of racist, homophobic and misogynistic behavior among officers and staff of Britain’s biggest police force. Lady Casey’s report explored how a toxic culture … Read more

Officers in the Met’s armed police forces are ‘gaming the system’ to cash in on overtime and expenses

Officers in the Met’s armed police forces are ‘gaming the system’ to cash in on overtime and expenses

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Armed officers have also been accused of booking unnecessary trips abroad and ordering iPads and personalized vests for expenses. They would book expensive hotel rooms to stay overnight and inflate their wages with “overtime rackets”, according to whistleblowers who spoke to Dame Louise’s … Read more

The Black British Business Awards is launching its 10th anniversary talent hunt

The Black British Business Awards is launching its 10th anniversary talent hunt

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Nominations for this year have opened Black British Business Awards as the event celebrates its 10th anniversary. Since its launch in 2014, the awards have sought to recognize the achievements of black UK professionals and entrepreneurs in the business world. In addition to … Read more

Middle-class parents are gifting housing deposits, which are blamed for the creation of two-track Britain

Middle-class parents are gifting housing deposits, which are blamed for the creation of two-track Britain

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The think tank’s Bee Boileau said gifts from parents are “very unevenly distributed”, helping to “transmit inequalities from one generation to the next”. The research found that the average size of gifts and loans was around £2,000, but the top 10 per cent … Read more

The world will miss almost all of the UN’s development goals without radical inventions

The world will miss almost all of the UN’s development goals without radical inventions

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE In one case, by breeding selected varieties of maize – which accounts for 30 percent of all calories consumed in sub-Saharan Africa – they produced hybrid maize that is more tolerant of hot, dry climates. Using the new maize in Kenya, small farmers … Read more

“We can sell your body parts”: the poverty behind the tourist paradise

“We can sell your body parts”: the poverty behind the tourist paradise

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE In a report published last year, the World Bank said any growth between 2015 and 2019 benefited only wealthier urban households, with the poorest rural households “left behind”. According to the organization, a number of factors have contributed to persistently high poverty rates, … Read more

Women’s History Month: 13 most amazing things women couldn’t do 100 years ago

Women’s History Month: 13 most amazing things women couldn’t do 100 years ago

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE 3. Open a bank account or apply for a loan Women also faced financial discrimination and were treated by banks as a high-risk investment 50 years ago. It was not until 1975 that women were able to open a bank account in their … Read more

Women’s History Month: 13 most amazing things women couldn’t do 100 years ago

Women’s History Month: 13 most amazing things women couldn’t do 100 years ago

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE 3. Open a bank account or apply for a loan Women also faced financial discrimination and were treated by banks as a high-risk investment 50 years ago. It was not until 1975 that women were able to open a bank account in their … Read more

13 things women couldn’t do 100 years ago

Women’s History Month: 13 most amazing things women couldn’t do 100 years ago

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE In 1929, women became independent “persons” under Canadian law by Canadian law. Canadian Emily Murphy, the first judge in the British Empire, and four others led the fight after lawyers challenged her right to sentence by arguing that as a woman she was … Read more

Gingerism is “harmful” and discrimination against hair color “can lead to abuse and suicide”

Gingerism is “harmful” and discrimination against hair color “can lead to abuse and suicide”

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Gingerism is one of the last socially accepted forms of discrimination, said the head of a human rights charity, as it calls for greater protection for the redhead. Intimidating people because of hair color it is not a “harmless joke” but leads to … Read more

In 25 years, there has been no progress in closing the gender pay gap

In 25 years, there has been no progress in closing the gender pay gap

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) noted that almost no progress has been made over the last 25 years in reducing Britain’s gender pay gap over the last 25 years, given the leaps in women’s education. The gap between men and women as … Read more

13 things women couldn’t do 100 years ago

Women’s History Month: 13 most amazing things women couldn’t do 100 years ago

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE In 1929, women became independent “persons” under the decision of the Confidential Council under Canadian law. Canadian Emily Murphy, the first judge in the British Empire, and four others led the fight after lawyers challenged her right to sentence by arguing that as … Read more

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