Endometriosis and Adenomyosis: Know the difference between the uterine conditions

Endometriosis and Adenomyosis: Know the difference between the uterine conditions

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE Endometriosis and adenomyosis both affect endometrial tissue that affects reproductive health, but they are different. Here’s everything you need to know. Endometriosis and adenomyosis are conditions where endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus, affecting various organs like the ovaries, bowels, lungs, and even the brain. The … Read more

Sarah Lancashire says menopause left her unable to remember why she was in Sainsbury’s

Sarah Lancashire says menopause left her unable to remember why she was in Sainsbury’s

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Ms Lancashire also revealed that she was suffering from hot flushes, which meant she needed two fans “pretty much on my face the whole time” during the NTA ceremony at London’s O2, where she also won a special recognition award. “I brought one … Read more

Listen: Is there a link between the menstrual cycle and sporting injuries?

Listen: Is there a link between the menstrual cycle and sporting injuries?

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Fiona Pocock, another guest on the podcast, is a former England rugby player who suffered an ACL injury during her playing career and now works as a personal trainer, focusing on female-specific programmes that are geared around the menstrual cycle. She recognises the … Read more

Celebrity Save Our Sperm Review: Ditch the skinny jeans, it’s male infertility made easy

Celebrity Save Our Sperm Review: Ditch the skinny jeans, it’s male infertility made easy

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE “By 2045, every man in the Western world could be infertile.” This alarming claim appeared at the beginning Celebrities, save our sperm (Channel 4), in which three contestants signed up to find out if their sperm is healthy and what they – and … Read more

One in five women becomes pregnant naturally after conceiving a child through IVF

One in five women becomes pregnant naturally after conceiving a child through IVF

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE One in five women gets pregnant naturally have a baby with IVFscientists have found, suggesting that fertility techniques can actually promote natural conception. Experts from University College London say that women should be aware that the chance of conceiving naturally is relatively high … Read more

International Men’s Health Week: 7 tips millennial men can follow to improve their fertility

International Men’s Health Week: 7 tips millennial men can follow to improve their fertility

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE On the way to building a happy and healthy family, reproductive health plays a vital role for both women and men. While women are often at the center of discussions about fertility and reproductive wellness, it’s important to know that men’s reproductive health is just as … Read more

Menopause is ‘a process not a disease’ and we focus too much on it, says a top GP

Menopause is ‘a process not a disease’ and we focus too much on it, says a top GP

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Restrictions in various areas mean that patients who are obese, smoke or whose partners have already had children may not be eligible for treatment, depending on where they live. A recent PET survey found that only half of GPs know what treatments were … Read more

Does vitamin D affect fertility? Let’s find out

Does vitamin D affect fertility?  Let’s find out

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE A healthy body is the sum of correct habits, lifestyle and adequate amount of essential nutrients in everyday life. Vitamin D is one such factor that people need to be careful about. Health problems such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis are becoming common in … Read more

A million babies die a year after birth until soon – but no progress has been made in a decade

A million babies die a year after birth until soon – but no progress has been made in a decade

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE A baby is born prematurely every two seconds and one of those babies dies every 40 seconds, according to new figures released by the United Nations. Despite the millions of babies who die each year from premature complications, no region in the world … Read more

“I had unexplained infertility at the age of 30”

“I had unexplained infertility at the age of 30”

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE We met in his brilliant office overlooking London Bridge. With my results in front of him, he rocked back in his expensive orthopedic chair, snapped his fingers and asked, “So, what’s wrong with you?” My inability to conceive was a puzzle to even … Read more

Air pollution can impair sperm quality and cause infertility

Air pollution can impair sperm quality and cause infertility

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Air pollution traffic or exposure to pesticides can significantly impair sperm quality and cause infertility, according to new research. A meta-analysis of nearly 27,000 studies identified factors such as air pollution or exposure pesticides or insecticidesincreased sperm DNA fragmentation by an average of … Read more

Contraceptives could lower the dose of the hormone by 92 percent and still work

Contraceptives could lower the dose of the hormone by 92 percent and still work

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Hormone doses in conventional contraceptives could be reduced by as much as 92 percent and still be effective, a new study has found. The study strengthens the hope that the amount of hormone in birth control pills and their side effects could one … Read more

Untreated endometriosis can cause these 8 problems!

Untreated endometriosis can cause these 8 problems!

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE Do you have endometriosis? If so, you will need to seek surgical intervention in time. If you don’t, you could be in serious trouble. It can cause pain, bloating, excessive menstrual bleeding, urinary complications, and digestive problems. It can even affect your fertility. Endometriosis will greatly … Read more

Children born through surrogacy or a donor should know their parentage by the age of seven

Children born through surrogacy or a donor should know their parentage by the age of seven

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Children conceived through egg or sperm donors or surrogacy Research shows that they should be told about their origins before their seventh birthday to avoid family problems later on. In a 20-year study, the University of Cambridge followed 65 families with children born … Read more

Take the pill after sex to combat the explosion of sexually transmitted diseases, the American public has been told

Take the pill after sex to combat the explosion of sexually transmitted diseases, the American public has been told

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE America’s top health institution has encouraged people to take the pill after sex – ‘the morning after’ – to combat the country’s skyrocketing rates of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis. A drug called doxycycline is an inexpensive antibiotic that has been sold for more … Read more

Millions of women are still at risk of death during pregnancy and childbirth

Millions of women are still at risk of death during pregnancy and childbirth

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Death Zaynab from bleeding after the birth of her daughter Safiya in Yemen highlights how quickly complications surrounding childbirth can escalate and the tragic consequences that can follow, especially in fragile states. In Zainab’s case, the hospital where she planned to give birth … Read more

Year-round access to cheaper HRT with a prepaid voucher to help 40,000 women

Year-round access to cheaper HRT with a prepaid voucher to help 40,000 women

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Better access to hormone replacement therapy will help women fulfill their potential, a government ambassador said, as cheaper prescriptions become available from Saturday. Women in England going through menopause can now access to cheaper HRT using a Prepaid Prescription Certificate (PPC) which lasts … Read more

Does a UTI lead to pelvic inflammatory disease? Learn from the expert

Does a UTI lead to pelvic inflammatory disease?  Learn from the expert

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE Pelvic inflammatory diseases (PIDs) cause inflammation of the female reproductive organs, causing scarring between the tissues and organs. This condition originates from an untreated sexually transmitted infection or other gynecological infection. Pelvic inflammatory disease affects the lower reproductive system, such as the uterus, fallopian tubes, or … Read more

Meet only the female ‘disease detectives’ who are reviving the health of their nation

Meet only the female ‘disease detectives’ who are reviving the health of their nation

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE It’s an innovative model that has empowered women and spurred remarkable health improvements across the country. Between 1990 and 2015, latest official data, Bangladesh reduced under-five mortality by 75 percent and maternal mortality by 71 percent. Rural women use contraception increased and the … Read more

On the road with armed ‘motorcycle midwives’ delivering Bangkok babies

On the road with armed ‘motorcycle midwives’ delivering Bangkok babies

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE In a city where notoriously bad traffic only gets worse, all 160 men in Bangkok’s Royal Traffic Police unit have become medically trained first responders – zipping past cars, trucks and two-wheeled tuk tuks to reach women in labor well ahead of any … Read more

The country with the highest rate of cervical cancer in the world – and why its women are dying needlessly

The country with the highest rate of cervical cancer in the world – and why its women are dying needlessly

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE “That’s the nature of the problem,” explains Dr. Sam Meja after her examination. “People are not screened early enough. “We miss a lot of screening opportunities. When we pick them up, they already have symptoms. We should have picked them up much, much … Read more

World Cancer Day 2023: 5 gynecological cancers that affect reproductive health

World Cancer Day 2023: 5 gynecological cancers that affect reproductive health

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE Gynecological cancers that start in the female reproductive organs are the most common cancers in women. They consist of cancers of the ovaries, uterus, cervix, vagina and vulva. Due to lack of cancer awareness and screening, most gynecological cancers are reported late, resulting in adverse outcomes. … Read more

Family planning in the global south is being hit by UK aid cuts, research finds

Family planning in the global south is being hit by UK aid cuts, research finds

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Contraceptive use is soaring around the world, but international funding to meet demand for family planning in developing countries has been hit by a sharp cut in UK aid, research has found. A survey of more than 80 countries found that more women … Read more

5 reproductive health myths busted by gynecologists

5 reproductive health myths busted by gynecologists

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE We live in a fast-paced modern world where science, technology and medicine are advancing rapidly. However, unfortunately we live in a country that lacks basic sex education, and people indulge in myths and taboos without knowing the root cause of reproductive problems. The time has come … Read more

Reproductive health problems: tips for proper prevention of gynecological disorders!

Reproductive health problems: tips for proper prevention of gynecological disorders!

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE Rumors about women’s reproductive health in India are often hushed up due to the nature of the topic. However, due to its complexity, it is vital that women pay attention to any symptoms of problems ‘down there’. It goes beyond the physical and also includes more … Read more

Can vaginal dryness cause infertility? Let’s find out

Can vaginal dryness cause infertility?  Let’s find out

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE Your reproductive health isn’t the only thing to think about when you’re trying to conceive. It also greatly depends on the health of your vagina. In addition, it contributes to infertility! how Because sperm must survive and travel from the cervix to the uterus and ultimately … Read more

There’s a new surveillance state—and women are being targeted

There’s a new surveillance state—and women are being targeted

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Such groups are not limited to countries where abortion access has recently been restricted. In the UK – where abortions are allowed with the consent of two doctors but have not been decriminalised – anti-choice groups have increased their presence outside clinics. Employees … Read more

Prevent menstrual and fertility problems with these 5 tips for better reproductive health

Prevent menstrual and fertility problems with these 5 tips for better reproductive health

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE Women’s health is critical and complex. However, being so busy with household chores, work commitments and other responsibilities, most women neglect their health. Regardless, while juggling these responsibilities, you need to be mindful of maintaining better reproductive health. Otherwise, you risk health problems, such as problems … Read more

Woman who was told not to let ‘hormones get out of control’ wins age discrimination case

Woman who was told not to let ‘hormones get out of control’ wins age discrimination case

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE A middle-aged woman who is considered “menopausal” by her younger male boss is won a lawsuit for age discrimination after being told not to let her hormones get out of control, an employment tribunal heard. Louise McCabe, then 55, was told by Jack … Read more

World IVF Day: 4 benefits of IVF treatment at the right age

World IVF Day: 4 benefits of IVF treatment at the right age

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE Infertility means the inability to conceive even after a year (or more) of unprotected sex. If you’re struggling to get pregnant, you’re not alone. Many people struggle with infertility. Various factors such as stress, uterine fibroids, impaired sperm production, blocked fallopian tubes, low ovarian reserve, endometriosis, … Read more

World IVF Day: 9 things you need to know if you are considering IVF treatment

World IVF Day: 9 things you need to know if you are considering IVF treatment

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE Infertility is a very sensitive issue for couples trying to conceive. However, developments in the field of assisted reproduction have brought happiness to countless couples who longed for children. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is one of those procedures that brings you one step closer to realizing … Read more

HRT will be available over the counter for the first time

HRT will be available over the counter for the first time

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Gina tablets are used to treat vaginal symptoms – such as dryness, pain, itching and unpleasant intercourse – caused by a lack of estrogen in postmenopausal women who have not had a period for at least a year. This comes after women struggled … Read more

When the US repeals Roe v. Wade, South America seeks to make abortion a fundamental right

When the US repeals Roe v. Wade, South America seeks to make abortion a fundamental right

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Now these groups are on the brink of a feat that was unimaginable a few years ago as a “green wave” spread across Latin America. The country will vote on a new constitution on September 4 – which includes confirming abortion as a … Read more

“Doctors were cruel”: Chilean government apologizes for forcibly sterilizing woman with HIV

“Doctors were cruel”: Chilean government apologizes for forcibly sterilizing woman with HIV

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The Chilean government has publicly apologized to an HIV-positive woman who was illegally sterilized by “cruel” and “unpathetic” doctors 20 years ago. In Thursday’s groundbreaking announcement, the Chilean state apologized for the first time to the unauthorized operation. The practice was once common … Read more

Home UTI test kits could save 10 million doctor visits each year

Home UTI test kits could save 10 million doctor visits each year

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Home diagnostic test kits urinary tract infections “in minutes” are being tested on the NHS and could save 10 million doctor visits each year. The kits allow patients to self-test with a dipstick, scan the results on a smartphone and diagnose via the … Read more

10 yoga asanas you need to do when dealing with PCOS

10 yoga asanas you need to do when dealing with PCOS

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE If you have irregular periods, try yoga for PCOS, which will not only make it easier, but will help regulate menstrual problems. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal problem that affects one in 10 women worldwide. Women with PCOS may have infrequent or prolonged … Read more

Teenage pregnancy is where I grew up – I didn’t just learn about contraception at university

Teenage pregnancy is where I grew up – I didn’t just learn about contraception at university

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE On International Women’s Day, we remember that gender equality – whether in Ghana or around the world – can only be achieved through access to sexual and reproductive health and rights. I cannot tell you exactly how and why my destiny was different … Read more

Eliminate menopausal fever with these 3 healthy drinks

Eliminate menopausal fever with these 3 healthy drinks

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE Menopausal fever occurs in many women. However, we have an expert who suggests some healthy drinks to relieve hot flashes. If your nights are accompanied by hot flashes and night sweats, you may be in the menopausal phase. Bleeding is one of the most painful symptoms … Read more

Early onset of menopause increases the risk of dementia later in life by a third

Early onset of menopause increases the risk of dementia later in life by a third

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE A new study has found that a woman is one-third more likely to develop dementia if she goes through early menopause. If a woman goes into menopause before the age of 40, it is considered “premature”, while the “early” is 40 to 44 … Read more

5 facts about your vagina that you should be proud of

5 facts about your vagina that you should be proud of

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE Blessed are those who have a super organ called the vagina! Ladies, here are some surprising facts about your vagina that you should know! The vagina is the most mysterious and intimate, but at the same time the most integral part of a woman. When it … Read more

Number 10 of the “cultural conflict” over self-made abortion pills

Number 10 of the “cultural conflict” over self-made abortion pills

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE A temporary do-it-yourself abortion system could become permanent, The Telegraph could reveal, amid a “cultural clash” of government beliefs. No. 10 assistants are expected to force to continue the “tablets by mail” system. introduced during a pandemic, which allows women in the first … Read more

“If it stops, we will march on Delhi”: Indian surrogate capital angrily welcomes possible ban

“If it stops, we will march on Delhi”: Indian surrogate capital angrily welcomes possible ban

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Mrs. Varsava gave birth to a child in the clinic of dr. Nayane Patel in Anand, a small regional city that has become India – and perhaps the world capital of surrogacy. Dr. Patel, an infertility and IVF specialist, set up a surrogacy … Read more

A moonshot to eliminate cervical cancer is at your fingertips

A moonshot to eliminate cervical cancer is at your fingertips

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Just over a year after the World Health Organization began its efforts to eradicate cancer for the first time in human history, the increased availability of HPV vaccines can ensure that hundreds of thousands of women do not become infected or die. For … Read more

PCOS and endometriosis are not the same! Realize the difference

PCOS and endometriosis are not the same!  Realize the difference

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE Polycystic ovary disorder (PCOS) and endometriosis are NOT the same! An expert explains the difference and sorts out your confusion! Among the many health battles that women face, two common diseases are polycystic ovary disorder (PCOS) and endometriosis. There are so many women around the world … Read more

See: Raise the mountains for safe rafts in Nepal

See: Raise the mountains for safe rafts in Nepal

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE Pragati Soti Khanal packs his huge gray and blue backpack every morning, ready to hike the famous Nepalese mountains. But she doesn’t pack crampons and climbing ropes. Instead, in go scales, huge bottles of hand sanitizer, a variety of medical instruments, and plastic … Read more

Norwegian study finds that Covid vaccines are linked to menstrual irregularities in young women

Norwegian study finds that Covid vaccines are linked to menstrual irregularities in young women

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE According to a Norwegian study, coronavirus vaccines are associated with slightly disrupted menstrual cycles in young women, especially with heavier periods. V a paper not yet peer-reviewed, researchers at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI) asked 6,000 women aged 18 to 30 … Read more

The truth about the “sexist surcharge” for emergency contraception in the UK

The truth about the “sexist surcharge” for emergency contraception in the UK

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE The product, available today, was originally designed as a remedy for women who had more irregular sex, which they could use fairly regularly – as many as four times a month. The idea was to provide an alternative for women who did not … Read more

Why early nutrition plays a key role in future health outcomes

Why early nutrition plays a key role in future health outcomes

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO CREATE FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE: CLICK HERE In 1944, a German-occupied blockade of the Netherlands cut off food and fuel supplies to locals, causing Dutch famine that affected about 4.5 million people. During this period, pregnant women should survive on only 400-800 calories a day. Although this famine ended more … Read more

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