Papad to glowing masks: 5 weird things you’ve heard about Covid-19 lately

Papad to glowing masks: 5 weird things you’ve heard about Covid-19 lately

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE While the new version of Covid-19 Omicron is spreading its wings around the world, we present to you some of the most unusual claims or studies on coronavirus detection and prevention. Living with the fear of Covid-19 is a new normality. This pandemic has put a … Read more

Anxiety and panic around Omicron? Try these 6 ways to calm your nerves

Anxiety and panic around Omicron?  Try these 6 ways to calm your nerves

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE Being concerned about the recent version of the Covid-19 Omicron is completely natural. But how can we deal with the psychosis of fear every time? As we wereAs we began to move through our lives and navigate through the ‘new normality’, a shocker entered our lives … Read more

Will it be the third wave? The government answers frequently asked questions about the Omicron version

Will it be the third wave?  The government answers frequently asked questions about the Omicron version

MY NUMBER 1 RECOMMENDATION TO LOSE WEIGHT: CLICK HERE The coronavirus version of Omnicron has rekindled fear. The center addressed people’s concerns by answering some common questions. Read on! Little normalcy has only just begun to emerge since the Covid-19 pandemic hit the world. Schools have opened up to some extent, offices have received staff … Read more

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