Today we’re getting to mention weight loss motivation. What does it fancy still move towards your goals without quitting? I feel the right thanks to start this conversation is to remind ourselves that favorite anytime we try to make a replacement habit right. Anytime we are moving towards any sort of change, moving towards health and weight loss goals. It’s a process, it is a practice and it takes time. It’s alleged to take time and quitting doesn’t speed that process up. I feel we are often fed numerous false ideas that you simply are able to do x goal in 30 days otherwise you can get a six pack in fortnight right. That the instant we desire the method isn’t going fast enough. We use that as a reason to quit right and that we use it as a reason to prevent moving towards our goals. So just note if you’re somebody who hops on and off different diet programs otherwise you end up blaming the program or blaming certain sorts of food or blaming things outside of you for your inability to continue moving forward on your path. You’ll be within the habit of quitting and that is okay because we’re getting to dive into what that’s all about during this article. Now let’s start by talking about quitting. Why exactly can we do it? So here’s the deal. Whenever we are moving towards a goal right, so you’ve got a weight loss goal and you start to practice new habits occupation the direction of that goal. There’ll be moments of discomfort; there’ll be moments of challenge right. A number of those moments just come from our thoughts right. It just comes from a thought that hey this is often not working or I do not know if I’m getting to get anywhere or I do not know if this is actually getting to achieve success right. Whatever it’s anything that presents some sort of discomfort eventually if we’re feeling like that long enough. Getting to the choice of quitting offers us a short lived feeling of relief right when something feels really hard then you give yourself permission to quit for the instant. It feels better right. It offers us a false sense of delight. If you think that about it because therein moment we’re experiencing relief from the discomfort of moving towards the goal or the discomfort of adjusting our habits so it is sensible right. Quitting offers us some level of relief but if we quit every single time, something feels hard or every single time the road gets bumpy then we get specialized at quitting because whatever we practice is what we get good at doing. So believe it. The sole thanks to really get stronger, the sole thanks to recover at something, to enhance upon something is to fall and need to push your way copy right is to stumble. Learn adjust and move forward.

If you think that a few baby walking or a baby crawling, they get stronger by pushing themselves copy all the time. They subside and that they push up. Believe getting to the gym right. You get stronger by breaking down your muscles resting then returning and doing it again right. So I really like brooding about it like anything we practice is what we’re getting to recover at. If you employ a challenge or if you employ confusion as a reason to prevent as a reason to quit, you’re just getting to get specialized at quitting. Then getting re-motivated and ranging from the start then hitting a bump then quitting again versus deciding what you are going to try to, committing thereto, letting it feel hard and bumpy and using that as a reason to work out what has got to happen next. And sometimes nothing has got to happen next. We just need to stay the course. If you look or if you quit whenever, something feels hard or whenever we feel a touch bit stuck within the process then you never find out how to beat that a part of yourself. You never find out how to expand into more of who you’re which honestly is basically what any and every one goal are about including your weight loss goals right. It’s about understanding yourself on a deeper level. It’s about understanding your needs and your wants and your desires and deciding the way to build a formula that works for you to assist you achieve those goals. It’s a call for participation of growth. It’s a call for participation of expansion and once you believe it like that then you’ll allow yourself to only let it’s a touch bit messy. Allow yourself to let its imperfect and permit it to maybe even feel uncomfortable or maybe hard sometimes without using that as a reason to prevent. Now there are two main reasons why we stop moving towards our goals, two main reasons why we quit. The primary one is that we do not make a commitment to ourselves right. We do not plan to the method and therefore the minute something feels hard or confusing or unclear, we use it as a reason to quit. So commitment may be a big one right. You would like to plan to your goal. The second is we do not believe that we will achieve the goal that we are beginning to commit. We do not believe we’re ready to lose the load. We do not believe that we’re capable of truly doing it because we’re constantly looking to our past for evidence of what we’ve wiped out the past. But what we’ve to recollect is within the here and now so as to realize the load loss goal that’s ahead folks. We’ve to work it out. We’ve to be willing to place the pieces together right but in fact we’re capable in fact.

We’re all able and once we tell ourselves we’re not and that we choose to not believe ourselves. It just gives us a very good reason to prevent trying that’s not based in fact. It isn’t based actually. Okay so how exactly can we move towards health and weight loss goals without quitting what are some really tangible steps which will help. Well I’m getting to share four of them with you immediately. Favorite, don’t change the goal. Change the timeline right. So if your goal immediately is to lose 50 pounds and you’re thinking that it isn’t working and it isn’t happening fast enough then you’re using that as a reason to mention this is often not working. I’m not getting to roll in the hay anymore. I’m getting to quit. Keep the goal extend the timeline right. I’m getting to give myself two years to work out the way to lose 50 pounds. If you knew that two years from now you’d reach your goal. Would you not want to continue on the journey? So often we give ourselves unrealistic time frames to succeed in our goals that it offers a very quick and straightforward way for us to quit because it feels overwhelming. There is a lot of negative emotion and that we do not believe in ourselves right, another specialized reason that we use to quit on ourselves. So don’t change the goal but give yourself longer to realize your goal. The second tip is to trade criticism for curiosity right. Once we get very critical of ourselves, when we’re really hard on ourselves, we truly lose. We lose access to understanding ourselves to seeing what is going on with ourselves. So I’m always encouraging my clients and my students to trade criticism for curiosity. I would like you to become absolutely fascinated with yourself right. Be so interested by yourself because everything we do I promise you are doing permanently reason and if you discover yourself having a tough time in creating a replacement habit or getting hung abreast of an old habit. There’s some nugget of wisdom in there for you. There’s some sort of message for you. There’s something you’re alleged to be learning therein space. So don’t use that as a reason to inform yourself you cannot do that and this is often too hard for you and you are not capable. All of that’s not true. Just stop that conversation. There is no fact therein statement. In fact you’re capable. You only need to create more room for yourself right. Be so curious with yourself and ask yourself what’s the message here. What’s this behavior teaching me? What do I even have to find out here which will open up an entire new world of data for you? Number three goes to return right off the heels of number two. Which is practice being as kind and compassionate to yourself as you humanly can right. Here’s the deal. Being human is hard.

It’s messy sometimes once we try to make change. When we’re trying to try to something different, sometimes it’s getting to feel hard and sometimes it’s getting to feel uncomfortable. Again don’t use that as a reason to beat yourself up. Be so gentle with yourself. Be tender. Be easy because that’s getting to help move you forward. I promise you if self-criticism worked. If beating yourself up, if being mean to you worked then we all would probably be already at our weight loss goals right. We might have well achieved them by now. So if for no other reason to practice being kind to you only realize it is that the only pathway to the change that you simply try to make. and therefore the fourth tip to assist you still move towards your health and weight loss goals without quitting is once you got to take an opportunity right. Sometimes it does get tricky. Sometimes it gets overwhelming. Sometimes it feels hard. Maybe it’s hard due to what we’re actually doing. Sometimes it’s hard simply because of what we’re telling ourselves like its all okay. Again we are human. it isn’t alleged to be an ideal linear journey but taking a touch little bit of break giving yourself a touch bit of a reprieve is such a lot simpler than simply quitting on yourself right whenever we quit. We allow ourselves to urge really confused because we expect we will not figure something out. When the reality is in fact we will figure it out. We just need to be willing to stay around when it feels mucky right. We’ve to be willing to stay around when it doesn’t seem super clear or when things don’t appear to be they’re occupation a wonderfully linear direction right. So just allow yourself to require an opportunity once you got to step back once you got to then still move forward right. That goes back to the entire concept that there’s no wagon. We do not get off the wagon and back on the wagon. Everything is momentum forward as long as you do not quit. The sole way you’ll fail is that if you quit. So next time you opt to plan to something, plan to it then if you become challenged, if you are feeling yourself having the will to prevent and you are feeling the will to quit step back and review these four tips. And ask yourself am I able to go slower. Am I able to give myself more time? Am I able to be a touch bit more curious with myself? What do I even have to find out here? Am I able to find how to be kinder, more compassionate, and gentler with myself as I figure this out? And do I want to require an opportunity or do I want to only take an opportunity for a few days then revisit this with a transparent mind okay. And let’s examine if that makes a special outcome. Thanks such a lot for reading and I’ll see you back here next time with some more food for thought.

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